TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

3.79 (29 Bewertung(en))

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16.11.2011, 06:43

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

On Sunday, again, the static show (box studio)?Confused Three times a week is really too much.Thumb down

16.11.2011, 06:14

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Ronnie will be the Model which is in the studio in the time from 6 to 11 CET Smile......I wish her a very nice day Smile

16.11.2011, 02:11

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

I´ve very sad news for all fans of Naomi because she is complete removed from the schedule for this week Sad (Tonight replaced by Anna,at thursday in Photo Session Show by Karry,at friday afternoon by Isabella and at sunday evening there will be no replacement because the cast will be reduced to 4 models).

15.11.2011, 05:57

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Connie will be the Model which is in the studio in the time from 6 to 11 CET Smile.......I wish her a very nice day Smile

14.11.2011, 05:57

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Kate will be the Model which is in the studio in the time from 6 to 11 CET Smile.......I wish her a very nice day and a lot of callers in the next 5 hours Smile

14.11.2011, 00:07

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

fcn2011 wrote:Hi JuFan,

not ready?

She made a showershow in the afternoon, where you can see through. So i don´t think she is not ready but it is her decision. I hope she is not in the bad influence of Karry...Angry



She said so on the mic. Sooner or later she'll change her mind and give us a nice nightshow, I'm pretty sure. Cool

13.11.2011, 23:13

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

JuFan wrote:
fcn2011 wrote:Only Cons: No Isabella, no Carla at Night, no new Models or Initiations since weeks, always the same models at night. only one nightshift for Gia, Joanna in the night(Nothing against her but she is a mod)

Thank God, we have internet and some good Camsides, so i can ignore ETV.



Three nightshows for Naomi and Isabella said that she's not ready for a nightshow. Smile

Hi JuFan,

not ready?

She made a showershow in the afternoon, where you can see through. So i don´t think she is not ready but it is her decision. I hope she is not in the bad influence of Karry...Angry



13.11.2011, 22:11

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Chris26 wrote:
hubsonek wrote:If You meant to see naked Naomi so if I understood correct she said last time that she will not show her naked body. Cry I wish she will change her mind

in the end Naomi said that she will never be complete naked on the screen (because it's to private) but topless didn't seem to be a too big problem.
You saved my life Thumb up

personaly i think i would like to see Naomi not fully naked in fisrt minutes... i would like to see her wearing some transparent clothes, without bra, some sexy movements/dancing, interactions with other models and smiled

13.11.2011, 21:50

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

I can live with the night show schedule, although there are only two shows of Scar & Mash, only one of Tia and Gia (ok, she's mostly boring lately anyway, so it doesn't really matter) and there are two shows with no green models and three with only one. Anna is back - very nice. Naomi ... we'll see what happens. And I miss Amy and Shelley Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

13.11.2011, 21:49

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

you forget she is a student and can have studies this week and thus the shedule
will not change.

13.11.2011, 21:31

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

She told that yesterday on micro, when asked when she will be in nightshift...That she will be absent for the whole week.

13.11.2011, 21:09

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

jonas wrote:Jessica ...Next week NO shift with her - I`m very disappointed! Cry

Hey jonas ....always keep in mind that the shedule can change during the week ,so who knows maybe you...and those who like Jessica get lucky Smile .

Kind Regards

13.11.2011, 20:05

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Tarl_Cabot wrote:
hubsonek wrote:If You meant to see naked Naomi so if I understood correct she said last time that she will not show her naked body. Cry I wish she will change her mind

afaik did Naomi discuss the night show topic in several afternoon talk shows.
but I personally have heard only one short talk between Angelina and Naomi about being naked in a night show.
after some mins both realised that they had a different definition of naked.
Naomi (who thought that the models in the night shows are the complete time naked) spoke about naked the Angelina style while Angelina meant topless or more.
in the end Naomi said that she will never be complete naked on the screen (because it's to private) but topless didn't seem to be a too big problem.
so I would assume less than Jane's first night show but more than a Brona night show.

Plus, I also like to think that, judging by her attitude in recent afternoon shows, she seems to be a lot more confident with her body than many "softies", so handbra shouldn't be a problem, I believe.
And a handbra by a soft model is a gift from heaven, these days.

13.11.2011, 19:52

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

This week only ONE shift with JESSICA (and I couldn`t watch it live)
Next week NO shift with her

- I`m very disappointed! Cry

13.11.2011, 19:22

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Tarl_Cabot wrote:
hubsonek wrote:If You meant to see naked Naomi so if I understood correct she said last time that she will not show her naked body. Cry I wish she will change her mind

afaik did Naomi discuss the night show topic in several afternoon talk shows.
but I personally have heard only one short talk between Angelina and Naomi about being naked in a night show.
after some mins both realised that they had a different definition of naked.
Naomi (who thought that the models in the night shows are the complete time naked) spoke about naked the Angelina style while Angelina meant topless or more.
in the end Naomi said that she will never be complete naked on the screen (because it's to private) but topless didn't seem to be a too big problem.
so I would assume less than Jane's first night show but more than a Brona night show.

i've full agree with you Tarl
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