Amy - Discussion & Chat

4.16 (25 Bewertung(en))

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20.12.2010, 22:29

Re: Amy - Discussion & Chat

arimolac wrote:
Crash90 wrote:I want to thank Amy...for letting my heart dance her name.

Wow............ if there was an award for the most romantic message to an ETV model, I would vote for this one! Thumb up

Wedding bells soon then ... Tongue .

20.12.2010, 21:19

Re: Amy - Discussion & Chat

One of the hottest gilrs that have ever been in etv. Nightshows are very different if she appears or not, she is almost perfect.

20.12.2010, 20:47

Re: Thank You

Crash90 wrote:I want to thank Amy...for letting my heart dance her name.

Wow............ if there was an award for the most romantic message to an ETV model, I would vote for this one! Thumb up

19.12.2010, 05:49

Re: Thank You

That's one of the problems with overindulgence this time of year ... Big Grin .

19.12.2010, 03:37

Thank You

I wanna thank a very special person here. Of course, it's Amy In love

She brought so much into my life that I couldn't ask for.
I want to thank Amy for bringing so much happiness into my life, so many sunny moments.

I want to thank Amy for letting me feel the way I do.

I want to thank Amy for all laughter we shared, all laughs I could give her, every grin she did present me with.

I want to thank Amy for me being more spontanious, being more vital.
Ever since I met her I'm happy to live...I'm happy to be able to be and love her...she gave so much to me, I don't know what I'd done without her. I doubt I was the same person I am now.

I want to thank Amy for every low-point I've been through, for every tear I shed for and because of her.

I want to thank Amy for every second I could listen to her voice (even when I didn't talk to her).

But most importantly: I want to thank Amy...for letting my heart dance her name.

And I'm praying for the chance to try to let her feel the same way...

16.12.2010, 21:48

Re: Amy - Discussion & Chat

She is one of the hottes girl I´ve ever seen in my whole life, has a beautiful face and eyes, a peRFect ass and an overall splendid good body. Certainly, one of the ebst girls ETV could have ever gifted to usSmile

16.12.2010, 12:48

Re: Amy - Discussion & Chat

Moriii wrote:does anyone know how old amy is?

She said it in Scarlet's Show !!

But we may not talk about it !! (rules)

16.12.2010, 12:04

Re: Amy - Discussion & Chat

Moriii wrote:does anyone know how old amy is?

somewhere between 18 and 40

16.12.2010, 12:00

Re: Amy - Discussion & Chat

does anyone know how old amy is?

16.12.2010, 11:30

Re: Amy - Discussion & Chat

Tifosi wrote:I have two empty Christmas stockings at home Cry

My only wish for Christmas, is for Amy to fill them Cool

I'd like to be her christmas tree...

16.12.2010, 10:02

Re: Amy - Discussion & Chat

I have two empty Christmas stockings at home Cry

My only wish for Christmas, is for Amy to fill them Cool

16.12.2010, 00:56

Re: Amy - Discussion & Chat

Sanchez wrote:amy is very hot

and still more hotly with her two friends,
the triplets are unbeatable In love Tongue Thumb up

16.12.2010, 00:41

Re: Amy - Discussion & Chat

It seems to never end...I should look at where I am now...her name is the splinter inside me...her voice is the splinter inside me... Heart

How does a heart realize there are feelings....I remember the sound of the warm times with her... Heart

...I could lose myself...I don't have to stay this way...where did I go wrong... Confused

If only I knew how to safe a life...

13.12.2010, 17:19

Re: Amy - Discussion & Chat

amy is very hot

13.12.2010, 17:12

Re: Amy - Discussion & Chat

hot body,knows how to drive a man crazy,totally sweet,comfortable on screen and of course her great eyes.. one of the best indeed
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