TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

3.79 (29 Bewertung(en))

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20.06.2011, 00:06

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

logic wrote:
Germane wrote:I dont understand, why the "gold members" not publish the detailed shedule for next week?Confused ....

I'm sure they will do it as soon as possible. As non gold member we can be happy to get still a free schedule, so be patient. Smile

Members Etv Gold also unfortunately know nothing what is waiting for us next week! Confused

20.06.2011, 00:03

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

logic wrote:
satya1002005 wrote:The worst line up for the shower show on Wednesday

- Angelina
- Katte
- Randa
- Kia

Was the "worst line up" meant ironic? Except of Lace a great line up in my opinion (and I mean not only Randa)! Tongue

Sorry ... I did not mean this way...or to disrespect the models lined up

This is stupid to get the same models getting in to the shower show again and again...

Why the other models are not getting wet...

This is a difficult show and each one should participate and understand how difficult it is..

How many times Kristina, Kia, Tia ,Randa etc has to do this ... why others cannot do it... Strip or no strip is immaterial...

Why the other models wants easy money and only Kristina, Angelina, Randa, Ammy, Mashi, Tia and Sabrina have to do it time and again...

Why we see only 5 or 6 models in shower show and 10 in other night shows...

If one model backs out, ETV finds it difficult to replace...

I put the otherway..

Kia, Randa, Sabrina, Ammy, Mashi, Tia, Kristina, Janine and Lilian should never get in to shower show for the next two months .. They had done enough..Let the so called "beautiful softies" do it..

Let the others do it at least couple of times including Ju.. put the Booby Brona in water for 5 hours.. ( Except Athina ,Evah,Nanci, Gia and Natasha, who have done in the past)

19.06.2011, 23:57

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Germane wrote:I dont understand, why the "gold members" not publish the detailed shedule for next week?Confused ....

I'm sure they will do it as soon as possible. As non gold member we can be happy to get still a free schedule, so be patient. Smile

19.06.2011, 23:12

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

I dont understand, why the "gold members" not publish the detailed shedule for next week?Confused Statements like who is on air next week or not is no use for all non gold members.

19.06.2011, 22:59

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion


in your Monday night show line up:
who is Kony ? Kony = Connie ?
I think so !
or Cameraman Kony ? Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

Otherwise, thank you Mr. Schedule good work ! Thumb up

19.06.2011, 22:42

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Has Kate ever featured in a shower show?

19.06.2011, 22:04

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

milena_sexobomb wrote:what about tomorrow at 15:00? models???

same as Tuesday night ...

19.06.2011, 21:45

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

what about tomorrow at 15:00? models???

19.06.2011, 21:19

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

satya1002005 wrote:The worst line up for the shower show on Wednesday

- Angelina
- Katte
- Randa
- Kia

Was the "worst line up" meant ironic? Except of Lace a great line up in my opinion (and I mean not only Randa)! Tongue

19.06.2011, 20:13

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Schedule for the coming week starting from 20-6-2011

The worst line up for the shower show on Wednesday

- Angelina
- Katte
- Randa
- Kia

After hours

- Kia and
- Kristina

Thumb upThumb upThumb up

Mashiyara back on Tuesday and Sunday -- 23.00 Hrs to 04.00 AM

------>Friday, Saturday--- 17.00 Hrs. to 23.00 Hrs

Monday Line up for night show

- Angelina
- Aria
- Marayah
- Karrie
- Jaklin
Lin and

Thumb downThumb downThumb downThumb downThumb down
Gia missing after Tuesday night show... not scheduled .. may be taking vacation

Missing for the whole week
- Athina

19.06.2011, 07:01

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Brona will be the Model which is in the studio in the time from 7 to 15 CET Smile.....wish her a very nice sunday Smile

18.06.2011, 07:07

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Evah will be the Model which is in the studio in the time from 7 to 15 CET Smile.....wish her a very nice & successful day Smile

17.06.2011, 23:11

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Germane wrote:
Yasmine1 wrote:And I guess will have another softie tonight Brona instead of Aria

Brona is even hotter in dressed look than many models in naked look...Thumb upIn love

No MaLiAr tonight (this get a red mark on my calendar Big Grin ), so I have no problem with any softmodel. Thumb up

17.06.2011, 22:17

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Yasmine1 wrote:And I guess will have another softie tonight Brona instead of Aria

Brona is even hotter in dressed look than many models in naked look...Thumb upIn love

17.06.2011, 22:00

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

And I guess will have another softie tonight Brona instead of Aria
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