hare today

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17.02.2008, 11:05

hare today

I know they're short of regular models, but this is going a bit far even for ETV

17.02.2008, 15:51

Re: hare today

@erik: this topic lost track long time ago… I wasn’t able to determine the brand name under which it is sold in ********
@bellerophon: Thank you very much, but Danya may keep her legs. I have the impression, that your fantasies are little bit strange … legs with redcurrant jelly in a casserole … crazy … ;-)
@Danya: Don’t worry, your rabbit is save. We’re not going to eat it. But in case you get this idea yourself: [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

17.02.2008, 14:37

Re: hare today


Isn't that the RAMA song?

Maybe there's a lack of German margarine in ETV-land and they sing to get it like rain which doesn't pour (eg.in Africa the rain song).

Ooops, off-topic...:-))

17.02.2008, 13:20

Re: hare today

This is the master plan. I always had the impression, that Kaleya is trying to rule the world and her efforts are only hindered by her pinkie assistants…;-)
Those fluffy little animals have two outstanding characteristics: they are cute and very delicious … Obviously the girls like stroking something like that.
Btw have I ever mentioned that I’m also very fluffy? Unfortunately I’m not that cute, more of a very hairy version of Veni (I hope the one this sentence is intended for is reading … ;-))

17.02.2008, 12:58

Re: hare today

Well HvB, if that is the master plan it will soon not be a case of 'Hair today'. More a case of 'Hair gone' -))

Ah. The wonders of even a modest translation ;)

BTW today it is fasting for Bhaimi Ekadasi !!!!!

No chance of eating the rabbit then -))

(Note how quickly yet another one goes off-topic)

17.02.2008, 12:49

Re: hare today

Nice bunny, it seems Danya's one, even though bunny girl is of course Penelope. :))

And let's say something about Ivon, she looks far prettier than her pictures.

17.02.2008, 12:14

Re: hare today

I think you are misinterpreting bellerophon.
He seems to have some more inside information and is trying to prepare us, that in the future instead of dancing and stripping the girls will be chanting the Маха-мантрата:
харе кришна харе кришна кришна кришна харе харе
харе рама харе рама рама рама харе харе.
Now I understand the colour of the studio decoration….
My respect for bellerophon for his sincere efforts in investigative journalism, revealing the truth behind all of this.

17.02.2008, 11:45

Re: hare today

Thank you, DB, for your friendly hint.

You live and learn.;-))

17.02.2008, 11:26

Re: hare today


The title is IMHO a clever 'play on words' parodying another topic 'Hair Today'

or "Know your rabbit"

17.02.2008, 11:20

Re: hare today

Hmm...I was rather confused by the noun "hare". Did you mean "Bugs Bunny"? Now I think it's just an orthographic mistake, isn't it?

17.02.2008, 11:13

Re: hare today

Her name is Jessica BTW -))

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