The latest arrivals

3.32 (22 Bewertung(en))

(3.32 / 5, 22 Bewertungen)

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19.06.2013, 19:03

Re: The latest arrivals

Shirtfull wrote:A new face?

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
Right, she's called (H)El(l)en(a) ... as usual there are at least 2 versions of her name, she said she's 27 years of age ... and I say she's got an orthopaedic issue Confused

19.06.2013, 18:08

Re: The latest arrivals

A new face?

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

15.06.2013, 19:50

Re: The latest arrivals

lazaridis wrote:Let's also mention the fact that in the past, new models would fluently speak at least German or English.

which channel???

to be serious:
at etv you've always seen/ heard several models who speak or have spoken molvanian and molvanian only.
their sentences in other languages are nearly not understandable for the viewers.
and some of these models (e.g. Lilian) are still active at etv.

and afaik some of the new models speak a quite excellent english, according to some british viewers/ callers maybe the best english ever at etv.

15.06.2013, 18:01

Re: The latest arrivals

Let's also mention the fact that in the past, new models would fluently speak at least German or English. I would find nowadays ability to speak really pitiful Thumb down
That's too bad since a nice language, handled by Kia or Angelina, would produce a very desirable effect.

14.06.2013, 20:59

Re: The latest arrivals

welcome danineThumb up

14.06.2013, 20:33

Re: The latest arrivals

yes, I always wanted to get to know Nancy's mother Thumb up

14.06.2013, 17:47

Re: The latest arrivals

Welcome to a beautiful and attractive woman in front of us again Danine Thumb up

14.06.2013, 16:20

Re: The latest arrivals

Better Danine, it's the same pattern as Janeen-Janine.
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
It seems she is the current girlfriend of former Lilians boyfriend.

I wanna know this guy.
Big Grin

11.06.2013, 22:08

Re: The latest arrivals

....and welcome miss magicThumb upBig Grin

11.06.2013, 19:06

Re: The latest arrivals

outside wrote:Miss Magic, she speaks only english.
And she is bombastic.
She needs to be pimped. I can't understand why newbies like her don't get proper styling before they join the show - hardly any make-up (lipstick !!!), bad hairstyle, unfavourable clothes ... and obviously nobody told her that old school teasing is no longer appropriate - so a lot of work to do - but maybe she's worth the try - ETV needs a bigger cast...and we need bigger ...Tongue Tongue...

11.06.2013, 17:20

Re: The latest arrivals

Well, a kind of Magic is always needed Thumb up
If she'll be hired, I bet 1 million € that we'll see her soon in a nighshowTongueTongue

11.06.2013, 16:17

Re: The latest arrivals

Miss Magic, she speaks only english.
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
And she is bombastic.

11.06.2013, 16:16

Re: The latest arrivals

Actually there's a new girl in the studio,presented as "Miss Magic"!?!

She's also sheduled under this name in ETV's schedule...

06.06.2013, 21:08

Re: The latest arrivals

welcome pinkBig Grin

06.06.2013, 18:28

Re: The latest arrivals

Johnnymo wrote:Brown is gone away,
Pink has arrived!

When are coming Green, Yellow, Blue and Red?

Maybe when Quentin Tarantino will direct a showBig GrinBig GrinBig Grin