TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

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25.04.2011, 15:02

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

The second week under the new concept has started and now we can see the first two visible Beauties of this week In the Monday "Daytime Show" and there are Eva & Brona.....what a start In the new week.

25.04.2011, 14:05

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

JBGOOD wrote:Have a big problem!!!

Visit abroad has to be planned this week and no decision taken yet.
Do not know what to say to my boss: I cannot say.." wait untill ETV schedule is known!!!" Confused
Are you serious ?? Its sounds like a joke !! This is the most hilarious thing I have heard about how ETV affects peoples private life, don't you have a recorder to record the shows ???

If I understood correctly (the Italian can concur ) the guy doing the schedule is on holiday will be back Tuesday should be ready at 14:00 tomorrow

25.04.2011, 13:44

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Every week I'm amused about the TV-guide-panic. Big Grin

I'm quite sure the schedule will come soon, it's only one of the things at ETV with a low priority.

25.04.2011, 13:30

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Have a big problem!!!

Visit abroad has to be planned this week and no decision taken yet.
Do not know what to say to my boss: I cannot say.." wait untill ETV schedule is known!!!" Confused

Of course the same message will be forward to ETV people

25.04.2011, 11:08

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

milena_sexobomb wrote:hi to everyone,
what about ETV's schedule??? does anybody know??

At the moment ETV has no TV Guide at her own Website what also means that It don´t give a schedule on this website too....I hope that a little bit later they will be finish their hibernation and fill the empty TV Schedule for this week.....I hope that we will see some suprises.

And this was said already yesterday:

bellerophon wrote:I apologise to all our customers for the lack of a schedule for next week. Monday's has been done by etv but not placed on the website (yet).

Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible.

25.04.2011, 10:56

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

hi to everyone,
what about ETV's schedule??? does anybody know??

25.04.2011, 09:56

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Anyone else with problems to read the schedule? Thumb down

25.04.2011, 09:53

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Hi niceguy, right
I meant her. Let's surprise.


24.04.2011, 23:17

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

nighthawk wrote:Someone told me (on the phone)
she will be in 3 night shows next week.
Monday, Thursday, Friday.
Can only hope so will be it.

Hmmm, sounds like Mashiara? That would be perfect.

24.04.2011, 21:35

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Someone told me (on the phone)
she will be in 3 night shows next week.
Monday, Thursday, Friday.
Can only hope so will be it.

24.04.2011, 11:28

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Tarl_Cabot wrote:
HvB wrote:Lesson 1: never listen to what the mods say ...

so Lesson 1 is the same as since some years Smile

I never insisted to be adaptive ...

24.04.2011, 11:13

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

HvB wrote:Lesson 1: never listen to what the mods say ...

so Lesson 1 is the same as since some years Smile

24.04.2011, 10:58

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

HvB wrote:When my info is right, Aria will jump in in a few minutes.

Lesson 1: never listen to what the mods say ...

24.04.2011, 10:42

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

GenaroXP wrote:Maybe somebody has forget to say Jacqueline that today Is Sunday and she must go to work Tongue

looks like searching for the eggs took some mins longer than expected but now she's in the studio. Smile

24.04.2011, 09:03

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

but what you say, the show will be '... Tomorrow will be the spectacle of kristina