Gia - Discussion & Chat

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23.09.2012, 13:24

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

Can you imagine how fun that Gia is reading this? speculations, rumors, unsubstantiated opinions, etc.
This should give a good laugh to Gia,
or maybe not?
perhaps she may be sad to see all this.
I, like I know nothing and only Gia knows the truth, I'd rather not say anything, and wait to see what happens.
I'll just say that if Gia returns, I always give my welcome.

23.09.2012, 12:46

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

Ibykus wrote:To whom it may concern.
Ooooooh please help me someone – I’m more and more confused...Confused

Wednesday 26th
19:00 CET - Gia - Three Hours Of Pleasure - Exclusive
Saturday 29th
18:00 CET - Gia - Five Special Hours – Exclusive

Together with the also announced free TV night show (canceled?) are this now three farewell shows!?

I don't understand anything in the moment.
But I’m in very deep sorrows wether Gia decision is right...
Taking a decison is always better than taking no decision. And it's even a reversible decision.

OK, I'll try it with logic
Did she - herself - decides to increase the number of farewell shows?
What does it mean?
It means she is a sensitive emotional girl, in combination with some "difficult" characteres at ETV a problematic combination.
On the other hand that's what I love her for, if she's doing a hot performance it looks not only like acting a role, it's passion.
The jubilation about Gia's return is obvious more and more ...
It's always 2 sides of the medal. If she doesn't have found a better alternative (yes, there are worse jobs or no job at all isn't satisfying either), it's still better this way. And of course I will be happy to see her again.
Will the fateful story repeated for Gia?

Is there no alternative for this beautiful girl?
Will Gia's beauty be her fate?
Until now no fate at all. She left a few times, returned a few times, that's all.
Alternatives possibly yes, better ones which bring enough money might be difficult. At least it seems she hasn't found yet.
Actually with the ELS/ Premium shows ETV now has a format which fits great for her talent, from this point of view still a win-win situation.
Please don't get me wrong, I like Gia very much, she is so outstanding beautyful, almost no one can resist Gia's charm .... also not me.
But I'm afraid the girl will ruin it self at that place.
The story has already now dimensions of a classical tragedy.
Nobody got hurt, what's tragic? Of course I wish her to find a good paid job beyond ETV which she likes and can do until retirement, but the fate not to have found such a job yet she is sharing with billions other people on this planet.
To my opinion especially the els and premium shows are dirty places and will help ruin Gia very soon.
She a godess in teasing, maybe the one and only who has a master grad in this busyness...
But think she is not made for such poor things I guess the staff tries to force her to do.
I guess the here ruling specifications in els and premium shows are far behind Gia's "natural" borders.
Even if many fans of her don't want to hear it, I don't think so. If she doesn't feel good she usually shows no significant activity and looks rather emotionless.
But what I saw her permium shows were smoking hot, I doubt someone can force her to.

hanshel wrote:
pepers wrote:
nico wrote:calm down she make only two goodbye shows


... what will happen after next week ! You know more ???
Hmmm 'hanshel' this seems to me a real good question....and for sure the one and only essential question at all.
Anyhow this question meets my thoughts and plaguing me too!
I think you and nico knows very much about Gia, so I will carefully read what you both write the next days.

What a struggle for the truth?
But I guess nico tells the truth!
Okay with that counting of the farewell show's..there is a small difference, but I trust him!
He was the first member here that anounced she has left etv.
Something tells me, no, I’m quite sure he knows how the story will be continued or ends….

I wish you all a nice Sunday and a exciting next week!
Why should she return for one show or one week? Either she found something better then she won't return at all, if she still were in clinch with ETV she won't return at all, or she cleared the clinch leading to her leaving then I suppose she will stay until the next clinch or until she found something better.
I know, maybe a little emotionless considerations, but emotion is rather Gia's gift than mine.

Have a nice Sunday

23.09.2012, 12:31

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

There's a saying Blush .....silence is Golden Cool


23.09.2012, 04:37

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

The problems, real, are everywhere... except that here... SadBig GrinConfused

23.09.2012, 03:29

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

brudgon wrote:
bobooo wrote:ok no news!! , but problems coming ,i hope no
i like this kind of problemsBig Grin
first you spoken about gia's fans must support her for a great show(and i think after her web show this is happened) are talking about problems.....where is problems?

He is her problem....

I hope i dont get a warning but boboo should keep her alone...

23.09.2012, 03:08

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

bobooo wrote:ok no news!! , but problems coming ,i hope no
i like this kind of problemsBig Grin
first you spoken about gia's fans must support her for a great show(and i think after her web show this is happened) are talking about problems.....where is problems?

23.09.2012, 01:28

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

Will you be gia free offers

23.09.2012, 01:26

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

Next week Gia is back from vacations!!Thumb upThumb up
This is a good news for we gia lovers!!In love
Wednesday at 19.00 - 3 hours of pleasure!!Tongue
Saturday at 18.00 - 5 special hours!!!TongueHeart
Please, who don´t like Gia go away!!!Big GrinBig Grin

23.09.2012, 01:22

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

ok no news!! , but problems coming ,i hope no

23.09.2012, 01:15

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

Have time next Saturday?

Enjoy her,

Saturday 29th
17:00 CET - Tiffani - Exclusive
18:00 CET - Gia - Five Special Hours - Exclusive

In loveHeartTongueBlushCoolBig GrinSmile

23.09.2012, 01:09

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

I've already lost hope, and so I said goodbye to Gia. Cry
Gia is back In love ,
and I have a stupid feeling Confused (for many members, I was stupid when I wrote my story but I had it write Sad ).
No one knows how long time will Gia on our screens.
For me, however, ends a month of mourning and therefore I change my avatar again. Smile
[Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig] This my avatar was sad.

I like Gia mysterious and sensual. Like is Gia on my original avatar. [Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig]

Heart Gia - I look forward to your next shows Tongue
... and I wish all fans many wonderful experiences. Smile

Message for [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] on the Italian forum: Steal my avatar is wrong! Thumb down
Big GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig Grin

23.09.2012, 00:43

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

Are Snchahdha exclusive only

23.09.2012, 00:39

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

DGMK_9293 wrote:gia is tomorrow night in the show?

No, Sunday next week......if nothing changes.

23.09.2012, 00:09

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

GIA will return to channel etvIn love

23.09.2012, 00:04

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

Saturday 29th ELS

18:00 CET - Gia - Five Special Hours - Exclusive