TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

3.79 (29 Bewertung(en))

(3.79 / 5, 29 Bewertungen)

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07.03.2016, 20:47

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Kenny , I don't like curtains , even when they are colourful or maybe golden ones . The question remains , what happens in front and behind that damned curtain as the poster before me already mentioned . Confused

07.03.2016, 20:47

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

lucifer70 wrote:
kennyboy2012 wrote:and the ugly curtain is gone, its a nice bright colourful one now, looks a lot better

The problem is that nothing happens neither in front nor behind the curtain ......Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

it does behind the curtain, the problem is the cameras are set to child safe mode I think.

If they just stepped back, let the camera's view what the girls were happy to show, then things would be much better, but we get the usual BS about the girls won't do this or that, when we all know they will.

ETV has so much potential if it was allowed to be what it could be.
as it is, a few good directors are screwed by the many bad directors., and so the viewers and the girls are just wasting time.
there's some great girls too, such a waste.

07.03.2016, 19:21

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

kennyboy2012 wrote:and the ugly curtain is gone, its a nice bright colourful one now, looks a lot better

The problem is that nothing happens neither in front nor behind the curtain ......Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

06.03.2016, 19:47

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

and the ugly curtain is gone, its a nice bright colourful one now, looks a lot better

06.03.2016, 17:11

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Yooohooooo! Yesss! Finally, they got rid of the Close Encounters show.

28.02.2016, 17:26

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

From next week's guide it is clear that even ETV found the idea of the "Exclusive Highlights from ther Week" voting show ridiculous, as it is not returning next week, and the usual exclusive evening show returns. They probably realised that too many voting shows may look like a very transparent opportunity to get out money from the viewer's wallets.

28.02.2016, 15:41

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

The next week:

MO 23:00 CET - Behind the Curtain - Exclusive Energy Mix | Jasmine, Mikeila, Saiqa, Yoko, Zoe | 4 hrs - 3 crs
TU 23:00 CET - Fusion - TV and Exclusive Show | Bunny, Izzy, Linda, Nancy, Skyler | 4 hrs - 3 crs
WE 23:00 CET - Make Room for the Newbies - Exclusive Energy Mix | Effy, Flora, Rayyana, Skyler, Tallona, Zoe | 4 hrs - 3 crs
TH 23:00 CET - Old Classics TV Show - No Exclusives | Nancy, Roshana, Jasmine, Kristina, Saiqa | 4 hrs
FR 23:00 CET - Exclusive Energy Mix - Dacota, Lauren, Saiqa, Tia, Trixie, Zoe | 5 hrs - 3 crs
SA 23:00 CET - Behind the Curtain - Exclusive Energy Mix | Kristina, Mikeila, Nancy, Tallona, Tia, Yoko | 5 hrs - 3 crs
SU 23:00 CET - Behind the Curtain - Exclusive Energy Mix | Flora, Izzy, Linda, Nancy, Roshana | 4 hrs - 3 crs

Monday, Saturday and Sunday again with a new name.

26.02.2016, 00:29

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

TazDevil wrote:
Wilsonsand wrote:on thursday:

"23:00 CET - Old Classics TV Show - TV show - No Exclusives | Roshana, Tia, Nancy, Kia, Zoe | 4 hrs"

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I will wait before giving any thumbup, this could be 5 A-List models only being topless on TV, whilst ETV save money by not paying for an exclusives show crew. ETV may be the only one happy by 3am!

Let's see if this is a classic or not!

"23:00 CET - Old Classics TV Show - TV show - No Exclusives | Roshana, Tia, Nancy, Kia, Zoe | 4 hrs"


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23.02.2016, 19:26

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

I don't believe their promises.
Perhaps, however, slowly they begin to understand that destroying the TV show was a fatal mistake for them.Thumb down

23.02.2016, 11:47

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

goldy wrote:do you remember when braking during cornering on an icy road? behold, they are doing the same thing ...

but the NMM tree begins to bear fruit...
Wilsonsand wrote:on thursday:
"23:00 CET - Old Classics TV Show - TV show - No Exclusives | Roshana, Tia, Nancy, Kia, Zoe | 4 hrs"
... in fact we are almost in the spring, a spring of free fruits and free performances...

But someone does not agree, someone who runs this forum .. In fact my thread NMM was closed and I was imprisoned until now. This is my last speech, but the NMM continues, and will go on to the bitter end until they are restored ALL night free shows. nmm bl..sp.. BYE!


If I remember correctly. Your thread to solve all of the problems turned in to a thread of insulting others. (READ THE RULES!) That is why your thread was closed and it mirrored another thread. Now this mirror of what you remember is getting changed in to what you want others to see. Not magic but, look at my other hand while I insult members with no regard for rules.

We could have made you silent total! OOPS! I seem to be falling in to your "trap" that i'm an ETV executive CoolBig GrinTongueBlush

If the shows are crap, fine but, do not break forum rules Smile

23.02.2016, 10:12

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

do you remember when braking during cornering on an icy road? behold, they are doing the same thing ...

but the NMM tree begins to bear fruit...
Wilsonsand wrote:on thursday:
"23:00 CET - Old Classics TV Show - TV show - No Exclusives | Roshana, Tia, Nancy, Kia, Zoe | 4 hrs"
... in fact we are almost in the spring, a spring of free fruits and free performances...

But someone does not agree, someone who runs this forum .. In fact my thread NMM was closed and I was imprisoned until now. This is my last speech, but the NMM continues, and will go on to the bitter end until they are restored ALL night free shows. nmm bl..sp.. BYE!


22.02.2016, 08:22

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

I'll wait until after Thursdays nightshow before welcoming this latest news or lambasting 4 hours of topless only, I also refer you to my previous post in this Thread and see if I managed to predict this latest U-Turn correctly or not Smile

21.02.2016, 21:29

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Wilsonsand wrote:on thursday:

"23:00 CET - Old Classics TV Show - TV show - No Exclusives | Roshana, Tia, Nancy, Kia, Zoe | 4 hrs"

Thumb upThumb upThumb upThumb upThumb up

I will wait before giving any thumbup, this could be 5 A-List models only being topless on TV, whilst ETV save money by not paying for an exclusives show crew. ETV may be the only one happy by 3am!

Let's see if this is a classic or not!

21.02.2016, 17:32

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Hey slava , Let's hope you are right ! We'l see .Cool

21.02.2016, 12:18

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

on thursday:

"23:00 CET - Old Classics TV Show - TV show - No Exclusives | Roshana, Tia, Nancy, Kia, Zoe | 4 hrs"

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