Sabrina hates Scarlet?

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15.03.2010, 15:17

Re: Sabrina hates Scarlet?

vogue wrote:..................................................
I've got so much things to say but,here is no place to do....

this story begin to make me laught a lot.

may be scarlet wrongly pushed one feet of sabrina.. or may be sabrina
used a dress of scarlet.. dunno..Big Grin


10.03.2010, 00:57

Re: Sabrina hates Scarlet?

Hmmm, seems you made some different experiences. As they don't match with mine, I'll correct myself by changing 'the models' to 'the models except some'.

09.03.2010, 23:08

Re: Sabrina hates Scarlet?

HvB wrote:Sorry Tarl, but nearly everything the models tell on the phone is true.
There is a simple reason for that: Remembering a web of lies is much to complicated and it wouldn't be good for business if the caller notices.

thank god you are close with sooooooo many models that you can say this for all of them

09.03.2010, 22:56

Re: Sabrina hates Scarlet?

I think you all have your reasons, I simply think this wasn't wise.

09.03.2010, 18:51

Re: Sabrina hates Scarlet?

Even though we are going off topic:
Why shouldn't they give you information about etv?
As long as no names and places are involved it's fine if it keeps you on the phone.
But of course it's an uncomfortable topic for the models, as it is hard to determin where to draw the line ...

09.03.2010, 18:48

Re: Sabrina hates Scarlet?

HvB wrote:I would have played that game for some weeks and concluded it with an appeacement show (and there you get your naked girls rolling, kissing and touching on the bed ;) ).
One could have made some great shows of it and finaly burry that rumor for good with one show.
I think that final show is needed and should be done (even without the build up shows), because without it, the rumour will do what rumours tend to do: it will stay.

Thumb upThumb upThumb up

Very good idea for everybody !

09.03.2010, 18:42

Re: Sabrina hates Scarlet?

ok. what I wanted to say:
forget the 'Sabrina hates Scarlet' crap line and the call the model.
if you are friendly the models will also be friendly. be gentle and you have a chance to get some private (but probably not too private) information about the model but you won't get internal informations about etv or other models. I guess the models will answer friendly and tell the truth (especially Scarlet is know for both) but you should accept white lies of the model for protecting herself, other models or the channel. the job is hard enough for the models, there is no need for them to make it even harder with a spiderweb of lies.
believe the models and think about the show (yes, it is called a show and not 'reality tv') and other things like flashs and overlays or comments by the mods.

09.03.2010, 18:41

Re: Sabrina hates Scarlet?

I understand you.
I would have played that game for some weeks and concluded it with an appeacement show (and there you get your naked girls rolling, kissing and touching on the bed ;) ).
One could have made some great shows of it and finaly burry that rumor for good with one show.
I think that final show is needed and should be done (even without the build up shows), because without it, the rumour will do what rumours tend to do: it will stay.
Admin writing posts in the official forum that this is just a rumour won't solve this situation.

09.03.2010, 18:33

Re: Sabrina hates Scarlet?

@ HvB

I'm very egoist Big Grin
I'd like to see Sabrina and Scarlet in some good lesbian scenes ( not Sabrina with Lace ...)
If they continue with this story it will be impossible Thumb downAngry

Joking aside Big Grin:
When I read Scarlet's or Gia's discussion threads I think that this story could be not so positive.Surely you know what I mean.

09.03.2010, 18:07

Re: Sabrina hates Scarlet?

Sorry Tarl, but nearly everything the models tell on the phone is true.
There is a simple reason for that: Remembering a web of lies is much to complicated and it wouldn't be good for business if the caller notices.
When it comes to making some recordings the situation is different.

09.03.2010, 17:50

Re: Sabrina hates Scarlet?

btw: the price for calling the 'Sabrina hates Scarlet' phone number is the same as for calling the models. so it's on you to decide whom you should trust: either a recording like 'real sex sounds of the models' (maybe a similar name) or a model in a live one-to-one call.
but you shouldn't forget that they earn their money with this calls and the models earn also the money with the shows.
if you always tell the truth to your boss or to your customers it will be ok for you to believe everything you see and hear.
if you don't tell always the truth and you think not telling the truth is just human you should think about this story and the channel and accept that it isn't or at least shouldn't be your real life.

09.03.2010, 17:25

Re: Sabrina hates Scarlet?

This 'stupid childish story' was brought up in the forums, so why not offer some 'insights'.
It brings them good money and I'm sure the boss had a good laugh when he got that idea ...
It also keeps the interest in both models up, so it's good advertisment, but I don't think they are playing this game to it's full potential.
What would Dynasty have been without the Krystle/Alexia plot?
There are many great options in it ...

09.03.2010, 17:15

Re: Sabrina hates Scarlet?

great post dear friend of mine, for this the press botton is not enough..totally agree with you.
Expecially, i need to underline this, more objectivity from many persons would be appreciated..and useful for the future of the program...

09.03.2010, 16:57

Re: Sabrina hates Scarlet?

The video is from Friday 19.02.2010, 03.33 am (27 minutes before the end of the nightshow).

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

The nightshow was at its end, no more calls or smss, so the girls began to have some funny moments.
I consider this video important for 2 reasons:

1)There is a strange epidemy on this forum and some members seem to fall in love with the models.They seem to lose objectivity, considering as reality their own idea of reality. Mr.Pink rightly removed all the posts following that nightshow because of the unfounded rumor about Scarlet's departure,but there were a lot of posts of members who claimed to have seen a sad and irritated Scarlet.

Here you can see the end of the show: please, tell me if you see a sad and irritated girl...

Hence my reccomandation to the members:
please, consider this TV for what its really is.
Here you have to search for entertainment, not 'insane virtual love'.

2)The 'Sabrina-Scarlet' story.

I always affirmed that, excluding the censorship matter, the great difference between 2006 and 2009 was the attitude of the old models to represent the 'teachers' for new girls, very good in 2006, very bad in 2009.
But nowadays something seems to have changed and the management seems to have understood that a good result can only be reached through a perfect integration among old and new models.It was not possible to continue with 2 separate groups of models!
Maybe some criticism (we made on this forum) has been positive for that purpose.
Probably the process is not complete, we need some further steps, but something has changed in the right direction.

All this to say that the Scarlet-Sabrina story must be stopped.
It's something wrong for the girls and for the viewers, I'm sorry they don't understand this.

In this video you can see a 'crazy' Sabrina and Scarlet supporting Sabrina, enjoying herself.This is not a picture of 2 girls who hate one each other.
Maybe, at the beginning, a bit of jealousy, nothing unsuperable.
But I hope that also the girls understand that a good show requires complicity, and complicity requires friendship.

So, please, stop with this stupid story:
do you think to earn some euros with this stupid crap, without considering many dangerous effects (there is no need to mention, but they are more than one)?

Try to put on good shows with consistence, satisfying also the requests after 02:00 (some models refuse this...) and avoiding a 'still life painting' studio, and you will see the affect of the viewers growing (and also your moneys)

A good turnover during the nightshow (the moment when many of us are free to stay in front of TV), with a limit of 6/7 nightshow/month for MaLiAr (instead of 15/20...) would be much better than speculating some euros on a stupid childish story...

08.03.2010, 22:07

Re: Sabrina hates Scarlet?

Do you remember why ETV site hasn't its own models page anymore?
Amateur models online