Roshana - Discussion & Chat

3.39 (31 Bewertung(en))

(3.39 / 5, 31 Bewertungen)

Autor Beiträge

22.01.2012, 07:28

Re: Most of the viewers cannot go to bed much later than midnight

Wakatobi2 wrote:
sucker wrote:It makes me wonder...nothing from lovely Roshana last night?Confused
The only hope in this lonley terrible days.
Really nothing?Confused
...I still makes me wonder...Confused

I hope Roshana will do her show this evening before midnight CET. We deserve that, most of the viewers cannot go to bed much later than midnight

YES, Many have to go to bed early in order to wake up early in the morning! Sad

21.01.2012, 17:28

Re: Roshana - Discussion & Chat

sucker wrote:It makes me wonder...nothing from lovely Roshana last night?Confused
The only hope in this lonley terrible days.
Really nothing?Confused
...I still makes me wonder...Confused

I hope Roshana will do her show this evening before midnight CET. We deserve that, most of the viewers cannot go to bed much later than midnight

18.01.2012, 09:56

Re: Roshana - Discussion & Chat

roshana in the morning show nooooooo.Thumb downThumb downThumb downAngry

18.01.2012, 09:22

Re: Roshana - Discussion & Chat

HvB wrote:
GenaroXP wrote:At this morning Roshana has answered to a question of a viewer about her age and her day of birth :

Her answer was that she is 22 years old and that her birthday is at the 16th of September Smile

now we would need a mod to edit her profile ...

isn't a Mod asking for this info more than enough?

18.01.2012, 09:14

Re: Roshana - Discussion & Chat

GenaroXP wrote:At this morning Roshana has answered to a question of a viewer about her age and her day of birth :

Her answer was that she is 22 years old and that her birthday is at the 16th of September Smile

now we would need a mod to edit her profile ...

18.01.2012, 09:10

Re: Roshana - Discussion & Chat

At this morning Roshana has answered to a question of a viewer about her age and her day of birth :

Her answer was that she is 22 years old and that her birthday is at the 16th of September Smile

18.01.2012, 01:21

Re: Roshana - Discussion & Chat

GenaroXP wrote:By the way she is one of the most beautiful models which I´ve ever seen on this channel.
I can only agree to 100%!
I didn't watched last Saturday and my record was started too late, but what I found on my hd is only formidable..
Same league as Kate & Angelina, and perhaps one step ahead (on that day)..
More I cannot say..due to an actual incident.

16.01.2012, 01:39

1000 thanks for Guidelines!

GenaroXP wrote:
xavi123 wrote:Why do you think she refuses to show her extraordinary body completelty naked? Is she shy?

Shy ?? Of course not I think that we all have seen her topless (more then one time) or not ?? But she has said more then one time in her 6 nightshows until today on the mic (always when there is a request for a fullstrip) that she would not take off her panties.

xavi123 wrote:Or maybe she has a BF? I just really want to know!

About if she has a BF or not you should take a look [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] because this is a part of her personal life.

OK Genaro, 1000 thanks for Guidelines! Thumb up

16.01.2012, 01:35

Re: Does she apear on any other channel too?

GenaroXP wrote:
xavi123 wrote:If there is any other channels that she performs a show there, then it would be a great chance for her fans to see her more often and wait less!
Does anyone have any idea or information about it?

The answer is NO she works only by ETV and I've my doubts that you/we will see her on an other channel in the future (or that she will ever work for an other channel) means enjoy the time which you/we will have with her.

You see Genaro, I totaly belive that is unfare that she only works for ETV! She is a rare beauty! She is a Godees! She must appear on as many channels as she can as long as she is young and beautiful. She must not be restricted to work just with one network and have atmost 2 shows every week and answer the phones the rest of the week.
As I said, she is a RARE BEAUTY, so she must be SEEN as long as she is young and attractive. She has a right to be seen and we have a right to see her and adore and appreciate her!

16.01.2012, 01:28

Re: WHY?

xavi123 wrote:Why do you think she refuses to show her extraordinary body completelty naked? Is she shy?

Shy ?? Of course not I think that we all have seen her topless (more then one time) or not ?? But she has said more then one time in her 6 nightshows until today on the mic (always when there is a request for a fullstrip) that she would not take off her panties.

xavi123 wrote:Or maybe she has a BF? I just really want to know!

About if she has a BF or not you should take a look [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] because this is a part of her personal life.

16.01.2012, 01:15


Why do you think she refuses to show her extraordinary body completelty naked? Is she shy? Or maybe she has a BF? I just really want to know!

16.01.2012, 01:10

Re: Does she apear on any other channel too?

xavi123 wrote:If there is any other channels that she performs a show there, then it would be a great chance for her fans to see her more often and wait less!
Does anyone have any idea or information about it?

The answer is NO she works only by ETV and I've my doubts that you/we will see her on an other channel in the future (or that she will ever work for an other channel) means enjoy the time which you/we will have with her.

16.01.2012, 01:06

Does she apear on any other channel too?

I was just thinking if she apears on any other channels too on the days that she is not on the air on ETV. If there is any other channels that she performs a show there, then it would be a great chance for her fans to see her more often and wait less!
Does anyone have any idea or information about it? If yes please share it with me and the others as well! Cool

15.01.2012, 18:39

The offensive SMS for Roshana & Angelina

I wonder why have not anybody still reacted to the very offensive SMS sent last night for Angelina & Roshana?! There has been an offensive SMS for Roshana last week too, but not as offensive as this one. I beliebve there must be a monitoring on the SMSes before they apear on the plasma. The one of the last night was really offensive and I really felt blushing. Please don't be neutral and react to this mater actively!

15.01.2012, 18:38

Re: Roshana - Discussion & Chat

where is the new stars? is roshana naturallyIn loveIn love:inlove:bellissima great great Thumb upThumb up
Amateur models online