What's the point of..............new Ultra Barbies?

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06.01.2008, 13:00

What's the point of..............new Ultra Barbies?

Wouldn't you sometimes like to have a forum with the ETV bosses, just to get inside their heads on various issues?  We may well be more sympathetic towards them if we could hear or read their point of view.

Take the Ultra Barbies for example:  Ket, who absolutely refuses to go along with the spirit of an erotic channel in any way at all, is a legacy of the failed Barbie shows.  Fair enough.  Most of the others have left, moved over to the "soft" side or have at least agreed to make some effort.  Arguably she should have gone by now like the very poor Vaya and Britney.  (But they didn't bring in the callers of course).

Which leaves the latest Barbie recruits, Violet and Zara.  Zara seems not to have lasted long.  Violet (first appearance 1st December) is a nice girl, speaks excellent English, and always seems to be in demand on the phones - which is, I suppose, ETV's answer to the original question.  But even if she talks really filthy on the telephone, even ETV must admit that she has no place in front of a camera on an erotic channel.  In fact she reluctantly went along with being molested by Sandra and Sugar for the first few shows, then made it clear that she wanted to be left alone.  She might as well, like Mariam before her, be off camera sitting at a desk.

So why would ETV employ her?  They didn't know at the time that she would be a hit with the callers and they must surely have asked at interview what she might be prepared to do.  I suppose they always hope that a model will settle down and become more adventurous, but I doubt that Violet ever gave them that impression.

More to the point perhaps, why would Violet herself apply for the position?  She must have known that she was entirely unsuitable for a job in front of the camera of something called eurotic tv.

The employment of new Ultra Barbies smacks of desperation at ETV, yet I cannot believe that, in a university city of well over a million inhabitants, it is impossible to find a supply of girls who might be prepared to do  something even vaguely erotic on camera, even if it's only wearing a semi-transparent dress like Hera.  At least it's an effort.  They can't all be Gias of course, though you would think there might be at least two or three more of her out there somewhere, given proper treatment and fair pay.

So, if you're reading this, ETV or Violet, please let us know the thought process.  We want to be sympathetic, so help us out occasionally.

19.06.2009, 09:19

Re: What's the point of..............new Ultra Barbies?

hey Ababazazad

This is a thread about ultra Barbies not for helena

18.06.2009, 09:51

i want helena

plase h want helena video more....plase

07.01.2008, 08:15

Re: What's the point of..............new Ultra Barbies?

ultra violet possibly

a shrinking violet with certainty

06.01.2008, 15:08

Re: What's the point of..............new Ultra Barbies?

The easy answer is: there is no point in that.
Maybe the retired models helped in building a impression of a horrible job with horrible callers, horrible management, horrible moderators, horrible working times, and so on in the model agencies (yes, there have been some professional or at least semi-professional fashion models like Helena, Melissa, …in the past), the universities, the fitness-studios, the arts-academies, and wherever they are looking for replacement. I guess that the payment isn’t attractive enough, to convince some girls working professionally in the adult business to join.
And looking at the absolute number of models, they seem to desperately hire whom they can get, no matter if the new ones are fitting the concept or not. So here we go: this is all we will get. Is it what we want, or should we move on and look for some other channel??? I guess that a lot of us decided for the latter option.

06.01.2008, 14:18

Re: What's the point of..............new Ultra Barbies?

Ultra Violet.

Or as Andy Worhol once said "Everyone is famous for 15 minutes"

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