Carmen - Discussion & Chat

3.44 (9 Bewertung(en))

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01.11.2009, 00:51

Re: Carmen - Discussion & Chat

Carmen is so sexy sexy sexy i love her

31.10.2009, 12:15

Re: Carmen - Discussion & Chat

<<Carmen has always something more, a truly beautiful woman, at least for me, of course.>>

...not only for you... Carmen is wonderful.. i love her me too ._.

31.10.2009, 09:34

Re: Carmen - Discussion & Chat

Last night Carmen was great! Sexy outfit, full strips, showing ALL parts of her magnificient body!

31.10.2009, 07:58

Re: Carmen - Discussion & Chat

Carmen has always something more, a truly beautiful woman, at least for me, of course.

31.10.2009, 00:49

Re: Carmen - Discussion & Chat

Quite wonderful tonight. Latina or molvanian, I like her.

29.10.2009, 19:03

Re: Carmen - Discussion & Chat

No, jonas . I told only what I heard !! Nothing else

29.10.2009, 19:00

Re: Carmen - Discussion & Chat

Do you believe that Carmen travels from a spanish speaking country to Molvania with the intention to work at Eurotic tv? If I like a foreign language and I hear a song in that language I also say: "That`s MY language!"
Carmen told me where her "roots" are. I believe her, but it`s not allowed to speak in that forum about private facts of the models.

29.10.2009, 16:18

Re: Carmen - Discussion & Chat

There wa 2 days ago an SMS who asked Carmen to dance !

She said : "wait , the next song is in my language" .....spanish !!

29.10.2009, 15:18

Re: Carmen - Discussion & Chat

@ jonas

<<< @rockabye
Do you really believe that Carmen and Clio live together? :-))))
You know in ETV there a many lies. The moderator Peter has said some time ago that Carmen comes from Columbia...:-)))) >>>

call Carman and ask her ;-)

29.10.2009, 14:21

Re: Carmen - Discussion & Chat

Do you really believe that Carmen and Clio live together? :-))))
You know in ETV there a many lies. The moderator Peter has said some time ago that Carmen comes from Columbia...:-))))

29.10.2009, 12:46

Re: Carmen - Discussion & Chat

@ jonas

<<< You cannot compare Carmen with Clio, she shows much more of her beautiful body than Clio. I don`t believe they are good friends, Clio sitting in the foreground often covers Carmen`s body with her clothed body - that`s no good behavior for a friend. >>>

mmh... I wouldn't live with someone who is not a good friend of mine ;-)

btw Jonas, isn't it some kind of irony that the model you like most and the model you "hate" most are now living together :D

also what does this mean now for "our" relationship, do our favorites bring us also closer to each other? ;-)

29.10.2009, 12:35

Re: Carmen - Discussion & Chat

I think they have given her the "chica" character, meaning the dominant latina girl, thinking about some performances from Salma Hayek, Penelope Cruz, and of course J-LO. The girl who takes her man by squeezing his balls. :)))

And Carmen has well played this character, but from time to time she reveals her real character, a very sweet girl.

She is pretty, smart and go ahead. One of the best.

28.10.2009, 17:20

Re: Carmen - Discussion & Chat

That Carmen is often in the backgrund - that`s true (unfortunately!). Carmen is a very friendly, very polite but selfcontrolled and reserved woman. (I will also mention that she is - of course - in my eyes an extraordinary beautiful and sexy woman!)
It`s also true that she makes no longer full strips like some months ago. But which model except of Sabrina makes full strips?
You cannot compare Carmen with Clio, she shows much more of her beautiful body than Clio. I don`t believe they are good friends, Clio sitting in the foreground often covers Carmen`s body with her clothed body - that`s no good behavior for a friend. They often are requested by italian viewers because both speak italian language.
But Carmen cooperates very good with Inez, and monday night she made a very hot lesbian show with Aria.

Schubert thank you that you opened a thread about Carmen!

28.10.2009, 16:44

Re: Carmen - Discussion & Chat

I meant nothing about their sexual preferences, but if Carmen now lives with Clio she could "clioize" (act like Clio, of course I hope she won't). :))))))

28.10.2009, 16:13

Re: Carmen - Discussion & Chat

I think Carmen does her best when she is with her friends, as Gia, Viviana, Inez, maybe Lia.

Another reason may be Carmen now lives with Clio (Clio said). :)))))))

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