Miss Eurotic Tv 2009

4.09 (23 Bewertung(en))

(4.09 / 5, 23 Bewertungen)

Amateur models online
Autor Beiträge

24.12.2009, 20:17

Re: Miss Eurotic Tv 2009

vote for Scarlet

24.12.2009, 19:20

Re: Miss Eurotic Tv 2009

Oké everybody i have counted the last votes !! I must say it was very very close between 2 girls/models ,the difference between the 2 girls was only 2 votes ! So let me say first who ended at the 3rd place ... it's Regina and Amy they both got 6 votes Thumb up ! On the 2nd place ... it's Gia with 19 votes Thumb upThumb upSmile !! And the winner of "Miss Eurotic Tv 2009 " on this forum is .... Scarlet with 21 votes Thumb upThumb upThumb up ! So a Big Applause for Scarlet and for all of you who have voted for her Thumb upThumb upThumb up . So this was it on this forum for the voting of "Miss Eurotic Tv 2009 " . But who will be the winner at Etv studio ?? And will she have many votes like the winner of this forum ? Let us watch and see . And what do you think ? shall we do this again next Year ? Let me know and i will make a note for this allready on my pc for next year in december !

I will put my list here underneath on this post so that you can watch witch girl has got votes !!!

Voting Count Miss Etv 2009

Scarlet : 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20/21/
Gia : 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/
Regina : 1/2/3/4/5/6/
Amy : 1/2/3/4/5/6/
Tia : 1/2/3/4/5/
Mashiara : 1/2/3/
Spirit : 1/2/
Clio :1/2/
Viviana : 1/2/
Athina : 1/2/
Carmen : 1/
Nikita : 1/
Elsa : 1/
Ashley : 1/
Sandra ; 1/
Monna : 1/
Angie : 1/
Lia : 1/
Emily : 1/
Madlen : 1/
Kaleya : 1/
Sabrina : 1/
Monna : 1/
Zia :1/
Randa :1/
Kleopatra : 1/

Geteld ( counted till ) tot 24/12 : 18.00u

So that's it from me Smile . i will like to Thank Everyone who has contributed on this topic with giving a vote ,you guys/girls where great Thumb upThumb upThumb up ( Kaleya would have say'd " Super " Big Grin )

I wil end this post with 2 contributed songs for all of you and ofcourse it's Shakin'Stevens and the titels are "Merry Christmas Everyone " and " The Best Christmas of Them All " enjoy and Merry Christmas to all of You !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

And let me say just one more thing we all have voted for a girl we like ,but to be honaust everyone of the girls is a " Miss " Thumb upThumb upThumb upThumb up, they all diserve respect for what they do !!!!!!!!!!!!! and it's not always an easy job !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kind Regards

24.12.2009, 16:22

Re: Miss Eurotic Tv 2009

The_Feeling wrote:Smile only one name clio Smile

Clio is very beautiful but i think Gia is more beautiful and sexier of course!!! that is why i voted for Gia!!! Heart

24.12.2009, 14:30

Re: Miss Eurotic Tv 2009

shaky-schumi wrote:
piggy wrote:ehmm... but the results ?
where i can find the results ?

how we know who is the winner ?

and what will have as reward the winner ? Confused

Hey piggy,
This is out of topic Big Grin but it's a interesting question ofcourse Thumb up

You wil find the results here in this topic as soon when i'm finished from my work ( i hope around 18.30u ) so please be a bit patient if it's a bid later Confused .So you all wil know who wil be the winner . I have kept the results daily on my pc .
Sadly there will be no reward for the girl/model who will be "Miss Eurotic Tv 2009" because i'm not a person who has contact inside etv ,sorry for that Confused But it's too see who is the " Miss " on this forum and who is the one on etv ,and by the looks of it it will be totaly different girl/model than on tvCool . And also remember that the votes of the people who had written 2 or more names will not count :thumbdown (those where the rules !!!!) Hope this answer has helpt you a bid ,and again sorry that i can't give a reward too the winner Sad

Kind Regards

thank you for the info Thumb upBig Grin

but i do not understand... on tv there is another poll ? since i've heard Sabrina tell ''vote for me''.
SO ?

24.12.2009, 11:13

Re: Miss Eurotic Tv 2009

vote for Scarlet here

23.12.2009, 23:28

Re: Miss Eurotic Tv 2009


23.12.2009, 22:39

Re: Miss Eurotic Tv 2009

piggy wrote:ehmm... but the results ?
where i can find the results ?

how we know who is the winner ?

and what will have as reward the winner ? Confused

Hey piggy,
This is out of topic Big Grin but it's a interesting question ofcourse Thumb up

You wil find the results here in this topic as soon when i'm finished from my work ( i hope around 18.30u ) so please be a bit patient if it's a bid later Confused .So you all wil know who wil be the winner . I have kept the results daily on my pc .
Sadly there will be no reward for the girl/model who will be "Miss Eurotic Tv 2009" because i'm not a person who has contact inside etv ,sorry for that Confused But it's too see who is the " Miss " on this forum and who is the one on etv ,and by the looks of it it will be totaly different girl/model than on tvCool . And also remember that the votes of the people who had written 2 or more names will not count :thumbdown (those where the rules !!!!) Hope this answer has helpt you a bid ,and again sorry that i can't give a reward too the winner Sad

Kind Regards

23.12.2009, 22:23

Re: Miss Eurotic Tv 2009

rocboy wrote:one of my favorites is sabrina, but gia is nice too

Sad to say but your vote won't count Thumb down . Unless you give me 1 name before 18.00u tomorrow ,read the rules please !!!

Kind Regards

23.12.2009, 22:20

Re: Miss Eurotic Tv 2009

Damoah wrote:Honestly... why is Aria the first until now? Who voted her?? How can a human being vote her??

This Topic is Only for Voting Angry

23.12.2009, 21:22

Re: Miss Eurotic Tv 2009

Kleopatra Beautiful

23.12.2009, 19:51

Re: Miss Eurotic Tv 2009

ehmm... but the results ?
where i can find the results ?

how we know who is the winner ?

and what will have as reward the winner ? Confused

23.12.2009, 14:03

Re: Miss Eurotic Tv 2009

one of my favorites is sabrina, but gia is nice too

23.12.2009, 11:09

Re: Miss Eurotic Tv 2009

do not waste yr time, Scarlet, forever!!!!!!

23.12.2009, 09:40

Re: Miss Eurotic Tv 2009

Honestly... why is Aria the first until now? Who voted her?? How can a human being vote her??

22.12.2009, 23:00

Re: Miss Eurotic Tv 2009

natureboy wrote:Gia or Scarlette..

well if Brona only posed topless, i would vote for her only!!!

Sorry to say but this is confusing Envy Read the rules please !!!!!!!!!!!
Your vote wil not count unless you write 1 name !!!!!!!!!!!!!! So at this time no vote that counts Thumb downThumb downThumb down !!
