The latest arrivals

3.32 (22 Bewertung(en))

(3.32 / 5, 22 Bewertungen)

Autor Beiträge

20.12.2011, 16:07

Re: The latest arrivals

This is our new Model Suzy
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

10.12.2011, 21:14

Re: The latest arrivals

feels3 wrote:how many girls must left?
global crisisBig Grin
joke aside many of the girls are supporting the graduation exams, and I think that once graduates find another good job. so I think we should get on this

10.12.2011, 21:08

Re: The latest arrivals

Rabs wrote:Now really hot girls has arrive Thumb up
i hope that she wouldn't only be soft models Tongue

Agree, it's a very good thing that ETV is employing many fresh models now, but I'm wondering how many girls must leave? Confused

10.12.2011, 15:21

Re: The latest arrivals

Now really hot girls has arrive Thumb up
i hope that she wouldn't only be soft models Tongue

07.12.2011, 18:48

Re: The latest arrivals

GenaroXP wrote:Our new Model Monica
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

very pretty Thumb up

07.12.2011, 16:16

Re: The latest arrivals

Our new Model Monica
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

28.11.2011, 00:25

Re: The latest arrivals

wow....very beautiful girlThumb up
welcome in etv crew roshanaBig Grin hopes you enjoy and good luck for your workThumb up

27.11.2011, 20:48

Re: The latest arrivals

Looking something like beautiful Cindy.
I wish her (and us) a great career inside Etv Thumb up.

27.11.2011, 19:11

Re: The latest arrivals

I hope she no left fast and copy isabella for the first night show cute girlTongueTongueTongueThumb upThumb up

27.11.2011, 17:51

Re: The latest arrivals

Germane wrote:
elmo wrote:
JuFan wrote:
Chris26 wrote:New model on the screen.

I daresay she looks really beautiful. Smile

Her name is Roshana. In love

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]


I see potencial. Beautiful face.

27.11.2011, 17:01

Re: The latest arrivals

elmo wrote:
JuFan wrote:
Chris26 wrote:New model on the screen.

I daresay she looks really beautiful. Smile

Her name is Roshana. In love

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]


27.11.2011, 16:50

Re: The latest arrivals

voncall wrote:Who choices the models?


voncall wrote:Guys, look at the models of other channels availables in this forum and see the difference
ETV has 36 models but really how many are able to perform fine shows?

Most of the models on the UK channels for example are professional ones. On etv are only next-door girls. You can't compare etv with the others.

27.11.2011, 16:43

Re: The latest arrivals

JuFan wrote:
Chris26 wrote:New model on the screen.

I daresay she looks really beautiful. Smile

Her name is Roshana. In love

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

19.11.2011, 11:17

Re: The latest arrivals

Who choices the models?
Guys, look at the models of other channels availables in this forum and see the difference
ETV has 36 models but really how many are able to perform fine shows?

18.11.2011, 17:56

Re: The latest arrivals

grayday wrote:Quite a nice looking girl, any new faces are always welcome, but we have the age old question, Will she stay?

It's a guess,but I reckon she'll only ever stay until midnight! Tongue

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