TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

3.79 (29 Bewertung(en))

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27.03.2011, 13:48

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

I'm really curious to see the scheduling from Apr4th. on ETV site Schedule is full untill Apr 3rd and completelly empty from monday 4th!!!!
The new era?

27.03.2011, 11:22

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Models missing: Madlen, Nikita
Models with only one shift: Angelina, Kally, Randa, Simona
Models return: Angelina

(one model signed up for more shows: Victoria)

27.03.2011, 00:10

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

next weeks schedule complete Smile

25.03.2011, 19:16

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Tarl_Cabot wrote:the next weeks night shifts are complete
and guess how many new faces appear for the first time in a night show.

yep. right. exactly 0. Sad

The only solution is to move to Asia Central - Eastern... Then all the new girls in the show night! Big Grin

25.03.2011, 19:12

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Tarl_Cabot wrote:the next weeks night shifts are complete
and guess how many new faces appear for the first time in a night show.

yep. right. exactly 0. Sad

From what I read in the various threads, it's not faces that viewers are wanting to see ... Tongue

25.03.2011, 18:59

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

the next weeks night shifts are complete
and guess how many new faces appear for the first time in a night show.

yep. right. exactly 0. Sad

25.03.2011, 17:45

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

hubsonek wrote:Is Victoria still in studio? I'm asking because she is still in schedule on liveshow

No,she was only at the 1st hour of the evening show in the studio because Natasha was late!!

25.03.2011, 17:42

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Is Victoria still in studio? I'm asking because she is still in schedule on liveshow

24.03.2011, 17:31

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

This "new model show" today are the perfekt schedule for an evening show. We see motived, very amaizing and most beautiful girls with a lot of good actions. In the future, i hope to see this beautiful girls often (maybe in a night shift ?).

24.03.2011, 16:24

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

the evening show is often the "Brona & Evah" shift like on monday and tuesday
but yesterday and today it's the show of the new models (all 5 models began in this year at etv).

23.03.2011, 18:53

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

kyke50 wrote:Is not it strange that 1,2 and 3 April has not yet been any names on the list? Confused

its either the end of etv...

...or just the usual end-of-the-month-bug.

23.03.2011, 18:44

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

The_Feeling wrote:maybe I´m wrong but is it true or not?
Is this the first morning show with only so called "night show models" during daytime?
well done Mr. or Mrs. schedule planer
ConfusedThumb up

more than likely a dummy run for their next night appearance Confused

23.03.2011, 18:33

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Is not it strange that 1,2 and 3 April has not yet been any names on the list? Confused

23.03.2011, 11:10

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

maklo99 wrote:Wow next monday will be Spirit's show. Finally.

enjoy the show, you never know when she'll be gone for good

23.03.2011, 00:47

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Wow next monday will be Spirit's show. Finally.

And I'm really interested about scenery of studio. Maybe boxing studio ?