* Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

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Amateur models online
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28.06.2008, 18:49

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

The stupidness never comes to an end....

Now the new one Monna starts to sing. Is ETV the Moldavian Version of Superstar or is this channel now everthing only but not erotic.... I don´t know but i can say in 15 minutes starts RL and i know what i watch or record in the future....

Sorry, you Austrian chief of ETV but with this collection of bullshit the whole day you never earn a euro from me or others.

Why you don´t ask your girls if they want your decision to stop erotic. Or isn´t any Democracy in ETV Land? Or has Heider taken the channel over.....

And please never give the microphone to Sabrina back.

Regards and respect the Viewers not the Models


PS: Now Maryah sings and the stupid Mod Ringo said we get more surprises.. Hahaha Maryah cant sing why nobody in ETV Wonderland say it her??

28.06.2008, 16:42

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

 I feel sorry for the models who have nothing to do but dance and dance looking like they were at the worst party of their life. Putting on fake smiles every time a camera comes on them--or pretending to talk to a caller when its obvios no-one is there. boring-boring-boring. Surely most models must be thinking that there is a better job out there somewhere-ANYWHERE. There is no fun or motivation in the girls anymore and when they do strip they look bored as if to say "here we go again ". The models used to enjoy themselves and this created more calls from guys who wanted to join in--not any more. Its ended up one of the saddest looking channels on air.MEANWHILE OVER ON SEXYSAT-----

28.06.2008, 14:22

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

yesterday i switched back to the german channel and watched 'die spielerin' alas: an almost 60year old actress appeared much more sexy than what this ETV channel broadcasted

28.06.2008, 11:05

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

<<< Where is a toilet >>>

uhm ??? 

28.06.2008, 10:12

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

A last question to ETV: Do you really think that no nude action will attract more callers?

At this time you are acting like braindeads and next year we finally can delete a crappy channel in the remote control. Show or vanish!!!!!!!!!!!!! ETV is short from death, my opinion since long time.Hey, etv-boss, don't  you have a glue how to run  an eurotic channel?  Ah, maybe you are just  an ordinary investor. This would explain a lot.

PS: @ all. Dont call or send sms. I bet 100 : 0, these idiots won't show one pussy.

PPS: @ all.. What  is one  pussy,  there are millions of them in the net, bloody dam idiots in etvland

PPPS: Watch out, Mr. ResselFranz, you still owe me 27 €!!!! for fake sms.  I'm a geologist and  I have a big hammer  for you. .

PPPPS: Where is a shower, a bed, a toilet etc, etc?????????????Dam, ETV has had a great potential but has wasted it in my eyes. Why don't you show us the daily nnewspaper in  a still picture?

You are on drugs and the one way street. And you will  not survive that way.

My hope is for a fast death for this ultimate ridiculous channel

28.06.2008, 02:51

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

I see, it was a good decision to phone with some old fellows of mine in the last 6 hours.

Good night WalrusTV (WTV) :-((

28.06.2008, 01:45

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

This night on ETV Land
This is the etv farm with chickens, cows and sheep.

28.06.2008, 00:32

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Well I thought I had seen and heard all that Eurotic could throw my way but tonight says it all about the state of this channel.. 40 minutes into what was a promising sexy show was brought to a halt when Safo and her large busty friend were obviosly told to cool down and stop their sexy show ( it was quiete racy at times ) But I could not believe my ears when Sabrina came on the microphone and complained about an S.M.S.request to see her pussy ?????.

She complained he was not polite enough !!!!!!. What is she expecting ?-- PLEASE PLEASE PRETTY PLEASE CAN I SEE YOUR PUSSY  PLEASE SABRINA. God I havn"t stopped laughing since.  And did she show her pussy ? well no- she took her pants off but nothing was shown. Yet another sms caller ripped off.Eurotics the pits just now

26.06.2008, 19:11

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Hi glassy,

but isn´t a big tit girl another kind Fetish?? :-) Girls with big Tits are for the people who have the Titfetish....

So CrapTV, why you don´t understand when you fufill the Foot- and Pantyhosefetish, why you let BreastsFeitsh wishes unfulfilled??

It is time to think about your Rules and when you interested in a Callcenter only why don´t put only chairs and tables in your studio and a red telephone?

Another stupid day of ETV and still hopes for a good footballmatch


26.06.2008, 16:18

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Isn"t it a crying shame---all these models on today with huge tits and they are not allowed to show them. Crazy just crazy --the top people should hang their heads in shame about the state of this channel now.

Meanwhile over on Sexy-sat------------

26.06.2008, 16:10

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

If all we are going to be subjected to during the daytime shows are foot-tights and stockings shows---then what about trying to make it more interesting. May I suggest getting an inflatable paddling pool in the studio so the models couldstand or sit in it with their tights or stockings on. It would save models having to work with silly little bowls of water . The cleaner would not have so much mopping up to do at the end of a show either.

I know times are hard at the moment for Eurotic but surely a paddling pool would not break the bank. It may even get more guys interested in this fetish and increase the number of calls or s.m.s. I can just imagine some of my favourite models sitting in the pool with tights on---QUICK PASS ME THE PHONE HA HA

26.06.2008, 09:06

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

I think there was RedNoseDay on Eurotic last night reminding the viewers to collect for "Comic Relief UK" but I can be wrong.

26.06.2008, 00:56

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

No more Mummenschanz outfit for Desita tonight, very nice mìse, this is the way I desire my bride in the first wedding night.

25.06.2008, 23:19

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Football is over. I zapped to Crap TV and what must i see???

Even the nightshows are for Fetish and Footfans. Oh, yes and i forget Kleopatra the Queen of Egypt Land. When the old Queen know what her 21 Century Sister does she want stand up from the Dead and will send the Mummy and other Monsters to B...a.  Oopss i forgot the big Nose Beauty Jessie. She is on every fucking Late night show these days. Applause....

The best Thing was Eskander with a Clown Nose. I hope someone has recorded it. This shows the fantastic of all Shows at Prudeeurotic TV.

Good night to all


24.06.2008, 22:44

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

For someone who is interested.

Moona in her first late show. What will she do?

The Rest is still the same. After watching half an hour. It is again Gia and Maryahshow. The softest as a nightshow can be.

If it goes better after 11 o´clock i don´t know because i have to sleep.

Good night to all and hoping for RL
