TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

3.79 (29 Bewertung(en))

(3.79 / 5, 29 Bewertungen)

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03.07.2011, 13:23

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Brianna will replace Karry in todays Evening Show Smile

03.07.2011, 07:01

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Simona will be the Model which is in the studio in the time from 7 to 15 CET Smile.....wish her a very nice day Smile

02.07.2011, 16:25

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

The main schedule rules did change again - in a negative direction:

Until last week there were 10 models in the night show, every day except the wednesday shower show. But after 1.00h CET this number of models was reduced to 8 models. So viewers had a better chance for a good show, if they waited sending wishes until the time after 1.00h CET.
This was possible every day.
Now in some night shows every weekend are 10 models until 4.00h CET . With this number of models it is nearly impossible to get a good show.
I suppose that 10 € for a VIP at the weekend are lost money. Thumb down

02.07.2011, 07:01

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Brona will be the Model which is in the studio in the time from 7 to 15 CET Smile.....wish her a very nice day Smile

02.07.2011, 00:05

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

A small update for today :

Kristina will replace Randa in todays Night Show Angry so Kristina which was actual planned for the Evening Show will now replaced by Athina which will also stay for 3 extra hours in the night the same like Lin which will also stay for the 3 extra hours after her Evening Show.

01.07.2011, 23:58

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Models missing: Spirit
Models with just a few shifts: Brianna, Cindy, Claudia, Gia, Jacqueline, Janine, Karry, Lace, Natasha, Nicole, Randa, Ronnie, Tessa, Tia
Models back: Athina

01.07.2011, 06:57

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Kleopatra will be the Model which is in the studio in the time from 7 to 15 CET Smile.....wish her a very nice day Smile

01.07.2011, 00:03

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

A small update for today :

Lia will replace Amy in todays Evening Show and also for the 3 extra hours in the Night Smile and Lia which was actual planned for the Night Show will now replaced by Athina Smile

30.06.2011, 20:19

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Next Monday for the 1st time Kia´s Show Smile

30.06.2011, 14:19

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

GenaroXP wrote:Angelina will replace Natasha in todays Night Show........(I don´t know if this are good or bad news Confused )

Angelina in my opinion is one of the best models, but: for me these are very very bad news CryCryCry
Angelina should have replaced every other model in this show, but not NATASHA whose last show was last saturday.

I always enjoyed to watch my darling NATASHA in the thursday show of Eli, for me it`s the best directed show in the week Sad
And: Even with Ammy the cast in this show is much better for a good performance than in the saturday night show (I hope NATASHA`s next show) with too many "stars"!
In German language: "Zu viele Köche verderben den Brei!"

30.06.2011, 13:36

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Angelina will replace Natasha in todays Night Show........(I don´t know if this are good or bad news Confused )

30.06.2011, 07:02

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Evah will be the Model which is in the studio in the time from 7 to 15 CET Smile.....wish her a very nice day Smile

30.06.2011, 00:57

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Tarl_Cabot wrote:Amy is earlier back today and will replace Lace in the night show
and for Gia is the schedule not corrected for this AH and so she's removed but not replaced. Smile

I enjoyed that this show will be without the "stars".
But now Ammy is back one day too early Angry
So the camera will be concentrated only at one model Envy

30.06.2011, 00:03

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Amy is earlier back today and will replace Lace in the night show
and for Gia is the schedule not corrected for this AH and so she's removed but not replaced. Smile

29.06.2011, 23:55

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Tarl_Cabot wrote:
kyke50 wrote:Something does not understand,
why is the list Gia at 03:00?

because it isn't midnight and so nobody knows who will replace her in the After Hour and so the schedule cannot be edited. Angry

somebody does not understand... schedule does not exist... etv is a fake