TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

3.79 (29 Bewertung(en))

(3.79 / 5, 29 Bewertungen)

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10.10.2011, 20:40

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

no gia tonightCryCry
...but maybe it's better for my pressureBig GrinBig Grin
and there are kate and scarletTongueTongue

10.10.2011, 19:35

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Tifosi wrote:p.s. Just been on Gia's thread, are all her fans old? They all seem to be gasping
for breath, have heart problems or ringing for ambulances.They really should be
careful if they can't take the strain Cool

I'm 27,
But Gia's shows,
is like taking drugs,

that make you fast aging,
but you feel younger!! Big GrinBig Grin

And tonight no Gia Cry

Well.... then I can finally sleep Smile

Thanks for the info GenaroXP Thumb upThumb upThumb up

10.10.2011, 19:24

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

I prefer brona instead of athina only brona completes gia

Why brona doesnt join in a nightshow with yesterday clothes Sad

10.10.2011, 18:55

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

logic wrote:We are all secret ETV employees. Big GrinBig Grin
When I read some posts, I think.... not so secret.

10.10.2011, 18:10

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Panda wrote:
Carter8 wrote:
GenaroXP wrote:
Karol88 wrote:Gia removed from schedule of today's night show.

Gia is removed from todays Night Show and will be replaced by Athina (also in the following After Hour) but you will see Gia at Thursday in the Night Show instead of Athina.

I have a question.

Where did you get all this information ?

That's why he is a moderator.Big Grin

We are all secret ETV employees. Big GrinBig Grin

10.10.2011, 17:50

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Karol88 wrote:Gia removed from schedule of today's night show.
A pity. I would be curious to see her together again with Scarlet.

It seems Nancy was more than a handful for Gia last night, and Gia's worn out.
If she had to perform with Scarlet tonight, she may not have survrived, so it
seems a good idea to take a rest.

p.s. Just been on Gia's thread, are all her fans old? They all seem to be gasping
for breath, have heart problems or ringing for ambulances.They really should be
careful if they can't take the strain Cool

10.10.2011, 17:23

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Carter8 wrote:
GenaroXP wrote:
Karol88 wrote:Gia removed from schedule of today's night show.

Gia is removed from todays Night Show and will be replaced by Athina (also in the following After Hour) but you will see Gia at Thursday in the Night Show instead of Athina.

I have a question.

Where did you get all this information ?

That's why he is a moderator.Big Grin

10.10.2011, 17:00

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

GenaroXP wrote:
Karol88 wrote:Gia removed from schedule of today's night show.

Gia is removed from todays Night Show and will be replaced by Athina (also in the following After Hour) but you will see Gia at Thursday in the Night Show instead of Athina.

I have a question.

Where did you get all this information ?

10.10.2011, 15:54

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Karol88 wrote:Gia removed from schedule of today's night show.

Gia is removed from todays Night Show and will be replaced by Athina (also in the following After Hour) but you will see Gia at Thursday in the Night Show instead of Athina.

10.10.2011, 15:13

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Gia removed from schedule of today's night show.
A pity. I would be curious to see her together again with Scarlet.

10.10.2011, 05:56

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Simona will be the Model which is in the studio in the time from 6 to 12 CET Smile......I wish her a very nice day Smile

09.10.2011, 14:04

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

for info: Evah and Kristina will change their shift tomorrow, and on Wednesday early morning Kristina in the after hour instead of Mashiara.

09.10.2011, 13:53

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Charles4711 wrote:The triumvirate (Angelina, Gia, Kate) is tonite again on air. Every Sunday the same. Ever these repetitions. Why we pay feels?
Why not hot action with Gia and Lin? The answer knows only the wind; sorry, of course the chief Franz Ressel.
In fact very respectable from eUrotic tv management. All normal Person can long sleep and is fit for the new week.
Thank you very much!

I guess something has changed in personal relationship between Lin and Gia. Maybe a fight, maybe an argument, maybe something else. We'll never know, as it should be.
Working for an erotic channel is a little bit different from working - for axample - in a bank. Personal feeling is essential, otherwise the interactions would be cold and forced.
So, let's take the time to models to solve their problems and, if does not happen, let's respect their own choices and preferences.
In friendly.

09.10.2011, 12:10

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Charles4711 wrote:The triumvirate (Angelina, Gia, Kate) is tonite again on air. Every Sunday the same. Ever these repetitions. Why we pay feels?
Why not hot action with Gia and Lin? The answer knows only the wind; sorry, of course the chief Franz Ressel.
In fact very respectable from eUrotic tv management. All normal Person can long sleep and is fit for the new week.
Thank you very much!

Call Gia and ask her about it.
Maybe you'll understand something after that ...

09.10.2011, 12:06

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

The triumvirate (Angelina, Gia, Kate) is tonite again on air. Every Sunday the same. Ever these repetitions. Why we pay feels?
Why not hot action with Gia and Lin? The answer knows only the wind; sorry, of course the chief Franz Ressel.
In fact very respectable from eUrotic tv management. All normal Person can long sleep and is fit for the new week.
Thank you very much!
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