TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

3.79 (29 Bewertung(en))

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18.07.2011, 21:10

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

jonas wrote:
nighthawk wrote:Hi Shaky
you are so right. Thumb up

Evening show added by the first three hours of the night show is nine hours in summary.
Longer than any other shift (except night and minus shift) and time enough for writing and calling in my opinion.
If I'm wrong it's what I think only. Smile

Greets and nice Sunday evening

Unfortunately you were wrong Sad

and why ?

Hidden shift
07:00 - 15:00 - 8 hours

Normal evening show
15:00 - 22:00 - 7 hours

Extended evening show
16:00 - 01:00 - 9 hours

Night show
22:00 - 04:00 - 6 hours

Night show and minus shift
22:00 - 07:00 - 9 hours

or do you refer on anything other Mr.jonas


18.07.2011, 20:59

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

If the schedule is right, no softy tonight.Blush Would be the first time in.....weeks/months.Cool

18.07.2011, 20:12

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

why marayah and lilian always in night show, Angry
Thumb down

18.07.2011, 18:56

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

this is ETV, they waste the most beautiful and sexy girls in the afternoon, and then for the evening shows using their large banner, MALIAR TV.AngryAngryAngry Thumb downThumb downThumb down
thank you very much for those organizing the shifts of the girls

18.07.2011, 18:00

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

lucifer70 wrote:Nicole in the night show, Gia and Lia in the afternoon?
And then who will be the star of the Eurotic night Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck?
Well done friends of EucomicTV!Tongue

No, it's Lin's Barbie Show tonight ... have you missed all the publicity?

18.07.2011, 13:16

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Nicole in the night show, Gia and Lia in the afternoon?
And then who will be the star of the Eurotic night Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck?
Well done friends of EucomicTV!Tongue

18.07.2011, 07:05

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Jacqueline will be the Model which is in the studio in the time from 7 to 15 CET Smile.....I wish her a very nice day and also a good start in the new week Smile

18.07.2011, 00:49

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

jonas wrote:Unfortunately you were wrong Sad

Why dont you become a gold member? You are a regular caller/sender so it would make a lot of sense for you.

18.07.2011, 00:31

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

nighthawk wrote:Hi Shaky
you are so right. Thumb up

Evening show added by the first three hours of the night show is nine hours in summary.
Longer than any other shift (except night and minus shift) and time enough for writing and calling in my opinion.
If I'm wrong it's what I think only. Smile

Greets and nice Sunday evening

Unfortunately you were wrong Sad

17.07.2011, 22:20

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

fman1 wrote:Who will be in the shower with Kate ?

Okay ... as there's no takers, I'll do it ... Tongue .

17.07.2011, 21:46

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Hi Shaky
you are so right. Thumb up

Evening show added by the first three hours of the night show is nine hours in summary.
Longer than any other shift (except night and minus shift) and time enough for writing and calling in my opinion.
If I'm wrong it's what I think only. Smile

Greets and nice Sunday evening

17.07.2011, 21:41

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Who will be in the shower with Kate ?

17.07.2011, 21:26

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

outside wrote:Just a question: has Ronnie been scheduled next week?
If she hasn't been, she will be removed from models page (last appearance: 30th June).

Hello Mr.outside,

watched in the schedule for the next week and couldn't find her.
Think you mean Ronnie = Rony if I'm not wrong.
(source: ETV's Gold members website)


17.07.2011, 20:19

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

jonas wrote:Bad news for me too Sad
I had the Information that NATASHA would be in the night show Sad
@ jonas ..i think when the girl/model starts her show from 16.00u ( in this case Natasha ) than they normaly will stay until 01.00u ,so thats a part of the night show ( from 10.00u -01.00u ) ,so 3 hours for you ( and for the ones who like Natasha and " ia's " ) to watch her/them ,i know it is not the entire night shift Confused , but enjoy the moments of a shift when your favorit is there Cool Thumb up,there will be always a next time that you/we can see her/them in a complete night shift Cool
But ..euh the bad news is not that they both will not be in the night shift ..but something completely differentConfused Sad...but i will try to make the best of it Cool ( hopefully whitout any murder Confused )...otherwise it will be .....look at the music section " Dedicated ..." Cool

Kind Regards

17.07.2011, 19:46

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

shaky-schumi wrote:
chrispocz wrote:The curiosities schedule for next week:

15.00 Gia, Lia (for Shaky Smile )
16.00 Gia, Joanna, Lia, Natasha,

Hooooow sh*t Confused Sad this is going to be ...aah f**k

Kind Regards

Bad news for me too Sad
I had the Information that NATASHA would be in the night show Sad
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