Penelope - Discussion & Chat

2.76 (17 Bewertung(en))

(2.76 / 5, 17 Bewertungen)

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30.08.2014, 20:17

Re: Penelope - Discussion & Chat

Penelope was like a lost last night, completely the wrong company.

23.08.2014, 00:14

Re: Penelope - Discussion & Chat

She did give a few breif glimpses of her little treasure many years ago. I'm sure I still have them on dvd somewhere.

22.08.2014, 22:11

Re: Penelope - Discussion & Chat

ask her

22.08.2014, 21:36

Re: Penelope - Discussion & Chat

Why don't penelope show her pussy as other models..for example roshana and kristina

20.06.2014, 02:14

Re: Penelope - Discussion & Chat

penelope is not boring she is so sexy and after all beauty is in the eye of rhe beholder!! I love her so much!! Heart

Penelope, fire of my loins Blush

20.06.2014, 02:12

Re: Penelope - Discussion & Chat

penelope the most beautiful and kind!!Blush

20.06.2014, 02:04

Re: Penelope - Discussion & Chat

Blush Penelope!! I can never put my feelings into words to express my love for you!!! Heart Heart

20.06.2014, 01:53

Re: Penelope - Discussion & Chat

Penelope is so sensible, kind a girl I love her so much!! she is my dream girl Blush

17.06.2014, 00:56

Re: Penelope - Discussion & Chat

Blush penelope I pine for you my dear

05.06.2014, 09:48

Re: Penelope - Discussion & Chat

jeegrobot wrote:8 years of pure mediocrity; you gave nothing,nothing,nothing to nightshows. Penelope go on Holiday again, put into a big,big,big suitcase Eliza &Kiara and please,don't come back !!! Usually i'm not so bad,but,i can't stand these old models.

You are perfectly right my friend, Penelope has cost us much pain as
we waited so long time to see a nice performance of herself, everybody knows
that Penelope has very nice body and good shape, so she has no reason to shy
showing that gift of God.
If she likes her job and thinks as she please, so let others and she will have no dispute.
We as viewers hid our feelings for a long when we were near crying, that's really
the secret of dignity.
A teachable spirit and a humbleness to admit your mistakes will save you a
lot of pain.
Finally she has to do what she loves, and she will be better at it otherwise
no reason to stay is good reason to go.

05.06.2014, 07:21

Re: Penelope - Discussion & Chat

jeegrobot wrote:8 years of pure mediocrity; you gave nothing,nothing,nothing to nightshows. Penelope go on Holiday again, put into a big,big,big suitcase Eliza &Kiara and please,don't come back !!! Usually i'm not so bad,but,i can't stand these old models.

What the author wanted to say? All give the same view? Everyone is distinctive, each with its own charm, and is not straight you enjoy it! nor me are named sympathetic. But without such life would be dull. Cool

05.06.2014, 06:51

Re: Penelope - Discussion & Chat

8 years of pure mediocrity; you gave nothing,nothing,nothing to nightshows. Penelope go on Holiday again, put into a big,big,big suitcase Eliza &Kiara and please,don't come back !!! Usually i'm not so bad,but,i can't stand these old models.

04.06.2014, 19:38

Re: Penelope - Discussion & Chat

JohnGuitar wrote:Hello Guys,
It surprise me badly that ETV has not make clear that Premium Hours are pay-per view and for
that reason old guards like Penelope (from 2008) should not behave like new comer in this business.
If Penelope makes self-indulgence, then most people will turn their back and she will lose the chances
of success, because in any model's body work can always be measured by her belief in herself.
I stopped paying to watch her Premium Hours' shows because they are as boring as her beginning
launch in 2008.Thumb downEnvy

Why should it be any different? Those who came after now, do not, and are celebrated.Cool

04.06.2014, 18:58

Re: Penelope - Discussion & Chat

Hello Guys,
It surprise me badly that ETV has not make clear that Premium Hours are pay-per view and for
that reason old guards like Penelope (from 2008) should not behave like new comer in this business.
If Penelope makes self-indulgence, then most people will turn their back and she will lose the chances
of success, because in any model's body work can always be measured by her belief in herself.
I stopped paying to watch her Premium Hours' shows because they are as boring as her beginning
launch in 2008.Thumb downEnvy

16.05.2014, 19:07

Re: Penelope - Discussion & Chat

Penelope Today, as always, gorgeous!!
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