Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

4.18 (131 Bewertung(en))

(4.18 / 5, 131 Bewertungen)

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11.12.2010, 12:28

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

i think the blond was much better but the black hair makes her look a bit dirtyer ;)

11.12.2010, 11:34

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

bellerophon wrote:Scarlet is scheduled to reappear over Christmas, so no need - yet - for weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth

Except that, the location of the models for feast days is made for a long time in advance and since there was missed Monday then nothing more.

11.12.2010, 11:18

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

I hope she will back blonde.
She's cute also with black hair but Scarlet, real and authentic Scarlet, is blondeTongue.
I'm sure this long pause could reload her batteries and we will join again with her infinite creativityThumb upSmileThumb up.

11.12.2010, 10:49

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

bellerophon wrote:Scarlet is scheduled to reappear over Christmas, so no need - yet - for weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth

Wearing a white fur trimmed red coat and bushy white beard? ... Tongue ... In love ... Confused ... Thumb up ... Big Grin .

11.12.2010, 10:36

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

That is well what is disturbing because I'm afraid when the darkness goes on.

11.12.2010, 01:45

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

did scarlet say anything about a break? normally she is very open with the viewers.

10.12.2010, 19:53

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

gudiwie wrote:ETV star is on the fade, or the light goes out Thumb down

Scarlet shining light is missing,

darkness where one looks

oh, no missunderstandings
at etv television station the light goes out

Scarlet star will shine forever In love

10.12.2010, 19:18

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

Sadly, stars of a critical size which burn brightly can collapse into a black hole ...

10.12.2010, 18:33

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

ETV star is on the fade, or the light goes out Thumb down

Scarlet shining light is missing,

darkness where one looks

10.12.2010, 16:00

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

Carl wrote:Where is Scarlet ? We miss her in last night shows.
When she is at Studio everything shines.

Totally agree with that.

But the problem is that ETV is afraid of her lights.

Surprising no!!!!!!!!!!!

08.12.2010, 13:07

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

Where is Scarlet ? We miss her in last night shows.
When she is at Studio everything shines.

06.12.2010, 17:19

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

I did not hear SCARLET say publicly that she prefers in black; I believe that it is rather opposite but even in

black it seems to me that it is possible to find one better and more resembling .

05.12.2010, 22:14

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

We miss her.
She is etv number one in many regards.
Always very professional and capable to transmit good atmosphere.
When she is in the show everything imrpoves a lot.

05.12.2010, 21:43

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

vogue wrote:
As far as I read on here,she is not in good mood...

I think you should know since last week she was not fine because of the events happened and reported here one week ago
Yes you’re right She needs to find nice time and good atmosphere around here.
That’s the reason why it’s better not to talk about what she has to do or not , and even what it will be better for her or not.
So please everybody stop talking about decision to be taken: maybe she’s now involved in some privat topics that deserve her full time.
Her real supporters also trust in her: they know she will do everything right for herself

05.12.2010, 21:37

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

outside wrote:Quite nice new "Blackberry" picture.

sorry ... but you are wrong. Confused