Sabrina hates Scarlet?

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07.03.2010, 14:30

Re: Sabrina hates Scarlet?

This is really crap, ETV speculates about rumours, maybe they created that rumours.
Thumb down

07.03.2010, 14:21

Re: Sabrina hates Scarlet?

the pics visible on Astra

07.03.2010, 00:31

Re: Sabrina hates Scarlet?

we have sabrina and inez pussy tonight, who will be next, maybe spirit ?

07.03.2010, 00:30

Re: Sabrina hates Scarlet?

You saw the number so just call it. Smile

06.03.2010, 20:19

Re: Sabrina hates Scarlet?

I saw that too.

What is this about? Confused

06.03.2010, 18:01

Re: Sabrina hates Scarlet?

Yakuzar wrote:I've seen ~ 2 minutes ago a banner

"Warum hasst Sabrina Scarlet? Ein Skandal der Geheim blieb!"
"Why does Sabrina hate Scatlet? A secret Scaldal!"

Does anyone know nearer informations? =O
Not Scalet but Scarlet !