TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

3.79 (29 Bewertung(en))

(3.79 / 5, 29 Bewertungen)

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06.12.2011, 17:18

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Thank ETV for the typical Tuesdayshow.

So, i can watch Simpsons, Stromberg of Championsleague...

Let´s hope for a better Wednesday in my opinion.


06.12.2011, 15:09

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

jost54 wrote:No Scarlet tonight.Cry Is there a reason for concern?Confused

Not only tonight,no Scarlet the whole week !! The german mod. Tom has said this afternoon after one of the Gold Members had ask via SMS that she is down with influenza and that this is the reason why she´s missing this week.

06.12.2011, 10:59

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

No Scarlet tonight.Cry Is there a reason for concern?Confused

Yet still a good cast and my favoured show all week.Blush

06.12.2011, 09:49

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

vicvega wrote:Thumb down Today schedule is very boring,so we will go to bed early.Again again again same girls Sad

In "Studio Berlin" will be the new girl.AngryAngryAngry

06.12.2011, 08:54

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Thumb down Today schedule is very boring,so we will go to bed early.Again again again same girls Sad

06.12.2011, 06:10

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Ronnie will be the Model who is in the studio from 6 to 11 CET Smile......I wish her a very nice day Smile

05.12.2011, 20:06

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

passion wrote:Tonight show with Carla and Isabella together. Two of them together leave predict very hot show.
In this period ends not amaze me ETV, as it begins to give more space into night show at the models
of the daytime show. By the way, we hope to see soon Roshana,very pretty and sexy, in the night show.
Maybe he finally realized that to make the show more interesting we want new models.
If the new models are CarlaTongueTongueTongue, IsabellaTongueTongue and NaomiTongueTongue, the game is done.Thumb upThumb upThumb up

Good day at all.SmileThumb up

.....and i hope for a sensual and passion nightTongueBig Grin
carlaTongue isabellaTongue naomiTongue and don't forget kateTongueTongue
Big Grin

05.12.2011, 19:58

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

curiosity to the stars for the cast tonightTongue

05.12.2011, 17:21

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Well, maybe these newbies are little less attractive(not all) then few years ago, but I agree with post that this is an amazing casting, girls I like to see...a nice prediction for tonite.

05.12.2011, 16:30

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Laca321 wrote:the night show today is the best casting in this year

5 of 6 models are less than 9 month at etv. so we can call it probably a newbie night show.
only 10.000 complains later and etv listen to this forum. Tongue

05.12.2011, 15:50

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

the night show today is the best casting in this year

05.12.2011, 09:07

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Tonight show with Carla and Isabella together. Two of them together leave predict very hot show.
In this period ends not amaze me ETV, as it begins to give more space into night show at the models
of the daytime show. By the way, we hope to see soon Roshana,very pretty and sexy, in the night show.
Maybe he finally realized that to make the show more interesting we want new models.
If the new models are CarlaTongueTongueTongue, IsabellaTongue and NaomiTongueTongue, the game is done.Thumb upThumb upThumb up

Good day at all.SmileThumb up

05.12.2011, 06:06

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Simona will be the Model who is in the studio from 6 to 11 CET Smile......I wish her a very nice day Smile

04.12.2011, 17:13

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

TimMcGee wrote:
fcn2011 wrote:And what is the diffence between a afternoonshow and a nightshow from Brona?

It's dark outside Tongue

looking out my window: yep, but what is the difference?

04.12.2011, 17:10

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

fcn2011 wrote:And what is the diffence between a afternoonshow and a nightshow from Brona?

It's dark outside Tongue
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