Will I be able to watch the exklusive liveshows afterwards?

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29.11.2013, 08:13

Will I be able to watch the exklusive liveshows afterwards?


Im just wondering if you will be able to watch tonights exklusive live-shows afterwards?
I can see that Veronica is running 2 shows tonight but unfortunately I will not be able to watch them...

Would be grateful if any1 could give me an answer!

Best regards

03.12.2013, 19:03

Re: Will I be able to watch the exklusive liveshows afterwards?

manutd wrote:
Watcher wrote:
manutd wrote:Hi!

Im just wondering if you will be able to watch tonights exklusive live-shows afterwards?
I can see that Veronica is running 2 shows tonight but unfortunately I will not be able to watch them...

Would be grateful if any1 could give me an answer!

Best regards

So far the videos of the "Slow Exploring" and "Matrix II" shows have been released the following day.
I see no reason for that not being the case with Veronika's shows tonight.

No video yet on the site. I mailed etv and they said that the videos will be available today.
Hopefully it will be uploaded soon....

She is well worth watching I was not disappointed for one of her first premiums. Veronica is a good hot model.

01.12.2013, 13:53

Re: Will I be able to watch the exklusive liveshows afterwards?

Watcher wrote:
manutd wrote:Hi!

Im just wondering if you will be able to watch tonights exklusive live-shows afterwards?
I can see that Veronica is running 2 shows tonight but unfortunately I will not be able to watch them...

Would be grateful if any1 could give me an answer!

Best regards

So far the videos of the "Slow Exploring" and "Matrix II" shows have been released the following day.
I see no reason for that not being the case with Veronika's shows tonight.

No video yet on the site. I mailed etv and they said that the videos will be available today.
Hopefully it will be uploaded soon....

29.11.2013, 09:42

Re: Will I be able to watch the exklusive liveshows afterwards?

manutd wrote:Hi!

Im just wondering if you will be able to watch tonights exklusive live-shows afterwards?
I can see that Veronica is running 2 shows tonight but unfortunately I will not be able to watch them...

Would be grateful if any1 could give me an answer!

Best regards

So far the videos of the "Slow Exploring" and "Matrix II" shows have been released the following day.
I see no reason for that not being the case with Veronika's shows tonight.

29.11.2013, 08:29

Re: Will I be able to watch the exklusive liveshows afterwards?

manutd wrote:Yes of course!

Bur I will not be able to watch it live. So I was just wondering if there will be a clip on the etv-site afterwards.

i don't know if they will put those videos in the site maybe the best way is to contact etv via mail and make your request

29.11.2013, 08:26

Re: Will I be able to watch the exklusive liveshows afterwards?

Yes of course!

Bur I will not be able to watch it live. So I was just wondering if there will be a clip on the etv-site afterwards.

29.11.2013, 08:24

Re: Will I be able to watch the exklusive liveshows afterwards?

you must be logged [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] and buy credits so you will be able to watch the shows
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