Tonightshow - A classic one or what?

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31.03.2008, 00:40

Re: Tonightshow - A classic one or what?

Could it be that this show is the work of one of the models who supposedly is doing theater studies (might be Kaleya???)

31.03.2008, 00:04

Re: Tonightshow - A classic one or what?

Malena simply wonderful, really like a Rubens one.

About the line up, I think that Aria (as already written) and Zita would be the best for a show like this.

30.03.2008, 23:39

Re: Tonightshow - A classic one or what?

maybe they want recover all the times that girls are too much dressed up durign all the show.

and yeah, Kaleya looks wonderful, hope someone records this show.