TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

3.79 (29 Bewertung(en))

(3.79 / 5, 29 Bewertungen)

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09.10.2011, 07:02

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Jessica will be the Model which is in the studio in the time from 7 to 12 CET Smile......I wish her a very nice sunday Smile

08.10.2011, 23:12

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Panda wrote:I just hope that she will be in night show tomorow also.In love
And Marayah replaced by Randa, then getting up Monday Morning will be painful Big Grin


08.10.2011, 22:31

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

logic wrote:
vappiano68 wrote:It was Dr.House's secret way to win the duel Big Grin
Now he has to find another solution: it wouldn't be a surprise to see Randa or Sabrina replaced by Lilian...Big Grin

Not Lilian, but Athina and Penelope. Seems Hans did really everything to win the match! Big GrinSad

All right men !!!
Three cheers for AthinaTongueTongue
I just hope that she will be in night show tomorow also.In love

08.10.2011, 22:25

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

vappiano68 wrote:It was Dr.House's secret way to win the duel Big Grin
Now he has to find another solution: it wouldn't be a surprise to see Randa or Sabrina replaced by Lilian...Big Grin

Not Lilian, but Athina and Penelope. Seems Hans did really everything to win the match! Big GrinSad

08.10.2011, 22:17

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Looking at tonights line up as compared to yesterday night, i think Vicki drew the short straw

08.10.2011, 19:22

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Panda wrote:...

Maybe litlle Kate has grone up now and does not need assistance anymore Big Grin
Of course she has Tongue
Anyway it's always great watching her in action with Angelina In loveIn loveIn love


08.10.2011, 17:43

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

new girl in the nigth show after 1 year to work in etv it's no possible look andria today no ready to work in nigth show? new girl new girl pleaseThumb downThumb downThumb downAngryAngryAngry

08.10.2011, 17:23

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Models missing: Amira, Bebe, Carla, Cleopatra, Emma, Randa and Tia
Models with just a few shifts: Andria, Janine, Jessica, Jolie and Simona
Models back: Spirit

(Michelle signed up for more shows)

08.10.2011, 16:48

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Panda wrote:Well 23 models in night shows next week and one of them is a softie.Once again no Anna in night shows and we all are waiting for her promice to be true.
Also no Emma and Bebe,Janine,Randa and ofcourse Tia.
Pleasant surprise is Ronnie's paricipation,not to mention Spirit that I guess no one expected.
O.K. then.
Have fun all.

rumors say, that we do not see Bebe again.

08.10.2011, 15:54

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Chris26 wrote:Let's ignore the lack of surprises in the night shows, which is the norm bz now.

But have you noticed that next week there won't be a single night show with Angelina & Kate together?

That, honestly, is a crime against humanity! I hope that this Sunday they'll compensate... Big Grin

Maybe litlle Kate has grone up now and does not need assistance anymore Big Grin

08.10.2011, 14:37

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Let's ignore the lack of surprises in the night shows, which is the norm bz now.

But have you noticed that next week there won't be a single night show with Angelina & Kate together?

That, honestly, is a crime against humanity! I hope that this Sunday they'll compensate... Big Grin

08.10.2011, 13:23

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Panda wrote:Well 23 models in night shows next week and one of them is a softie.Once again no Anna in night shows and we all are waiting for her promice to be true.
Also no Emma and Bebe,Janine,Randa and ofcourse Tia.
Pleasant surprise is Ronnie's paricipation,not to mention Spirit that I guess no one expected.
O.K. then.
Have fun all.


yes, but Ronnie in a week on Sunday. A lots of things can be in a week but 4 Nightshows for Claudia and Tessa!!!!
In the past it was Lillian, now we have Claudia in every nightshow... And i speak for myself. I don´t like her.....

PS: Look at the show now, Jessica dressed really hot and at night she is a shadow. No, i don´t have to understand it but i must accept it.... What is wrong in ETV Land? Hey, Randa, please have a look at your schedule and think about it!!!!

08.10.2011, 13:11

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Well 23 models in night shows next week and one of them is a softie.Once again no Anna in night shows and we all are waiting for her promice to be true.
Also no Emma and Bebe,Janine,Randa and ofcourse Tia.
Pleasant surprise is Ronnie's paricipation,not to mention Spirit that I guess no one expected.
O.K. then.
Have fun all.

08.10.2011, 12:05

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

no new models in the nightCryCry

08.10.2011, 12:01

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Next to nothing news. Every week the same procedur. G/G action with Angelina/Gia and Gia/Kate. How to times from Safo and Sunny.
Okay, Angelina, Gia and Kate are more then best friends.
Butt will the viewers that week for week see how much the three each other love? Or is it only a role Play?
I think not.
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