The "Praise Where It's Due"/Compliments Department

3.64 (11 Bewertung(en))

(3.64 / 5, 11 Bewertungen)

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17.05.2010, 16:54

Re: The "Praise Where It's Due"/Compliments Department

Hot new model Calomira, hot Angelina, hot cam positions in the last night - nice erotic perspectives for more hot actions on etv!

17.05.2010, 14:18

Re: The "Praise Where It's Due"/Compliments Department

A fantastic idea for a thread! Thumb upThumb up It is a rare thing for a forum of this type to have some positivity in it!
I'd like to thank Gia for showing a UK viewer (me!) that you can still see a really beautiful,all natural,non tattooed,non pierced,totally sensual,completely erotic girl on the TV! Thumb up Heart

Dreamlander-I guess most of you have seen some of the girls UK viewers have to put up with? Tongue