moved ! Afternoon shows hotter than evening shows! Why???

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16.01.2008, 00:22

moved ! Afternoon shows hotter than evening shows! Why???

Really I am confused. Simple reason for that is that one day after another the night shows are really poor. Meanwhile in the afternoon it sometimes gets quite nice. I decided to put this as a topic because it repeats now for some time. but also because today I must say that show was really good from 11-22.00. Can please somebody explain this nonsense to me, because we saw today nice pussy closeups from sapfo and a little from tia and others also were hot, but in the evening again...well if I just expose joanna...I said it all. She is an ultra barbie, and to be there where should be a hot show...Is this a question of a bad regie?

11.02.2008, 23:59

Re: moved ! Afternoon shows hotter than evening shows! Why???

I agree with you marcus. I didnt believe I am ever gonna say this but Amber tried really hard yesterday. She is still to slim for my taste, but for yesterday she deserves some nice words. And kaleya also looked much sexier. Donna of course is the girl of the month already. I think that some other girls need to change. I think Hera should be more days live with maybe going from barbie to soft. She had one nice show about 2 weeks ago, and now again nothing from her. BUT FIRST if someone is reading these posts, please more camera closeups, more cooperation between cameraguys and models. And by closeups I dontmean pussy closeups, I mean shooting from close range. WHAT I really miss, are some upskirt sessions. That can be hot hot hot!!! IT can be sexy without showing almost anything. What I liked yesterday was again this feeling with donna...How far will she go? By some models we already know that at the beginning of the show.

11.02.2008, 20:16

Re: moved ! Afternoon shows hotter than evening shows! Why???

@markus: It's not entirely true, that sleeping at work will get you fired. We slept a lot at a job I had some 15 years ago. Especially when we were still drunk. I won't tell you where it was. Otherwise you could have second thoughts when calling an ambulance.

11.02.2008, 17:39

Re: moved ! Afternoon shows hotter than evening shows! Why???

Well spoken,

do you think there a some Consequences for Gia about sleeping on TV?

I woke up this morning and i have seen it and not even Lilian could her wake up. I don´t know if they have the same rules as we have in normal work but i wouldn´t her pay her loan for this performance. Sleeping at work in every Firm in Germany you get fired...

And the second thing i couldn´t understand was why they put the sexy Sugar yesterday to ETV 2. If they have changed Sugar and Aria and send Gia and Jeniffer to ETV 2 hey show were hotter than hell yesterday night.

Even Amber was hot yesterday. The Lesbianshow with Goddess Donna was amazing!!!

What do you think about my words?


11.02.2008, 10:33

Re: moved ! Afternoon shows hotter than evening shows! Why???

I think there are less calls and SMS then before but still enough though they won't change the concept of the shows.

there are still people asking Gia or Joanna for the 10 time to strip or something. Just give it up and ignore them until ETV is changing the shows. that is what I really want to say.

11.02.2008, 10:08

Re: moved ! Afternoon shows hotter than evening shows! Why???

Well, I expected different opinions here. I actually hope that Joanna was really reading this, and that she will find herself a better job. If I say that she doesnt belong in any erotic show, is only because she didnt put absolutely no energy there to be sexy. She doesnt even want to undress her pulover, or dance. Nothing. I am not saying that she isnt a nice woman, maybe in real life she is one of the best, so like you said, I am not having an opinion about her personally, just about what is she doing in a place, where we expect EROTIC stuff. And I am sorry to say, but I must agree with Marcus and Bellerophone and some others...Barbie shows and ultra barbie shows are the biggest stupidity ever happened in any sexy channel. And to bigboy: At this point I disagree with you when you say that there are many viewers, sending sms and wishes. You have to realize, when watching carefully, that those messages come from the same few guys, wishing lets say Gia to strip anything. Yesterday it was clearly seen, that in the evening she has nothing to do there, when others-kaleya and donna, were doing nice erotic show. If models are tired, that doesnt make me feel sorry for them. That is a matter of bad guys in the regie, or do maybe girls work also in clubs, and then come to etv just get some rest??? Carolina is the same case, and ojn etv2 even alex and cecil. That doesnt look good for erotic channel.

11.02.2008, 08:19

Re: moved ! Afternoon shows hotter than evening shows! Why???

Just to get it right I don't wanna say that I like the way the shows are they were much better in the past. the only way to change this is not to call so that they have to think about another way of presenting the shows. but to me it seems right now there are enough people who like the way the shows are. It seems to me they still have enough callers and people who send SMS.

That is the only way to change it because everything depends on the money. but maybe that won't even help because they can sell there shows to other TV stations.

10.02.2008, 21:31

Re: moved ! Afternoon shows hotter than evening shows! Why???


i live on the land and we don´t have cable TV. I have to watch it on Satellite and i didn´t know it. Sorry.

To HVB: You are right. The shows aren´t erotic now. I only mentioned that some channels shows pussies in the night especially in Gemany. I didn´t said that i am wanna see them. I can live when the girls be topless. But what i cannot stand is when a girl only sit around a read bokks or do homework. And i don´t like the concept with the Ultra or Megabarbies. They are really misplaced. If i wanna talk about the weather or about a film i go to the cafe or Pub and talk there about it.

And i remember that Joanna said they are not a pornchannel. Yes, she is right. Every pornchannel is cheaper as EuroticTV. A call from germany of an hour cost 100 - 120 Euro. An SMS 10 Euro. With this money you can rent a pornchannel for a year or longer.

I hope you can understand me and i don´t wanna attack everyone. I only don´t like the concept now.


Elmo: Thank you for the picture. But i see a pornchannel, there too. :-)

10.02.2008, 21:27

Re: moved ! Afternoon shows hotter than evening shows! Why???

@Markus here an example

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

channel 0080 on broadband internet tv in Austria

10.02.2008, 21:10

Re: moved ! Afternoon shows hotter than evening shows! Why???

And again I have to disagree. It’s getting quite common lately ;-)
@bigboy: I don’t think that the show is right. It’s still an erotic channel, so I expect an erotic show. This doesn’t mean (there I disagree with Markus76) showing pussy, but it means erotic movement, erotic looks, and so on. Actually, if it is done right, there is absolutely no need for undressing at all. But only very few are able to deliver a show like that. And the critic I voiced is not about showing not enough skin, but it’s about not even trying to deliver something vaguely erotic.

10.02.2008, 20:59

Re: moved ! Afternoon shows hotter than evening shows! Why???


These channels are not on satellite. They are on German cable. Very well known and discussed here several times.

10.02.2008, 20:45

Re: moved ! Afternoon shows hotter than evening shows! Why???

to bigboy:

How they wanna sell their programme to other TV Stations?

I watched all TV Stations from Astra and Hotbird and i don´t have seen the clips or the shows. Every Station or Sender in the night is hotter than ETV 1 or 2 even "DSF" is hot in the night. There you can see pussies and that is a german channel for Sport!!!

About Joanna: I don´t have problems with her but she is really misplaced in a show about Erotic. Joanna there are so many channels why you don´t sell clothes or other things like the horoscope.

At the end i wanna say ETV 2 is soo boring this adternoon. Why they don´t close this bullshit. Even Sesil sits only around and read some books.

Greetings to all


10.02.2008, 20:17

Re: moved ! Afternoon shows hotter than evening shows! Why???

I think somebody said it already. I think they sell the nightshows to other TV stations and so they are softer because other stations want them to be soft. And they try to find the right kind of girl for this kind of show and Joanna is the absolutly the right type. she is pretty and likes to comunicate and this is the basis for earning money with the viewers.

10.02.2008, 18:48

Re: moved ! Afternoon shows hotter than evening shows! Why???

:) outside,thanks for your understanding

any way,wish you very nice evening guys:) this night  the decoration will be different in ETV(i wont be at work):-P

so hope you will enjoy :)


10.02.2008, 18:47

Re: moved ! Afternoon shows hotter than evening shows! Why???

And you have every right to criticize my posts, not only if you are the topic. This is my opinion and you have every right to argue it. But if I’m less than impressed by the way you do your work, that doesn’t mean that I dislike you. In fact I don’t have any opinion about you, as I didn’t have any chance to built one. So please distinguish between the etv fantasy world an real life. I don’t talk about the latter, I only concentrate on the first. And that’s my point. I didn’t see you contributing to this fantasy world so far. At least not for me (keep in mind that I can only speak for me, not for the general viewer, because I never met him and I don’t know him). If you have found some friends, that’s great for you (and if this are friends, you will stay in contact after you quit, right?? Or are they just customers as they are supposed to be??).
So we have just different opinions about what that job is about and how to do it. We can argue, or we can just agree to disagree.
If you are going to quite I whish you all the best for your future, may all your dreams come true and hopefully you will meet some less critics along your further way down the long and windy road of life ;-)
Btw: I learned a lot more about you from this few posts than from the time you spent on screen ;-)