* Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

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14.09.2008, 22:03

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

I just wanted to read in "Another One Leaving" topic "Fr**iander has just said this is his last show".

09.09.2008, 11:42

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Seems like they have enough calls yesterday so they don't have to do a show or what happened I don't know. one should not call if the show is bad until it is better but I think the're too many guys who called because they are in love with the girls they don't care if there is a show. So ETV can do this. Seems they even make more money that way. Love is not good for good show what can I say. Stop calling and sending sms when the show is bad do it when the show is good.

09.09.2008, 00:34

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

totally stopped

do they want some coffee?

09.09.2008, 00:27

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Hi to all,
Back home after a short party (I'm tired), I switch on ETV by curiosity after your comments on the last night show.
Just a few questions:
They have broken the spotlights ?,energy economy ?
they have not paid the electricity bill ?, director of photography is sick or fired ?...( if they have one ).
Please, could you help me. Thanks.

05.09.2008, 16:35

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

They call it "Under construction". Never heard?

05.09.2008, 14:37

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

<<<< Both the schedule and the models page on the etv site have been unavailable this morning. Perhaps they're doing the update which DB suggested might be on the cards .>>>>

Last night about 02:00 am the schedule for next week was updated (it was incomplete but updated) even this morning around the 07:00 could still be consulting the schedule of today .

What I do not understand is the abandon to this submitted that the web of eurotic , First they make disappear the Schedule and the page of the models of the principal link and now they are eliminates completely both sections of the web, I think that if they want to update photos or videos of the models or new designs for the web, it is not necessary to make eliminate sections and graphical material since they have done .

Let's wait at the next hours - days but I think that they have made this disappear definitively ( I hope to be wrong)

05.09.2008, 01:53

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Like there are people who does not know anything more that to criticize, still there are people that we see eurotic TV

05.09.2008, 01:42

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

I see that there are still people who watch this crap tv

05.09.2008, 00:23

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

From all things I hate about etv is Eliza and her attitude in front of camera, is it possible that she thinks she is such a sex bomb as is her behaviour in front of camera? Surely nobody thinks she is good to be there as a model. The new girls are mostly much much nicer...I like the new one.

05.09.2008, 00:17

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

The truth is that the show of this this night being boring, the models are very demotivated and the music does not accompany very much either

Of Malena I know that she is not going to show nothing but the rest of models? (Except Bella)

Aria still has not showed her mega big breast, Penelope is a model who is in the habit of showing her small breasts at this time she has not showed nothing, aliyah she only has made one topless when there are parts of the show that she is totally naked, and Eliza only has made a strip showing her breast

04.09.2008, 23:51

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Fantastic shows guys and look...whoever doesn't like them, then turn off your tv and don't complain ETV ok???

Greece watches ETV.....

01.09.2008, 23:36

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Hi fellows,
Please, stop to complain and to watch this crap channel !
You have nothing else to watch or to do in your life?
Sad life guys!!!
It's my opinion of course.

01.09.2008, 19:02

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

It`s monday and again a boring day. Every time I start to watch a show I see models sitting around doing nothing. When I saw Safo I want to see a Strip combined with a good song. She dropped her bra and her trousers for 5 seconds. Thats all. There is no spirit in shows of today only Sandra is alive like every day. I understand Patricia that she is not in mood because there is no other girl who want to start a hot show with her. ETV is going down more and more.

01.09.2008, 18:33

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Look at the show now.

Look at Patricia with Emily....

This makes me worse. Pat tries to warm up her but Emily pulls away the hand of Patricia and will stay the barbie she is..... :-(

I don´t need this kind of models.... They should stay fully clothed and should not fake that they wanna strip.

BTW. Someone said Jeniffer is gone. In my TV i see her dancing and still alive.

But who cares.... Only Pat, Penelope or Blondie wanna be hot but the others i don´t know why they wanna stay there.

Is it really the money? Who knows the wages of the Girls?

Best regards,


PS: Please stop the hype about Brona. I don´t think she will get topless :-( And Evah for sure :-((((

01.09.2008, 09:33

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Terrible! Really I mean which idiot produces such bizarre stuff? It can be watchable only for one category of viewers, not for common likers of erotica. For me it was...disgusting. I put yesterday a record button, jut to delete it today after maybe one minute of watching it. I have a group of sex channels and this one would go definitely in a group of bizarre programmes. And it also shows big time lacking of ideas. And I tell you models will leave, many of them already did. Stuff with lace and eskander yesterday...once again disgusting.