Roshana - Discussion & Chat

3.39 (31 Bewertung(en))

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05.02.2012, 10:20

Re: Roshana - Discussion & Chat

simply22 wrote:In little time she show tits without problem, and now the pussy!!

I'm a bit surprised that she show now her pussy without any problems and on a way as if she had never done anything else (routine) because in her first nightshows she has always said (on the mic) that she don't want to take off her pants but it's of course nice to see that she has change her opinion about that Smile unfortunately the camerawork was not the best last night and also the guy/girl on the buttons had a very nervous and fast finger and had switch to fast from her to other models when she was showing something interesting and the not fulfilling of 3 or 4 shower show requests (what was the fault of the director) was then the coronation.

05.02.2012, 10:01

Re: Roshana - Discussion & Chat

I think Roshana is wonderful and will be a surprise for any models are from the past in Etv! :-)

In little time she show tits without problem, and now the pussy!! Wow, soon she will be a hot model as Kristina, Angelina, Kia ecc ecc. ;-)

05.02.2012, 08:40

Re: Roshana - Discussion & Chat

hansdampf1984 wrote:Roshana wants to show her pussy, and the regie shows penelopeThumb upThumb upThumb up

Wow nice job

maybe [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] can help youBig Grin
don't forget the thanks buttonThumb up

05.02.2012, 01:52

Re: Roshana - Discussion & Chat

Roshana wants to show her pussy, and the regie shows penelopeThumb upThumb upThumb up

Wow nice job

05.02.2012, 00:50

Re: Roshana - Discussion & Chat

a little curiousityBig Grin
as a girl's name is a variant of Roshan (Hindi, Sanskrit), and the meaning of Roshana is "shining light".

05.02.2012, 00:42

Re: Roshana - Discussion & Chat

Roshana is brilliant girl.Her this night show very very sexyIn love

01.02.2012, 16:15

Re: Roshana - Discussion & Chat

My attitude is based on facts that you might not have witnessed.
Of course you know Roshana is younger than Karry to ETV.
Today Scarlet and Sabrina are best friends, I hope that it to be the same between Karry and Roshana.

01.02.2012, 15:56

Re: Roshana - Discussion & Chat

rialpka wrote:Her reaction after the stupid SMS received against Karry was not correct for the answer and then neither friendly in her behavior with Karry.
I can imagine what would have happened if she had acts in this way with Scarlet or Sabrina.
Youthful error perhaps from a model that already believes to have a little success and has already the big head.
If she continues thus I predict a short life in ETV

she didn't really answer to the VIP nor she answered to Karry. when Karry answered to the VIP Roshana tried to say something too but Karry didn't give the micro to Roshana. in fact Roshana seemed to be unhappy about the VIP, too.
sorry but such posts and attitudes like yours are the base for stupid topics like "Sabrina hates Scarlet".

PS: of course you know that Roshana is older than Karry.

01.02.2012, 15:41

Re: Roshana - Discussion & Chat

Her reaction after the stupid SMS received against Karry was not correct for the answer and then neither friendly in her behavior with Karry.
I can imagine what would have happened if she had acts in this way with Scarlet or Sabrina.
Youthful error perhaps from a model that already believes to have a little success and has already the big head.
If she continues thus I predict a short life in ETV

31.01.2012, 22:23

Re: Roshana - Discussion & Chat

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

30.01.2012, 10:41

Re: Roshana - Discussion & Chat

Amigo1205 wrote:[quote='timfrance']

for me are too many , "Baby, Sweet Heard, Darling" in their reply.this is to artificially.
but otherwise a friendly and beautiful woman.Smile

Yesterday, by calling Karry I spoke to Roshana and I said to her very kindly that to say in the mic " baby, baby, baby " every three words was indeed artificial and almost vulgar.
She had an intelligent and positive answer and I think that there will be less of " baby " at least in the microphone.

30.01.2012, 00:01

Re: Roshana - Discussion & Chat

timfrance wrote:And a very cool language ; sexy while not idiotic. Furthermore she's keeping a little part of secret Cool

for me are too many , "Baby, Sweet Heard, Darling" in their reply.this is to artificially.
but otherwise a friendly and beautiful woman.Smile

29.01.2012, 23:51

Re: Roshana - Discussion & Chat

timfrance wrote:
etvjunkie wrote:if this girl will stay longer at etv she will be one of the top models-the blond cool beauty. she really makes hot performances.Thumb up

And a very cool language ; sexy while not idiotic. Furthermore she's keeping a little part of secret Cool

.....treasureBig Grin

29.01.2012, 23:43

Re: Roshana - Discussion & Chat

etvjunkie wrote:if this girl will stay longer at etv she will be one of the top models-the blond cool beauty. she really makes hot performances.Thumb up

And a very cool language ; sexy while not idiotic. Furthermore she's keeping a little part of secret Cool

29.01.2012, 19:43

Re: Roshana - Discussion & Chat

if this girl will stay longer at etv she will be one of the top models-the blond cool beauty. she really makes hot performances.Thumb up