Nicole - Discussion and Chat

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12.06.2011, 21:58

Re: Nicole - Discussion and Chat

Tomorrow for the Maraya show, I think and hope it's a good circumstance for the return of Nicole.
I also hope she will speak in French as it is the tradition in a show of Julia who likes very much this language.

23.05.2011, 18:23

Re: Nicole - Discussion and Chat

Some people said that Nicole had left and I believe that she was eliminated from the list of models a little early because as for Karry, the same causes produce the same effects and I thus think that she will be back from the end of the academic year.
Just my opinion.

14.04.2011, 11:11

Re: Nicole - Discussion and Chat

You are right; Nicole has good reasons which are called her future profession which will not be the charm.

It is necessary to live with it and to live with your souvenirs.

We can also appreciate that Nicole is there so rather than not at all.

14.04.2011, 10:01

Re: Nicole - Discussion and Chat

gwist wrote:Please Nicole for the night show....... she is so beautiful

Nicole in a Nightshow,why?? I don´t know If you know that unfortunately she is a soft one CryCry
I remember that she was a Hot one as she had begun Smile but after a couple of Nightshows she had change her mind and became to that soft one that we know today....Cry but I think she has her reasons for that.

08.04.2011, 18:51

Re: Nicole - Discussion and Chat

milaniog wrote:it is true that Marayah and sister nicole ??Thumb up

Yes,but when you want to know It to 100% than you must call and ask one of them.

01.04.2011, 22:20

Re: Nicole - Discussion and Chat

Nicole's brithday date has been edited to the 29/03/ (which was said by Evah at the microphone in this afternoon)

so no need to remove your wishes because she was today the first time on the screen since her birthday.

01.04.2011, 18:55

Re: Nicole - Discussion and Chat

Before the end of this April fool it would be good to rectify Nicole's date anniversary.

" Errare Humanum Est Perseverare Diabolicum"

01.04.2011, 15:49

Re: Nicole - Discussion and Chat

happy birthday nicole Smile

01.04.2011, 14:50

Re: Nicole - Discussion and Chat

I believe that some here forgot that it is today the day of the "April fool"( poisson d’avril).

Played well ETV and Nicole the joke worked well. It's too late for flowers.

I think that the good date which is in my comment below will be restored before the end of the show.

For some who want proof it's not really a good day to find the truth in what is said at the microphone on the models or by the models.

01.04.2011, 14:49

Re: Nicole - Discussion and Chat

happy birthday nicole

01.04.2011, 14:40

Re: Nicole - Discussion and Chat

Happy Birthday Nicole

01.04.2011, 11:20

Re: Nicole - Discussion and Chat

Oh when it is so than,Happy Birthday Nicole all the best in your life now and in the future,many kisses and hugs!!!

01.04.2011, 11:11

Re: Nicole - Discussion and Chat

It seems there's another birthday today, Happy Birthday Nicole.
A big kiss and a flower.

29.03.2011, 10:56

Re: Nicole - Discussion and Chat

Here is an event which can wake this thread which sleeps inequitably for a month.

Today we can wish a happy birthday to soft Nicole and wish her the best party in family and with her chéri.
Beautiful present of his part of which we shall talk again I hope.

Health and success in your studies but I know that you are academically gifted and good student. Affectueuses BISES

01.03.2011, 07:22

Re: Nicole - Discussion and Chat

What a cute girl with a great body!
I´m sad, that she´s no HOT-Model any more.
And most Thanks to all the Videoposters!