Gia - Discussion & Chat

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18.07.2011, 19:39

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

Joker1305 wrote:
Dreamlander wrote:Randa doesn't have to be anywhere near Gia to interrupt her performance. It's not a 'proximity' issue Cool
Don't blame Randa for the director's work. That they often switch from Gia to her is not not her fault.
She's always in action, that's why i love her In love
And basically they also interrpt Randa's shows show by switching around, often to girls even sitting around doing nothing.
Of course for Gia's scenes it's worse because she's doing rather slow and sensual shows, there missing a scene is destroying a lot, but that's not the fault of any of the girls but of the director.
Gia is doing not so many hot scene's anyway, there it should be basically no problem showing her performance not only in slices of a few seconds Cry
Randa seems to get the time and attention she wants and I think Gia accepts that. But the one I think got up GIA's nose the other night as well was Marayah, she was most of the time moving so that she was in the same picture as Gia. Hard to know if she was directed to do som or if it was an deliberate strategy from her side.
Regards Ben

18.07.2011, 17:54

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

Dreamlander wrote:Randa doesn't have to be anywhere near Gia to interrupt her performance. It's not a 'proximity' issue Cool
Don't blame Randa for the director's work. That they often switch from Gia to her is not not her fault.
She's always in action, that's why i love her In love
And basically they also interrpt Randa's shows show by switching around, often to girls even sitting around doing nothing.
Of course for Gia's scenes it's worse because she's doing rather slow and sensual shows, there missing a scene is destroying a lot, but that's not the fault of any of the girls but of the director.
Gia is doing not so many hot scene's anyway, there it should be basically no problem showing her performance not only in slices of a few seconds Cry

18.07.2011, 16:42

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

logic wrote:
JohnGuitar wrote:This interfering model is Randa who every second stand between the camera and the Queen and the Princess.
I have nothing against any model but I liked to focus the weakness of certain night show.

The model who every time goes between a scene is another and was yesterday night next to Gia for the whole show. Maybe you didn't checked this, but Gia was on the left side of the studio, Randa on the right, for almost the whole show.
But I agree, Randa got more camera time than Gia and also the most of the other girls. But I think the reason is obviously: Randa is an active girl who try to attract the viewers and Gia is more passive and waits always for the camera. I think this is not Randa's fault.
I know I'm here in the Gia-thread, but I hope you can understand that there are people like me who are happy for every minute they can see Randa on the screen, because she make less shows than Gia.

Randa doesn't have to be anywhere near Gia to interrupt her performance. It's not a 'proximity' issue Cool

Also,in defence of the cameramen,they are always in the right place,filming the right things but they have no control over whether their camera feed is the one being shown.


18.07.2011, 13:02

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

JohnGuitar wrote:
ben wrote:Didn't you notice, the same happend this time as the last time she was on the show with a certain girl, she gets pissed off by this other one moving in to the picture almost every time she is going to make something hot. After a number of attempts, she appears to give up!

I would not liked to be seen as rude but BEN you are right, every time Gia or Kate wanted make the show
very hot this model interfer their job and make yes to abandon what those beautiful models (Gia and Kate)
were about to do.
This interfering model is Randa who every second stand between the camera and the Queen and the Princess.
I have nothing against any model but I liked to focus the weakness of certain night show.

for me the problem isn't don't like to see randa?
the problem is amateur cameramen don't know how to divide models time for the whole show and then i don't speak about directorAngryAngryAngry:@because is offtopic

friendly brudgon's opinion

17.07.2011, 23:20

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

JohnGuitar wrote:This interfering model is Randa who every second stand between the camera and the Queen and the Princess.
I have nothing against any model but I liked to focus the weakness of certain night show.

The model who every time goes between a scene is another and was yesterday night next to Gia for the whole show. Maybe you didn't checked this, but Gia was on the left side of the studio, Randa on the right, for almost the whole show.
But I agree, Randa got more camera time than Gia and also the most of the other girls. But I think the reason is obviously: Randa is an active girl who try to attract the viewers and Gia is more passive and waits always for the camera. I think this is not Randa's fault.
I know I'm here in the Gia-thread, but I hope you can understand that there are people like me who are happy for every minute they can see Randa on the screen, because she make less shows than Gia.

17.07.2011, 21:53

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

ben wrote:Didn't you notice, the same happend this time as the last time she was on the show with a certain girl, she gets pissed off by this other one moving in to the picture almost every time she is going to make something hot. After a number of attempts, she appears to give up!

I would not liked to be seen as rude but BEN you are right, every time Gia or Kate wanted make the show
very hot this model interfer their job and make yes to abandon what those beautiful models (Gia and Kate)
were about to do.
This interfering model is Randa who every second stand between the camera and the Queen and the Princess.
I have nothing against any model but I liked to focus the weakness of certain night show.

17.07.2011, 21:48

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

brudgon wrote:complaint about gia?EnvyEnvyEnvy
.....and for director?AngryAngryAngryAngryAngryAngryAngry

the director? professional destroyer!! a new Torquemada!!!Big GrinBig Grin

17.07.2011, 21:00

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

complaint about gia?EnvyEnvyEnvy
.....and for director?AngryAngryAngryAngryAngryAngryAngry

17.07.2011, 20:02

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

ben wrote:Didn't you notice, the same happend this time as the last time she was on the show with a certain girl, she gets pissed off by this other one moving in to the picture almost every time she is going to make something hot. After a number of attempts, she appears to give up!

I don't think she was annoyed at all last night.I wrote before about how I feel she is happy with her 'lot' at ETV and takes what she is given now instead of letting it upset her.This may lead to less erotic 'fireworks' than usual but what we were allowed to see were still some moments of beautiful Gia eroticism,that we wanted to last a lot longer,but as always,this was out of her control.
The 'certain girl',as you put it,did her usual trick of trying to steal camera time but it didn't seem to phase Gia at all,I think all of the girls are used to it by now and desperation is never sexy.There was another 'certain girl' in the studio though who appeared to be directing the show from in front of the cameras.'She' always had enough time to do her strips,unlike any other girl last night,who if they were lucky got one chance.The general mood in the studio reflected this.With these sort of obstacles,most girls would probably think "Why bother? I'm still getting paid" as we all would in that situation,I suppose.


17.07.2011, 20:02

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

Amigo1205 wrote:
WILSONSAND wrote:Gia is doing a horrible show!!!! Thumb downThumb down what happen??Sad

The problem is not Gia,is named Marayah.

The main problem was director Meo.Is probably a brother of Hans.

17.07.2011, 19:22

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

Didn't you notice, the same happend this time as the last time she was on the show with a certain girl, she gets pissed off by this other one moving in to the picture almost every time she is going to make something hot. After a number of attempts, she appears to give up!

17.07.2011, 18:46

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

gorgio wrote:Why all these complains?? When you are working, doing your job - do you fullfill the expectations of your boss every day? Do you reach the peak every day? Reflect your own life, reflect what you are doing every day. Gia is a human like you and me. NOT a robot, a machine without soul, spirit, life experience. Be thankful that she is on TV screen for you. Have you ever asked, what she is thinking after the show, when she is leaving the studio, what she is doing? Do you believe, she is doing the same in her private life? 24/7? I think not. So respect her and respect your own life.
I apologize for waiting an erotic show in a show supposedly erotic, and expect a good show of the best model. The show was boring in general, not only failed Gia, the whole show was boring except Randa, Jane and Natasha (and what was left to Kate). But I know I'm very cruel and ruthless, and seems to ask too much, I apologize for that.
Truth sometimes hurts, so the question should be is it necessary or helpful to do so.
I think criticism should be constructive. Just saying the show was boring may be correct sometimes (every girl sometimes has a bad hair day and the ETV directors have even more often), but just writing that maybe makes you feel better but nothing else.
OK, if you are a caller paying quite some €€€ it's a little different, you can expect to get what you pay for, but even then it's probably better to clarifiy this during the call instead of complaining afterwards, I think the girls don't read here anyway.

17.07.2011, 17:48

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

gorgio wrote:Why all these complains?? When you are working, doing your job - do you fullfill the expectations of your boss every day? Do you reach the peak every day? Reflect your own life, reflect what you are doing every day. Gia is a human like you and me. NOT a robot, a machine without soul, spirit, life experience. Be thankful that she is on TV screen for you. Have you ever asked, what she is thinking after the show, when she is leaving the studio, what she is doing? Do you believe, she is doing the same in her private life? 24/7? I think not. So respect her and respect your own life.

I apologize for waiting an erotic show in a show supposedly erotic, and expect a good show of the best model. The show was boring in general, not only failed Gia, the whole show was boring except Randa, Jane and Natasha (and what was left to Kate). But I know I'm very cruel and ruthless, and seems to ask too much, I apologize for that.

Many times when we watch a movie, we say that the actor has done an incredible role, or that such an actor has a bad performance. I do not understand why we are inhuman for that. But of course I'm inhuman. Ok, I don´t respect Gia saying that I did not like her show last night and that she was boring and disappointing. I am not human, I dont respect anybody, not even myself. I apologize to everyone. I am bad,and bad like i am, i´ll write 100 times on the blackboard "i will never say Gia did a bad show anymore".

17.07.2011, 17:16

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

Sad Ok that wasn´t heaven , I think ! Cry
But not horrible or something like that I read here !
Horrible was the whole show and the director I think Thumb down
In the past a lot of up and down concerning her shows !
If you know that fact you can´t expect the level of the last shows every time.
And brothers this last show wasn´t the worst one I think !
I remember some other - ohh Confused Cry
But that is Gia - she can´t hide her mood and feelings - maybe thats the reason we love her ! Heart
For me the biggest disaster is maybe to wait another week for the next Gia-show !
Maybe there are better things to do in her life than take part in dilettante eurotic - TV Channel !
One part of me hope so In love - the other part of me hope to see her every day the whole night and day maybe in a private TV-Doku-Soap ! Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

17.07.2011, 12:51

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

A beautifull smile, a natural looking body,beautifull dressed ,nice pink nail polish , nice looking hair ,fantastic skin color ( thanks to the sun ) ,nice white bikini and slip Tongue ...well that is only beautifull sexy charming looking Gia Blush Thumb up Thumb up Thumb up !
I was happy to see this young woman again in a show ,for me the show started Thumb up because i had the opertunity to ........ ,so for me it was a good show ,ofcourse there will always be people who want more ...and there is nothing wrong with that ..but just except allready that Gia is in a show ..and what comes ...comes it eurotic what you see or not should allready be thankfull that this young woman was in the show ..and i must say ...and sorry that i say this Confused.....Don't expect too mutch ....because not every show of Gia will be on the same high level ,just be thankfull for what she show to us ......ofcourse i would lie if i say that i don't want to see her body Confused... but i will not force her ...if Gia want to show her body to us problem ...if Gia doesn'd want to show ..than that's also oké for me Thumb up...i will never demand anything from this beautifull young woman .....i will take it just the way Gia wants to do it ...and if you/we are not happy with what we see ..than to bad.....but Gia is a human person ( like everyone of us and her colleges ) ...and not a robot who can order to do whatever you want from her to do Cool ! And also it's not always Gia fauld ..there are also people behind the scene that we don't see,director,moderator,etc ..but this is something we allready sayd a million times Sad . So people please let us just except this beautifull young natural sexy looking woman for the way she wants to do her show .soft ,warm ,hot thankfull allready that Gia shows up in a show Cool
And i also sayd this a couple of times ...and its just a friendly advice Blush .....don't expect too mutch ..otherwise you/we will be dissapointed ..and who knows if you don't expect too mutch it could be a surpricing show of this beautifull girl/model named Gia !!!!!
I know that this is a eurotic channel.Confused..but people erotic exist in many different ways..and the way Gia does it is one of the ways also Cool Thumb up
So i would say " Thank You Gia "
I 'm allready waiting to see Gia ( hopefully ) again next week Smile Thumb up

Kind Regards
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