TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

3.79 (29 Bewertung(en))

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20.12.2015, 14:16

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Fusion | Tuesday 23:00 CET
We present you Fusion – a new type of night show which blends the TV and exclusive performances. With the new format we will try to achieve a seamless transition between Internet and TV. No more waiting! No more preparations! A perfect fusion between our two mediums and the experience they provide. So, come and get this gift for the eyes! It is all for you!

this looks promising Smile

Of course it all depends on how relaxed the camerawork is!

19.12.2015, 23:25

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Friday night (and Thursday) are exclusive shows, with Destiny in both Thumb upThumb upThumb upThumb upThumb upThumb upThumb upThumb upThumb upThumb upThumb up

19.12.2015, 05:40

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Welcome back my love Effy HeartIn love

Night Shows:
Monday - Angelina, Jasmine, Saiqa, Tia and Zoe
Tuesday - Kristina, Leona, Linda, Mikeila and Zoe
Wednesday - Leona, Mikeila, Tallona, Trixie, Yoko and Zoe
Thursday - Isabella, Jasmine, Kia, Kristina, Saiqa and Tia
Friday - Destiny, Jasmine, Kia, Lauren, Linda and Nancy
Saturday - Aida, Effy , Lauren, Linda, Roshana and Saiqa
Sunday - Aida, Danna, Kia, Kristina and Saiqa

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

14.12.2015, 19:05

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

kennyboy2012 wrote:
hot_milena wrote:Fully agree but still....Britney has been removed from next week's schedule CryCryCryCryThumb downThumb downThumb downThumb down

ah, only the models schedule, not the show schedule
and destiny isn't listed in the miodels schedule and shes doing next sundays show?

not sure what it all means but lets not jump to conclusions based on a lack of facts Smile

Destiny did only 1 show per week in the last months. This week it's the same, but next sunday, surprise, surprise, in the exclusive.
After this show she will probably back in the friday-/saturday-nightshow, or going in her christmas-holidaysBig Grin

Many Greetings

14.12.2015, 00:08

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Unfortunately, it's almost safe to say that Britney left ETV once and for all now ConfusedSad

14.12.2015, 00:07

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

hot_milena wrote:Fully agree but still....Britney has been removed from next week's schedule CryCryCryCryThumb downThumb downThumb downThumb down

ah, only the models schedule, not the show schedule
and destiny isn't listed in the miodels schedule and shes doing next sundays show?

not sure what it all means but lets not jump to conclusions based on a lack of facts Smile

13.12.2015, 23:39

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Fully agree but still....Britney has been removed from next week's schedule CryCryCryCryThumb downThumb downThumb downThumb down

13.12.2015, 21:00

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

hot_milena wrote:Unfortunately, she was removed from the current schedule.....One more perfect hot sexy stunning model left CryCryCryThumb downThumb downThumb downAngryEnvyAngryEnvyAngryEnvy

I would suggest that the ETV schedule can be amended up until the show, so don't take anything as fully confirmedSmile

currently according to the show's schedule, Britney is on:

Tuesday at 17.00
Wednesday at 23.00
Friday at 17.00
Sunday at 12.00

This is a general thought and not aimed at any one person:

There does seem to be a general air of negativity towards ETV at the moment, specifically the attitude that any hint of unexplained change or any hint of something we don't have full details on, the reactions are to assume the worst.

Yes, I know there have been lots of comings and goings, and lots of changes, but maybe this is all planned. Everyone jumps up and declares the end of the world when a girl leaves, but we've had quite a few new girls. These will all have been on trial so I am not surprised when some of them don't stay. Maybe they don't fit in, maybe they decide its not for then, maybe they get a better job.
Just because a girl leaves, it does not mean that ETV is closing down. get a grip. have a talk with yourself.

I'm not saying everything is fine nor am I saying its all gone wrong, I'm saying to stop drawing conclusions on the slightest hint from a post by someone that may know less than you but is posting without thinking.Sad

ETV know what is going on (I think), but as far as I am aware, no one on this forum works for ETV (no, not me either) nor do they have a copy of ETV's plans nor do they attend ETV planning meetings.

we should all just pause, have a think and realise, we don't know what is happening, we are just guessing. so lets all take that on board, sit back, drink more coffee, and see what happens. ETV are clearly making many changes, so lets wait and see.Cool

now whos turn is it to make the coffee?Big Grin

13.12.2015, 20:19

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Unfortunately, she was removed from the current schedule.....One more perfect hot sexy stunning model left CryCryCryThumb downThumb downThumb downAngryEnvyAngryEnvyAngryEnvy

13.12.2015, 19:40

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

I'd be happy to see her do the sunday show again Smile

and I vote for coffee Smile

13.12.2015, 17:31

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

anelleS wrote:Confused I do not know what the reason is and whether it remains so this time: Britney's name was removed from next week's schedule. Confused Once more!?!

yes, you are right. Likely there is more going on, but until there is something official available I wouldn't speculate

Sit back, drink tea, and see what happens

13.12.2015, 14:06

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

hot_milena wrote:Britney CryTongueCryTongueThumb downAngryEnvy

errrhh ... what ?

She is in the schedule 4 times next week, unless this changes on short notice

13.12.2015, 14:01

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Britney CryTongueCryTongueThumb downAngryEnvy

13.12.2015, 02:46

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Pirncemami wrote:Next week schedule almost same names for last week schedule . Last week Kristal left suddenly. Who will leave this week ?! Since 2 or 3 months every week one or two models left. If I can go back to last year it was the best period for me with Etv shows. Every week new sexy models showed until May they started leaving one by one Cry

you wont believe whose next

12.12.2015, 21:01

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Next week schedule almost same names for last week schedule . Last week Kristal left suddenly. Who will leave this week ?! Since 2 or 3 months every week one or two models left. If I can go back to last year it was the best period for me with Etv shows. Every week new sexy models showed until May they started leaving one by one Cry
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