Natasha - Discussion & Chat

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20.08.2011, 21:44

Re: Natasha - Discussion & Chat

I´m so sad that she´s left etv Cry. I hope she will come back.

She was the hottest girl on etv.

Please come back.

We love U Heart !!! Thumb up

15.08.2011, 15:19

Re: Natasha - Discussion & Chat

Too bad the left has natascha etv. Yet another girl that's really something erotic radiated gone.


14.08.2011, 18:37

Re: Natasha - Discussion & Chat

Tarl_Cabot wrote:
jonas wrote:Wish you were here... Cry

if it was a request ...

Thanks for Pink Floyd, the title inspirated me for my post.
But you all know what I wanted to say...
Without NATASHA etv is sleepy, boring and dismale for me Cry

HERE where I am? Of course in my sweetest dreams In loveHeart, but in reality there would be some problems... Smile

14.08.2011, 18:20

Re: Natasha - Discussion & Chat

jonas wrote:Wish you were here... Cry

if it was a request ...

14.08.2011, 18:14

Re: Natasha - Discussion & Chat

jonas wrote:Wish you were here... Cry

"here" in the forum or "here" as in where you are?

14.08.2011, 17:57

Re: Natasha - Discussion & Chat

Wish you were here... Cry

01.08.2011, 10:41

Re: Natasha - Discussion & Chat

asicocuk wrote:Where is Natasha?Sad

Gone with the wind.Confused She has left ETV.Cry

01.08.2011, 09:57

Re: Natasha - Discussion & Chat

Where is Natasha?Sad

28.07.2011, 19:04

Re: Natasha - Discussion & Chat

kyke50 wrote:@ Jonas, maybe not it's any consolation but you have to be happy for the fantastic dance Natasha gave you on the floor.
It was a beautiful farewell special for you.

You are right, it was fantastic like nearly every show which NATASHA In love did for me. Thumb up

28.07.2011, 16:56

Re: Natasha - Discussion & Chat

@ Jonas, maybe not it's any consolation but you have to be happy for the fantastic dance Natasha gave you on the floor.
It was a beautiful farewell special for you.

28.07.2011, 16:40

Re: Natasha - Discussion & Chat

Yep--a real shame. And another good model bites the dust. Who's next?

28.07.2011, 15:00

Re: Natasha - Discussion & Chat

A great pity that she leaves, I loved her even though I'm a girl, but it does not matter I'm biIn love, but getting back to things I will miss her

28.07.2011, 13:36

Re: Natasha - Discussion & Chat

I can only say: I am desperately unhappy and infinite sad Cry

NATASHA was not my first favourite model who left ETV (or which I left as a favourite model).
In the last 5 years I had a lot of happy moments with Nikita, Sabrina and Carmen. Thumb up

But: There was never a period with such luck and happiness and without any trouble and disappointments like these few months with NATASHA HeartHeartHeart
I loved her so much because of her smiling expressive face, her always good mood (even if she was not!), her activity, her wonderful erotic charisma which charmed me in every show she made for me and other viewers. TongueTongueTongue

So I am totally sad about her early demission after only 7 1/2 months. Cry

But she has reasons I can understand.
So I wish her again (of course I gave her these wishes calling her!) all the best for her future maybe in another european country: a health, active and happy life with her current and future family, her friends, much success in her studies and later in her job - and always in such a good mood she showed us in Eurotic TV! Thumb up

I will never forget this wonderful young woman and all she did for me.
A big kiss and hurt and a lot of red roses for you In love In love In love

28.07.2011, 12:57

Re: Natasha - Discussion & Chat

jonas wrote:Finally sweet NATASHA will return this night! In love
For me it`s not important which sort of show it will be. It`s only important that I will see wonderful NATASHA again after over 1 week. Tongue
I hope that she will not be replaced by another model in the last moments, and I hope that she will have a good camera!

Sorry Jonas, nobody saw that comimg its a pity but from her first show she was superb and great to talk too. her looks improved like fine wine. Have a great life and dont over do it .

28.07.2011, 10:07

Re: Natasha - Discussion & Chat

My best wishes to Natasha Thumb up !
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