TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

3.79 (29 Bewertung(en))

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14.06.2011, 13:10

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

satya1002005 wrote:The cast for shower show on wednesday is

- Janeen
- Kia

Looks interesting..

Janeen and Tia will stay for after hour show

It is strange that Tia is in the after show of Wednesday, is she comes specially or can be is it an error of typing with Kia?
What do you think of that?

14.06.2011, 06:58

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Evah will be the Model which is in the studio in the time from 7 to 15 CET Smile.....wish her a very nice & successful day Smile

14.06.2011, 04:49

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

The cast for shower show on wednesday is

- Janeen
- Kia

Looks interesting..

Janeen and Tia will stay for after hour show

14.06.2011, 00:03

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Nancy & Penelope will stay for the After Hour of the current Nightshow.

......this is the cast for todays Evening Show :

Kate,Kleopatra (from 15:00 CET) - Connie,Lillian,Sabrina,Simona (from 16:00 CET)

......and this is the cast for todays Night Show :

Connie,Sabrina (only until 01:00 CET) - Angelina,Aria,Jacqueline,Joanna,Kia,Kristina,Marayah,Penelope

13.06.2011, 21:16

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Just for the protocol:
Marayah was in the show yesterday from 1 to 4 a.m., which increases the number of girls to the usual 8.

13.06.2011, 19:18

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

I thought the cast of the show last Nigth ETV was the worst that could offer, but I was wrong, tonight is the worst yet.
Greetings.Thumb downThumb downThumb downAngryAngryAngry

13.06.2011, 18:42

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

JuFan wrote:Models with just a few shifts: Brianna, Cindy (just daytime), Claudia, Evah, Gia, Jacqueline, Janine, Karry, Lace, Natasha, Ronnie, Sabrina, Spirit, Tia

Brothers !
I think pentecost time is often time for holidays and to visit maybe the glory family !
Could be in Molvania is the same !
Big wonder: Models have private life too.
Maybe a little bit more patience is what we only need - Sometimes difficult but in this sense !! Thumb up

13.06.2011, 16:35

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Review of last week: from 06/06/11 to 12/06/11

Models missing: Athina, Randa, Susan
Models left etv: Amy, Susan, Cara (after casting)
Models with just a few shifts: Brianna, Cindy (just daytime), Claudia, Evah, Gia, Jacqueline, Janine, Karry, Lace, Natasha, Ronnie, Sabrina, Spirit, Tia
Models back: Jacqueline

"Try out" for Verona (thursday, 09/06/11)

13.06.2011, 15:50

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

milena_sexobomb wrote:thanks sweetie... May i ask you, why ETV avoid to announce the whole week's schedule in their website? i don't send them an email because i am sure i will not receive their answerTongueTongueTongueTongue...!!!

They do send reply .
Please see reply from ETV (for the benefit of forum members)

Dear Satya,
Thank you for your e-mail.
The schedule will be available only for Gold Members in our web site, after the reconstruction is finished.
What we can do is send only for the schedule at Monday, till the web Gold section is completely ready.
We sorry for the inconvenience it may caused.
Best Regards


13.06.2011, 15:36

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

thanks sweetie... May i ask you, why ETV avoid to announce the whole week's schedule in their website? i don't send them an email because i am sure i will not receive their answerTongueTongueTongueTongue...!!!

13.06.2011, 11:05

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

outside wrote:In Italy we say "no two without three",so let's see if Karry will miss her third shift.

Evah will replace Karry in todays Evening Show Smile

13.06.2011, 07:04

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Ronnie will be the Model which is in the studio in the time from 7 to 15 CET Smile......wish her a very nice and not so boring day Smile

13.06.2011, 01:27

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

logic wrote:
brudgon wrote:
logic wrote:It seems that this announced service for gold-members to get the TV-guide per mail is not really working, isn't it? It would be nice if someone of the gold-members could give a short information if ETV gave at least a statement about this, I'm quiet interested in it.
Thx in advance!

(Of course I wrote also a mail to ETV with the request to bring back the schedule to their website.........until now without an answer) Confused

genaroxp is our schedule informator.....great work by himCool

Without doubt! Thumb up But this don't answer my question. Confused

Hi members,

asked for the schedule last Monday but didn't get an answer till now. Maybe Christine has some free days.
If you follow them on "Twitter" nothing has happened since the last four days.Unusual if she there.
For all others use Gold and the chances are so much better,but only criticism unacceptable.

So let's surprise and a nice time
Big Grin

Nice Pentecost

13.06.2011, 00:47

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

brudgon wrote:
logic wrote:It seems that this announced service for gold-members to get the TV-guide per mail is not really working, isn't it? It would be nice if someone of the gold-members could give a short information if ETV gave at least a statement about this, I'm quiet interested in it.
Thx in advance!

(Of course I wrote also a mail to ETV with the request to bring back the schedule to their website.........until now without an answer) Confused

genaroxp is our schedule informator.....great work by himCool

Without doubt! Thumb up But this don't answer my question. Confused

13.06.2011, 00:41

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

logic wrote:It seems that this announced service for gold-members to get the TV-guide per mail is not really working, isn't it? It would be nice if someone of the gold-members could give a short information if ETV gave at least a statement about this, I'm quiet interested in it.
Thx in advance!

(Of course I wrote also a mail to ETV with the request to bring back the schedule to their website.........until now without an answer) Confused

genaroxp is our schedule informator.....great work by himCool