Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

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22.11.2011, 16:38

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

Amigo1205 wrote:Sorry, I miss the passion from Scarlett which Angelina shows , the heat that Gia shows, the warm and flirtatious eye of michele,or this friendly, natural laugh from Nancy and Lin. Scarlett seems to me mostly artificially cool and professional.
But I know that have very different tastes, so just my own opinion.

No problems mate, discussion is welcome in this thread.

22.11.2011, 16:10

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

Sorry, I miss the passion from Scarlett which Angelina shows , the heat that Gia shows, the warm and flirtatious eye of michele,or this friendly, natural laugh from Nancy and Lin. Scarlett seems to me mostly artificially cool and professional.
But I know that have very different tastes, so just my own opinion.

22.11.2011, 14:06

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

First time i saw Scarlet, i thought: cute.
First time i heard her voice: sweet.
When she became "hot": gorgeous.
After her returns: courageous.
After her great show of yesterday's night i have just one word: perfect !

22.11.2011, 13:33

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

After Scalet's opening number, their was plasma all over the floor
(no pun intended) the TV could not take the heat.
Was not expecting an opening like that, really enjoyed it In love
After that, she returned to her ususal erotic, sensual and giving
performance Thumb up
Gotta love her smile and those eyes.

22.11.2011, 12:25

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

I have often written here criticisms of mistreatment of the shows of Scarlet, and the bad camera work not to congratulate the team of ETV for the positive and good initiative of the show yesterday.Thumb upThumb upThumb up

A show without abominables cuts is not any more the same show, everything changes and the quality is much superior.

Finally, the talent and the work of Scarlet was filmed as it deserves.Smile

On the content, it is necessary to know that she did not do what she wanted.
She was worried during a big part of the show and also had to watch everything that was to be with other girls which undoubtedly limited her action and her creativity.

I could talk to her and i said it lacked a bit of movement and two or three strips solo, where she is the best.
Scarlet answered me that it was not possible yesterday because the girls had to stay near or on the couch.
Eli decision doubtless which for me has affected more creativity.
I think that it will be possible in the next shows because every Monday we will have the same type of show.

I approve and I want more. I'm not the only oneIn loveTongue

[b]not a new false club, this said for LBJ who reads here and who [b]played and manipulated very bad with the trust of Scarlet to fall her in a trap.[/b][/b]

Bravo Scarlet; although still tired and the other girls who participated well.Thumb up

One word,for me, it is better than the stream, the picture quality in more.
copy ETV

22.11.2011, 12:14

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

Great Great Great
A wonderful show Scarlet you are no. 1
Finally a show without the usual fast change of frames
I hope that this will no be alone and in future we will see other shows like Yesterday night

22.11.2011, 12:04

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

What a blast !.
Yesterday Night shows was a real confirmation about how things could be done and aslo who are the models who should be at shows the more and more.
I was scared about Scarlet attitude after Sunday experience.
Fortunatelly no reason to be scared.
Good Job Scarlet, go Scarlet go..

22.11.2011, 12:01

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

Scarlet deserves her own show.
She is a n°1 of the channel.

22.11.2011, 11:23

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

It is a miracle….Thumb upThumb upThumb up Queen Scarlet did it ….HeartHeartHeart She was the star of the show for fife hours..SmileSmileSmile I speak for my self if I say that I can watch Scarlet 24/7 non stop …TongueTongueTongue she is the shining star of my life…..HeartHeart Scarlet I love you and I think that you made the best show ever on ETVSmileSmile I cant find the words to thank you for bringing happens to our life …HeartHeart you are the best foreverSmileHeartIn loveSmileHeartIn loveThumb upThumb upThumb up

22.11.2011, 06:42

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

Carl wrote:I do hope Scarlet did not feel bad and loose her attitude after the [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] experience.
It will be a total disaster if this happens..
Let us see what is going on tonight Show.

My friend infact Scarlet has not been reason of your fears.
Scarlet and her disceple Kate have the hour glass figures, and
their curves begin from shoulder coming all the way down to
the hips where the curves become wider down the thgighs and
narrow down to the legs WHAT A PERFECTION, that's true the
nature gave them a blessing body.
I'm an architect and my ambition is to design a castle in the
figure of Scarlet and Kate.
Please do not blame me on what I wrote because Im dreaming.
sublime and fantastic dream.
John Guitar

21.11.2011, 22:17

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

I'm sure the fans of scarlet have tonight, a Super Fantastic Night!Thumb upThumb up

Great shots at the moment!!!Thumb upThumb up

I'm jealous,.... really ... Sad

21.11.2011, 19:56

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

I do hope Scarlet did not feel bad and loose her attitude after the [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] experience.
It will be a total disaster if this happens.
I like her "going commando" way of dressing Smile.
Let us see what is going on tonight Show.

21.11.2011, 18:52

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

Woow tonight we have three models only, with Scarlet
leading the show.
I would like to take this opportunity to express to Scarlet
my and all of her fans heartfel thanks for your very active
partecipation in ETV shows.
I have no doubt that it would not have been the succsess
of every show Scarlet involved without her presence.
I love you heartbreaker
Best regards
John Guitar

20.11.2011, 15:33

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

I dont know if Pino is on this forum, I would congratulate with him, he has the courage to write on sms
what wrong on ETV.
It is the same speech many times treated here, The usual fast switch of regia to change frame
Scarlet, for me the best model that ETV has, doesn''t deserve this

20.11.2011, 13:58

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

last night at 23 Pino asked for a Scarlet show

Scarlet was for ...5sec? on the screen than the camera was switched to the Schedule Director
anotrher 5 sec on Scarlet than back on Frau Director!
At 23,20 I turned off and had a helthy sleeping night

Somewhere this morning I've read Pino payed twice (second SMS for complain) for seeing nothing

I was thinking Scarlet the3rd was definitivelly the new unreplaceble star of this channel...that ETC consider finally her in such a way. I was wrong: it is still the same treatment as for the young girl who made me crazy 2 years ago.
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