TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

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27.06.2011, 17:15

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

chrispocz wrote:Did I read well below? Simona first show of the night on Wednesday?

Well on one hand this is good news and I wish Simona will follow the foot steps of Nancy (inside feeling is that this girl is not shy at all and has good potential) but unfortunately although some improvement by Kate (very little) we see an obvious regression in the level of teasing and nudity of Briana and Karry (mentioning Karry, she seems as she slowly starts to follow the foot steps of another former model Maria (but for her if you remember the u turn happened with Kiara) !!!
Anyway based on the newbies performance up to now and our beloved Gia the Wednesday shower show cast will be Gia (topless), Kate (single nipple peek), Kristina (hot model), Nicole (very soft) , Sabrina (hot model in decline only topless in recent shows) , Simona (the big enigma )

So one, the pessimist can look at this show as a complete disaster while the other the optimist as a show with many surprises and new exiting opportunities

Update - Just watched last night show and I can say that Kate is a very cute and naughty girl and we may see much more of her next show if only ETV may find it fit ....

27.06.2011, 16:38

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Did I read well below? Simona first show of the night on Wednesday?

27.06.2011, 16:38

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Did anybody else but me notice already that Lace and Gia always appear as a couple on the schedule?

As long as I did see Lace in the schedule for today and the number of Girls under 10 I was full of hope to see Gia appear on the list too. Instead of that they removed Lace. I never thought I would regret that....Sad

Now, after Gia is on the list for Wednesday (according to satya1002005´s list), it is the first time that I hope to see Lace on the schedule too....Envy

In deep hope and with crossed fingers....Confused


27.06.2011, 15:27

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

I think it would be more honest if Eurotic changed name in Not Erotic TV. They usually destroy the girls starting a sex show and leave only the girls who have not appeal. Sometimes they have to offer something (Looovely Angelina Mashiara, Tia and, 2 minute 2 Gia every 6 days!!!!) but theese are just tricks to keep the audience.

27.06.2011, 15:16

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

I agree,I'm sorry for her but stop Lilian in night show, she kills erotic mood... We want Gia!!!!

27.06.2011, 14:55

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

imthe1 wrote:
GenaroXP wrote:A small update for today :

Lace is removed from the schedule for today and will now replaced by Lilian Confused and Connie will fill the free space in todays Night Show and will complete the cast as the 8th Model Smile

You should say soft model will fill the eight space (Conny)

Please not again Lilian in a night show. I don´t want to see this auntie in a erotic night show ! It is better to see a realy nice soft model in the nigth show, than this horrible girl (subjective, but i must say it).

27.06.2011, 13:38

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

grummel wrote:Mashiara said , Amy returns friday in nightshow Thumb up

could a week better start as with news like that...?!?!? Tongue

great news! In love

27.06.2011, 13:34

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

GenaroXP wrote:A small update for today :

Lace is removed from the schedule for today and will now replaced by Lilian Confused and Connie will fill the free space in todays Night Show and will complete the cast as the 8th Model Smile

You should say soft model will fill the eight space (Conny)

27.06.2011, 13:18

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

A small update for today :

Lace is removed from the schedule for today and will now replaced by Lilian Confused and Connie will fill the free space in todays Night Show and will complete the cast as the 8th Model Smile

27.06.2011, 12:28

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

satya1002005 wrote:@Tarl

Please update the wednesday shower show as below:

the schedule this week will be updated step by step.
always if I have the time, the mood and the weather is bad. Smile

27.06.2011, 12:26

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

JohnF wrote:
satya1002005 wrote:2. Ketty
ConfusedConfused ???????

I think he mean Kitty (Kate) Smile

27.06.2011, 12:22

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

satya1002005 wrote:2. Ketty
ConfusedConfused ???????

27.06.2011, 12:18

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion


Please update the wednesday shower show as below:

I do not know whether good news or badnews

1. Gia

2. Katte

3. Kristina

4. Nicole

5. Sabrina

6. Simona

I do not see Gia scheduled on any other show next week (till now)

I hateeeeeeeee seeing softies in the night show unless they do something different...

Ammy returns for 2 hours on Friday and full night show on saturday

27.06.2011, 07:01

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Brona will be the Model who is in the studio in the time from 7 to 15 CET Smile.....wish her a very nice day Smile

27.06.2011, 02:57

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Mashiara said , Amy returns friday in nightshow Thumb up
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