TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

3.79 (29 Bewertung(en))

(3.79 / 5, 29 Bewertungen)

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03.11.2011, 06:01

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Carla will be the Model which is in the studio in the time from 6 to 12 CET Smile......I wish her a very nice day Smile

02.11.2011, 06:10

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Lilian will be the Model which is in the studio in the time from 6 to 12 CET Smile......I wish her a very nice day Smile

01.11.2011, 06:07

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Carla will be the Model which is in the studio in the time from 6 to 12 CET Smile......I wish her a very nice day Smile

31.10.2011, 16:40

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Its the easy shift for the lazy shy crew. Give a job to someone who wants a job in eurotic tv.
Why are students given jobs when they should be studying anyway.
Ger rid and get a vacancy promotion going..
Outgoing girls required for phone sex channel, must be available for shift work.
Big breasts essent.. ( kidding )

31.10.2011, 16:38

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

vicvega wrote:Brona, Evah, Mashiara, Scarlet is on tv now afternoon show,they must be on night show .SadSad

In the nightshow us indulge Aria, Athina, Lilian, Marayah and Tessa.... incredible.

31.10.2011, 16:27

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Brona, Evah, Mashiara, Scarlet is on tv now afternoon show,they must be on night show .SadSad

31.10.2011, 12:23

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Romyfrance wrote:Hello Klemi...well,its a decision of the models when to take a shift or not!And will you and some other guys try to understand that for the most models ETV is just a job...besides for example also being a student!!!!!!!!!!And can you perhaps understand that it is impossible to study or do other work in the days when comming home after a nightshift at 5 in the morning!!But of course girls like Mashiara can work on ETV all the nights just to satisfy your needs...and later they can marry a rich man cause having no exam or any serious profession!!Think about it...

When true, then something is really wrong in Molvania. First girls should not decide about anything. This is the biggest mistake when true and probably you are right, meaning crisis is really big when girls can decide about everything. Or to say in my words, that they can always choose to do nothing. You say it is their JOB! Thumb up How true. BUT as for job maybe someone needs to remind you again and them most of all it is a job on a televison with EROTIC programme. And as an erotic channel I dont give a shit if somebody has an exam next mornng. They should have studio at right temperature and study naked when necessary. Or do the schedule differently. They have enough girls for it. So you say all young beautiful models who still study, are ok to work day shifts, and in the evenings we have a 40+ party??? Maybe they should hire some real oldies, enjoying happy years in retirement because they dont have to get up early next day. I wonder then how do these gorgeous girls in almost all UK channels survive, because some of them are working at nights until what? 6 30 CET??? Naked! Strange world...

31.10.2011, 11:59

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Hello Klemi...well,its a decision of the models when to take a shift or not!And will you and some other guys try to understand that for the most models ETV is just a job...besides for example also being a student!!!!!!!!!!And can you perhaps understand that it is impossible to study or do other work in the days when comming home after a nightshift at 5 in the morning!!But of course girls like Mashiara can work on ETV all the nights just to satisfy your needs...and later they can marry a rich man cause having no exam or any serious profession!!Think about it...

31.10.2011, 11:52

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Just no commonsense or reasoning for the way ETV organises it's shift rota.
You cannot tell me all threads ( And I mean a lot ofd them ) are not read by anyone connected to ETV.
Even removing the bitchy and grumpy comments, still no changes and if any for the worse.
Hot models in a show that is allegedly not allowed to show anything at all.

31.10.2011, 11:33

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Hey, Tarl, please I have just one tiny question or request,...please look at todays schedule and tell me, was it ever more obvious then this week that the guy who decides which models will go live in the afternoon and which later, is a completely blind jerk. What is behind this??? You think girls decide themselves or??? Or is Hans the one who preferres still some "old" models in nightshows? Tonite if I again put Kate away, it is a disgrace comparing to Scarlet, Mashi and other eye magnetes which we will see earlier. What is your opinion why such a mess?

31.10.2011, 11:26

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

bigboy24 wrote:
klemi wrote:
Tarl_Cabot wrote:
poseidon69 wrote:18/10 Claudia Kristina Mashiara Scarlet Tia
25/10 Claudia Kristina Mashiara Scarlet Tia
01/11 Claudia Kristina Mashiara Scarlet Tia

nice to see that you understand the idea of the 5 models show.
and I'm sure that only a few will complain if all these shows are like the last one. Smile

I agree with you that the show was nice...However I also agree with poseidon that we need more new faces in nightshows. In 2011 it hapenned nicely with Kate or Nancy, but we need more. Still, under this etv "command" sometimes even models like Kristina or Claudia or Nancy look ridiculous. I guess times of Slaveya are gone forever,...except with help of people like Mic...Compared to those we havent seen a good show since December 2010.

You can't compare the models from today with the models from 2005. The models in 2005 were hired for INXTC too which is quite a different thing then ETV or can you imagine
Karry ,Evah and Brona in INXTC.
These times are over because INXTC no longer exists.

Why are they different? It is the atmosphere ETV is making aroud these queens of soft. Like they perform, they shouldnt employ them anyway. Even if they are so beautiful, but they have them there for naive people to fall in love with them. That brings more cash then open pussy...And one more thing...ok lets say we agree about softies that I dont imagine them in hardcore scenes ( uff but I do haha), those 5 mentioned above-I really do imagine them in hot stuff full of lesbian scenes and oil and maybe some hardcore at nights until....BUT then comes HANS!!! Hope you did not fall of a chair now.

31.10.2011, 09:57

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

klemi wrote:
Tarl_Cabot wrote:
poseidon69 wrote:18/10 Claudia Kristina Mashiara Scarlet Tia
25/10 Claudia Kristina Mashiara Scarlet Tia
01/11 Claudia Kristina Mashiara Scarlet Tia

nice to see that you understand the idea of the 5 models show.
and I'm sure that only a few will complain if all these shows are like the last one. Smile

I agree with you that the show was nice...However I also agree with poseidon that we need more new faces in nightshows. In 2011 it hapenned nicely with Kate or Nancy, but we need more. Still, under this etv "command" sometimes even models like Kristina or Claudia or Nancy look ridiculous. I guess times of Slaveya are gone forever,...except with help of people like Mic...Compared to those we havent seen a good show since December 2010.

You can't compare the models from today with the models from 2005. The models in 2005 were hired for INXTC too which is quite a different thing then ETV or can you imagine
Karry ,Evah and Brona in INXTC.
These times are over because INXTC no longer exists.

31.10.2011, 09:30

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Tarl_Cabot wrote:
poseidon69 wrote:18/10 Claudia Kristina Mashiara Scarlet Tia
25/10 Claudia Kristina Mashiara Scarlet Tia
01/11 Claudia Kristina Mashiara Scarlet Tia

nice to see that you understand the idea of the 5 models show.
and I'm sure that only a few will complain if all these shows are like the last one. Smile

I agree with you that the show was nice...However I also agree with poseidon that we need more new faces in nightshows. In 2011 it hapenned nicely with Kate or Nancy, but we need more. Still, under this etv "command" sometimes even models like Kristina or Claudia or Nancy look ridiculous. I guess times of Slaveya are gone forever,...except with help of people like Mic...Compared to those we havent seen a good show since December 2010.

31.10.2011, 08:57

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

poseidon69 wrote:18/10 Claudia Kristina Mashiara Scarlet Tia
25/10 Claudia Kristina Mashiara Scarlet Tia
01/11 Claudia Kristina Mashiara Scarlet Tia

nice to see that you understand the idea of the 5 models show.
and I'm sure that only a few will complain if all these shows are like the last one. Smile

31.10.2011, 07:41

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

In night show:
11/10 Claudia Kristina Mashiara Nancy Scarlet
18/10 Claudia Kristina Mashiara Scarlet Tia
25/10 Claudia Kristina Mashiara Scarlet Tia
01/11 Claudia Kristina Mashiara Scarlet Tia
WOW very very compliments Eurotic
Why never in night show Carla or Naomi o other but always Marayah, Claudia, Lilian ecc
Amateur models online