* moved * Zita explains a little about the nudity rules

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08.06.2008, 23:07

Re: * moved * Zita explains a little about the nudity rules

Wow, now 23.00 is on ETV and Lilian at ETV 2 jumps immediately out of her clothes. What a shame and what a fool for ETV watchers.

It is a shame when models who wants to strip it isn´t allowed before 11 pm.  I see more nudity now in germany the whole day in promotion clips for shampoo.

What a waste of Airtime for ETV.

So, goodnight to all. I have to sleep and can´t now watch the "Hot shows" :-)) Attention this should be sarcastic


08.06.2008, 22:58

Re: * moved * Zita explains a little about the nudity rules

Sport clips on Alpengluhen now, NOT Censored with pussies close-up on Astra. Incredible.

ETV is really a crapchannel.

08.06.2008, 22:55

Re: * moved * Zita explains a little about the nudity rules

<<< except from some guys who will still call there because they found their true love in Moldavia. >>>

true love... yeah... :D

08.06.2008, 22:34

Re: * moved * Zita explains a little about the nudity rules

you saw on etv1 tonight that girls with a minimum of 2 years of existence on etv, saw hundreds of times, therefore, not interested.
On etv2: 2 soft model
Etv therefore become a channel for lovers of models and fetishists of all kinds.

08.06.2008, 22:24

Re: * moved * Zita explains a little about the nudity rules

Hi guys,
It's 22.18. Full pussy close-up on New Television . ( HB of course) So please don't speak about hypothetic rules.

Idem on allove, fuego tv, pleasure tv and many others.

08.06.2008, 22:03

Re: * moved * Zita explains a little about the nudity rules

I would say it's payback time for years of fooling callers and SMS-senders. Of course not self-made, but ETV's hunger for money and even more money (for nothing) won't be fulfilled any longer, except from some guys who will still call there because they found their true love in Moldavia.

08.06.2008, 21:45

Re: * moved * Zita explains a little about the nudity rules

I agree this might not be just etv problem, look what happend to live24 now very soft, also most of the italian channels on hotbird have gone soft or gone altogether. The days free to air porn are almost over in europe thanks to do good politicians :(

08.06.2008, 21:44

Re: * moved * Zita explains a little about the nudity rules

Markus76, well I think the most dish owners will have a  receiver with a smartcard slot and I am sure they will be able to reduce the cost of   sms and calls . and I dont think that you can compare ETV (not the current broadcast, but assume they will do what they did in the past) to other HC channels. But of course I maybe wrong.

BTW How come there is no video of Helna in the multimedia section ?

08.06.2008, 21:16

Re: * moved * Zita explains a little about the nudity rules


i don´t trust the mod. Because i see nudity on Exotica, Hot Week, Allove for example. And everybody knows that Eurotic was always the softest channel on Hotbird.

I don´t think so. It is only the rule from themselves that they can hire more softmodels in my eyes.

08.06.2008, 21:12

Re: * moved * Zita explains a little about the nudity rules


I am sorry but would you buy a Smartcard and a receiver for this channel?

If they don´t change their program and get real hoter don´t think you can sell any smartcard for this channel. And when you buy for them you want to call and sms again? I don´t think so. You would have costs for smartcard and SMS/calls. For this you can rent a lots of hot channels with porn if you want.

08.06.2008, 20:50

Re: * moved * Zita explains a little about the nudity rules

If the rules have changed they should change on both satellites Astra and Hotbird . As this is business I dont see how Hotbird will accept this movement to the competition (Astra). Now I am only speculating here but maybe the amount of trash chnnels on Hotbird more than 95 was already too much and some of the staf really did belong to encrepted channels so it could be that all Eutelsat due to some requirements have revoked the license of all channles and now are applying more striked rules for transmission.

In any case I do think that its time for ETV to be come a subscreption chnnel as i mentioned a few weeks ago they should have a very good install base.

08.06.2008, 20:12

Re: * moved * Zita explains a little about the nudity rules

So, Football is over and i switched to ETV.

And thank you cameraman, The camera showed the girls. I have never seen ever a girl like Tessa so bored and Patricia, too.

It seems to me that the girls are not comfortable with the new situation. But why don´t boycott the girls the show? If they didn´t get enough call they don´t earn enough.

But it is their problem. They can always have a job by McDonalds. :-)

One question: Does it give McDonalds in ETV Land?

08.06.2008, 18:09

Re: * moved * Zita explains a little about the nudity rules

Eurotic should now cosider going to a subscription channel. Now what a channel that would be with the models doing what they want .

The channel already has a customer base and I for one would pay to watch my favourite models fully nude doing things that they cannot do just now

08.06.2008, 17:57

Re: * moved * Zita explains a little about the nudity rules

Surely Eurotic could do hottish shows during the day

They could show close ups of between the legs with pants on. The models can still have fun filling their pants with cream and ice cubes. All is not lost its up to the girls to work round the rules

08.06.2008, 17:50

Re: * moved * Zita explains a little about the nudity rules

The models look bored out of their skulls already. They will need a bus to take away all the models who tell EUROTIC they are finished. The calls will surely dry up and we will be left with the hairy legged guy on his own to take calls REDLIPS ANYONE