The latest arrivals

3.32 (22 Bewertung(en))

(3.32 / 5, 22 Bewertungen)

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12.09.2011, 16:11

Re: The latest arrivals

jonas wrote:
hitman wrote:oh my GOD andrea is a copy of carmen!!! just NOT in face also on body ass tits hieght and color of her skin oh I am waiting for her full naked showsHeartThumb up
Maybe Carmen`s sister? Smile

I donot Now but it is maybay true.or she is her mother!!!

11.09.2011, 23:22

Re: The latest arrivals

hitman wrote:oh my GOD andrea is a copy of carmen!!! just NOT in face also on body ass tits hieght and color of her skin oh I am waiting for her full naked showsHeartThumb up
Maybe Carmen`s sister? Smile

11.09.2011, 21:38

Re: The latest arrivals

I know that he is not up to date. But after today 50 girls on the list of models. Has long since had so many girls in the ETV

11.09.2011, 19:22

Re: The latest arrivals

Legxpert wrote:She could be the sister of this sushi-girl who left some months ago?

I think soHeart

11.09.2011, 19:02

Re: The latest arrivals

Andria is a little southern italian city close to Bari.
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

11.09.2011, 16:59

Re: The latest arrivals

oh my GOD andrea is a copy of carmen!!! just NOT in face also on body ass tits hieght and color of her skin oh I am waiting for her full naked showsHeartThumb up

11.09.2011, 16:28

Re: The latest arrivals

She speaks Italian and English and a bit German.

11.09.2011, 16:27

Re: The latest arrivals

She could be the sister of this sushi-girl who left some months ago?

11.09.2011, 16:22

Re: The latest arrivals

So looks our new one Andria

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

11.09.2011, 16:06

Re: The latest arrivals

A new model entered the studio, she's called Andria! Thumb up

05.09.2011, 21:22

Re: The latest arrivals

With such models is ETV on the wrong way.

05.09.2011, 21:11

Re: The latest arrivals

Sorry I don't like her much, like Jane. Too many tatooes which I don't like. She appears to be a proffesional stripper much like Jane.ETV does not want these types, has always been the girl next door types. My opinion.

05.09.2011, 00:42

Re: The latest arrivals

Bebe is good looking girl especially for night shows Tongue

04.09.2011, 22:29

Re: The latest arrivals

Joanna said she speaks a good German.

04.09.2011, 22:28

Re: The latest arrivals

Girls page updated.
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