After the change of "rules"

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25.07.2008, 11:25

After the change of "rules"

I may be missing something obvious here, so enlightenment would be appreciated:

Let's forget for a moment that a quick glance at SexySat TV reminds us that the new "rules" were less the result of a CSA edict than a decision by ETV itself, probably for perfectly good market-led, commercial reasons.

Let's forget the heavily restricted daytime shows, though quite a few of the girls are now showing what still can be done, even under strict regulation.

So let's look at the night shows.  There doesn't seem to be a basic censorship problem as far as ETV are concerned - resident nudist Aliyah still goes nude, Patricia does full strips all over the place, and in their own different ways Lilian, Penelope, Kim etc. carry on as before.  So no obvious problem there.

Yet many of the models (as individuals?/as a group?) have used the exact timing of the "rule" change to tone down their performances, some more than others.  For example:
- Top hotties Alexa and Malena no longer even go topless;
- Full strippers like Sugar, Tessa, Randa still do full strips but only occasionally;
- After often standing around topless for hours on end in the past, Venera will still show her nipples, but only briefly, maybe once or twice per show;
Other models like Gia have toned down what they are prepared to do and how often.

If Aliyah, Patricia and Lilian illustrate that ETV has no basic problem with hot performances in the night show, why have so many girls tamed what they do and/or reduced the frequency with which they do it?  Why at all?  Why now?

Over to you, and thanks in advance.

27.08.2008, 19:33

Re: After the change of "rules"

The rules have changed again and since a couple of days it`s again allowed to make strips. I tried to make a restart to support a few models by sms. During the time the models can`t show their naked bodies I have stopped my support by conviction. It`s the only way for the viever to show that he is not satisfied. But I think the good old times will never come back.

27.07.2008, 19:41

Re: After the change of "rules"

It's only allowed to show the kids wargames on playstations, nintendos or the bad news on tv.

That causes no harm? The whole censorship makes no sense at all.

25.07.2008, 13:06

Re: After the change of "rules"

For Alexa and Malena i have a anser.....

They mostly work at ETV 2. In the past they sit around and were topless and talk with themselves and were bored.

Now they sit around, fuly dressed and look bored, too. They found a way to earn some money without getting even topless......

But who cares......

And i asked this question about night shows for weeks.... You forget one thing. They put always the same bored and used models in the nightshows. There is nothing interesting more of this models that you don´t have seen. You even know were the Tattoes of them are.

They must find some new models like Annabelle who accepts to stay topless there. Or do you wanna see Amanda, Sabrina or Alyiah again and again in the nightshow???



25.07.2008, 12:20

Re: After the change of "rules"

The only thing that could change something is competiton and then less money for ETV otherwise it will go on that way.

But what do I say I think everybody knows

25.07.2008, 11:52

Re: After the change of "rules"

Sorry, I have that album in good old vinyl. :)))))))))

25.07.2008, 11:45

Re: After the change of "rules"

I would have to disagree here. It is actually track No 9 -)))

Put this into context. Assume for one minute that most of the girls, out and out exhibitionists excepted, hated getting naked and have found that even with the new concept that their money has not been adversely affected then why should they even when they are allowed to.

So you wonder why they worked there before. The answer to that is in track No 1

25.07.2008, 11:32

Re: After the change of "rules"

Well I think I have an answer but I fear this would be an issue not allowed to be discussed here.

Just giving you a hint, Pink Floyd, The Dark Side Of The Moon, track n.6 (or track n.1 side B). :))))))))

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