Rumours Untruths Lies Exaggerated Statements

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01.02.2009, 11:24

Rumours Untruths Lies Exaggerated Statements

If you are game for a giggle, then a little puzzle awaits you in today's constructive reasoning and philosophy. That's right. Take the first letter of a group of words and make a new word from them.

After yet another busy Dead Boring day I felt sort of humbled on thursday to see my name mentioned in dispatches as possibly having some information of the studio.

That one viewer had heard a mod talk that a new studio was being built and would be ready 'next week'. But one should always remember that a week is a very long time in ETV land. And you should equally remember that you should not always believe what a mod says or even ex-mods as I learnt to my cost a little while ago.

So what can I add to these rumours or are they rumours untruths, lies, exaggerated statements of the tv just to keep your interest. (and if you are reading this without pausing at the puzzle contained in the previous sentence then go to the back of the class)

As I previously disclosed, I was aware that a new studio was in the pipeline. But I also know that this studio, the one you see now, will be the home to quote my most reliable source 'until the big one is ready'. And as I write this, 'next week' has already gone(unless you still consider that a week ends and not starts on a Sunday). My crystal ball tells me that we will not have to wait very much longer. I bought mine on ebay and I still wonder what the snowman is doing in the middle of it.

I did not comment at my usual spot last week as I wanted the dust to settle. To give the current, and you never know your luck soon to be replaced, set a chance to find it's way. What had troubled me about the previous offering was the temptation of models to simply sit down and wait for something to happen. A certain lack of direction from those who were engaged to direct.

My initial impression of the new set was that while the chairs had gone there were still more than enough opportunities to see pretty maids all in a row. That's right. Sitting down waiting for something to happen with a lack of direction from those engaged to direct.

And what is equally noticable is that after all this time no effort has been made to address in my mind the issue of too much light behind the models and straight into the camera lens which results in poor picture quality.

The week also confirmed my fear that the building of this set had destroyed the one good thing that had come out of the November specials - the Bohemian set or as I would put it the 'good mood' cookies show. I do not want to mention models by name but on this occasion I must dispense with my own rumours untruths lies exaggerated statements. I am no jizzer over nikita and sabrina and it annoyed me to see these prima donnas make sure they occupied the best seats for three night shows in a row( and, naturlich, hide anyone never-to-be seen) - how are you doing with the puzzle?

If they showed some enthusiasm for their work the pain would be less. In fact the only real enthusiam I spotted was the ability to scoff the majority of what goodies were on offer on night three (Tuesday). But again to paraphrase my most reliable source they do bring in the euros. And with that in mind the notion that this new set has reduced the ETV coffers may simply be enforced rumours untruths lies exaggerated statements.

They make them. We just have to live with them.

And just before I finish was it not nice to see really attractive nice dame again ?

01.02.2009, 22:21

Re: Rumours Untruths Lies Exaggerated Statements

Something abominally profound: At the back of the class you have a wonderful overview !

01.02.2009, 21:28

Re: Rumours Untruths Lies Exaggerated Statements

I had a very good laugh about the "Jizzer over nikita and sabrina" and I spent a lot of time constructing sentences asking for the comeback of real shows. I failed very miserable. Only thing I could come up with is: To your right amusement I must indeed say something you occasionally understand. *blush*

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