TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

3.79 (29 Bewertung(en))

(3.79 / 5, 29 Bewertungen)

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26.06.2011, 21:37

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Yasmine1 wrote:
Tarl_Cabot wrote:
outside wrote:Janine, Kristina, Lace, Lia, Mashiara, Tessa, Tia
Who will be the star of this show?

I need less than a second to see who is my Star in this cast. Smile

Mashiara acknowledged that it is her show Monday night so there is no need to guess

the star is only one.....but there isn'tCryCryCry

26.06.2011, 21:18

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

No "night of the feet" tonight but "that 60's show".

26.06.2011, 20:27

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Tarl_Cabot wrote:
outside wrote:Janine, Kristina, Lace, Lia, Mashiara, Tessa, Tia
Who will be the star of this show?

I need less than a second to see who is my Star in this cast. Smile

Mashiara acknowledged that it is her show Monday night so there is no need to guess

26.06.2011, 20:11

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

outside wrote:Janine, Kristina, Lace, Lia, Mashiara, Tessa, Tia
Who will be the star of this show?

I need less than a second to see who is my Star in this cast. Smile

26.06.2011, 18:03

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

outside wrote:Monday night cast:
Janine, Kristina, Lace, Lia, Mashiara, Tessa, Tia
Who will be the star of this show?
No annuncements yet?
Or maybe the format has been suspended?

Randa told me that she maybe will be in this show. But this "maybe" gives me no big hopes. Confused

26.06.2011, 17:50

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Monday night cast:
Janine, Kristina, Lace, Lia, Mashiara, Tessa, Tia
Who will be the star of this show?
No annuncements yet?
Or maybe the format has been suspended?

26.06.2011, 10:12

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Tarl_Cabot wrote:
kyke50 wrote:Unfortunately, we can not know in advance.

or some will give some info and a schedule for the next week later this day Smile

You are right, Tarl.
You and GenaroXP they do a big work.
Only I was referring that ETV does not give this information as it was doing earlier.

26.06.2011, 10:01

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

kyke50 wrote:Unfortunately, we can not know in advance.

or some will give some info and a schedule for the next week later this day Smile

26.06.2011, 09:54

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

ginlemon wrote:Hello, can you tell me when GIA will perform next week?

Unfortunately, we can not know in advance.
ETV does not give such information, or Gia or anyone. Have patience and wait.: (

26.06.2011, 09:03

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Hello, can you tell me when GIA will perform next week?

26.06.2011, 06:58

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Brona will be the Model who is in the studio in the time from 7 to 15 CET Smile.....wish her a very nice and sunny sunday Smile

25.06.2011, 13:55

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

JuFan wrote:If you don't want a review, I can stop it. Less work for me...

No,why stop it ?? It´s a great summary.......keep up that excellent work Thumb up

heistruett wrote:
JuFan wrote:Models...
one position missing..

Models getting burned&slaughtered: Angelina, Kate

To write such things is not very kind & gentle Thumb down

Kate is at the moment a bit shy but it will be better in the future...for sure Smile
.....and to offend Angelina who is one off the hottest models in the current ETV roster is for me a bad joke Angry

25.06.2011, 13:35

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

If you don't want a review, I can stop it. Less work for me...

25.06.2011, 13:13

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

HvB wrote:Very funny ... I wonder where they got all that quotes from ... (chuckle)

Hey..not only you! TongueCoolThumb up

JuFan wrote:Models...[/i]
one position missing..

Models getting burned&slaughtered: Angelina, Kate

to avoid misunderstandings

Angelina: 5 NS, 1 AH, all 7 days! on screen
Kate: 1 DS, 4 NS, one extralong because partly replaycing another model, 2 AH, all 7 days! on screen

both models all 7 days on screen

25.06.2011, 13:01

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Maybe it's time to remove Athina.
Last shift 5th June.