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11.05.2008, 09:55

Re: Kaleya:just a goodbye and not a farewell ??


<<< Kasenit: @shaky: if I am not completely wrong, then the crown for this mis-information goes - as usual in these cases - to dear Mischka-Wolfy, the most blown-up hot-air-balloon I ever saw in any forum.  >>>

Quote of the week for me.

11.05.2008, 07:32

Re: Kaleya:just a goodbye and not a farewell ??

من قال هذا البراز من كاليا؟ اِسمه مصطفى 

Sorry, guys, if I have to write in Arabic, but sometimes it´s better to describe his feelings in a language only a few people understand instead of writing offensive words directly in English.

Have a nice day,


(the three musketeers - the arabic-german musketeer)

11.05.2008, 06:47

Re: Kaleya:just a goodbye and not a farewell ??

If it´s a goodbye, well, the time would be hard, but it passed;), that´s true.

Best regards,


(the three musketeers - the arabic-german musketeer)

Maybe as a song: Michael Bolton - Said I Loved You

11.05.2008, 04:56

Re: Kaleya:just a goodbye and not a farewell ??

Well like i said before who's fooling who ? because ........ told me that this is " Bulshit ",that Kaleya is leaving ,this is some wrong info !!!  but than again why these sms's ? or why put something on this forum ? I'm feeling  myself sad/bad/angry  ,i don't know it annymore !because is this now goodbye or  farewell ? i know that this wasn't the last show from my favorit girl Kaleya (she also said that to me )i would had a nice conversation with her ,but some idiot at etv had cut me bruttley off !!!!! so ,i wonder can't there be someone out there /in here  for once be honoust or what ? So i guess that we must look at the schedule for next week if Kaleya is on  it or not !

Kind Regards annyway !


(the three musketeers-the mad red/white shark)

songs that come's trough my mind  at this time :Shaky:So Long Baby Goodbye ,With My Hart,Why Do You Treat Me This Way?,Elvis Presley:A Fool Such As I,How Do You Think I Feel ?

11.05.2008, 01:52

Re: Kaleya:just a goodbye and not a farewell ??

Come on guys, you can win her panties tonight, unless AlexaForPresident wanted to increase his collection. :)))))))))

11.05.2008, 01:52

Re: Kaleya:just a goodbye and not a farewell ??

You go to see Jaya and other  models  in RedlipsTV  that here we are talking about KALEYA the model of EUROTIC TV

11.05.2008, 01:49

Re: Kaleya:just a goodbye and not a farewell ??

Who's fooling who ???????????????????????????????? and yes i call'd Kaleya  and i do it again !!!!!!!

Kind Regards


(the three musketeers-the red/white shark)

11.05.2008, 01:20

Re: Kaleya:just a goodbye and not a farewell ??

Not the last show of Kaleya? What a pity! Thus, no improvement of ETV shows in sight. But at least, one can switch to  hot Red-Lips TV.

11.05.2008, 01:03

Re: Kaleya:just a goodbye and not a farewell ??

A SMS from Italy has just said Kaleya I will miss you a lot, so what is the truth?

11.05.2008, 00:58

Re: Kaleya:just a goodbye and not a farewell ??

to all:

Was ETV the Fooler? Maybe, they want get more viewers? I hope not....

If they do that they loose more viewers......

11.05.2008, 00:55

Re: Kaleya:just a goodbye and not a farewell ??

So someone has fooled us.

11.05.2008, 00:16

Re: Kaleya:just a goodbye and not a farewell ??

@shaky: if I am not completely wrong, then the crown for this mis-information goes - as usual in these cases - to dear Mischka-Wolfy, the most blown-up hot-air-balloon I ever saw in any forum.

10.05.2008, 23:04

Re: Kaleya:just a goodbye and not a farewell ??

just as I thought......

10.05.2008, 22:35

Re: Kaleya:just a goodbye and not a farewell ??

Heeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to all of you ,this not the last show of Kaleya !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Trust me i know it from first person itself !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who started  this rumor actualy ?????????????????????????????????

Kind Regards


(the three musketeers- the red/white shark )

10.05.2008, 22:23

Re: Kaleya:just a goodbye and not a farewell ??

hmmmmmmmmmmm,strange ,i didn't here annybody said that this is the last show  of Kaleya ! ( i haven't had Kaleya on the phone yet she's very occupiet (?) ( i hope you can understand what i try to say because my  english is not so good,sorry ,

Kind Regards


(the broken musketeer-the red/white shark)

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