* Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

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26.05.2008, 15:08

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *


it is easily done, you use the hairdrier under the running shower, Carmen did it a couple of days ago too.

26.05.2008, 14:28

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

"Have you seen the Hair of Hera?"

She looked like Frankenstein's monster.

Maybe etv will turn in this direction: Horrorshows.

Nobody needs to undress which would be cheaper. :=((

26.05.2008, 13:41

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

you're right markus76
I am a 100% agree with you.

26.05.2008, 13:27

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

I am sorry it is me again,

ETV 1 now has a Karaokeshow. Marayah sings a long time. I wanna see her body and not her do sing. And ohje, Sabrina tries it, too.

I think ETV is gone. They found other ways to satisfy her users.

Is it the end of Erotic on Hotbird/Astra or is it only a Phase? I don´t know but when Marayah or others wanna be found why they don´t go on a castingshow? Or isn´t there any shows like that in Berbatovland?

25.05.2008, 13:04

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

What is going on ETV 2?

You only see Safo from the Head and it seems to me someone licks her pussy or something else. But they censored it and we only see her.

Hm, this is really stange to me. Her nipples are hard and i don´t know who is dwon at her pussy. Silly acting again and no shows for us.

I will never understand ETV these days.

Oh, it was Lace and she has turned the camera. Bullshit again there. Nevermind, it is only joke for me.

I am really confused again and they make me really angry. But who cares??

25.05.2008, 11:47

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Have you seen the Hair of Hera?

It seems to me she touched into the Steckdose in her break. :-)) But i think this is the hottest show of this cold Model asi watched her.

But what i can´t understand Hera, Kim and others worked from 6.00 am til now. Have they to work from Dusk till Dawn or longer?

The second thing i don´t understand. Kim is very hot for a softmodel in ETV 2 but if she is in the ETV 1 studio she is bored. Strange, most of the other models hate ETV 2.

Strange Things going on now. Three girls winsel for calls and SMS. Kleopatra gets all the calls. How strange is that??? Im really confused :-))

And for Kleopatra: She is in my eyes soo hot but she act like a girl in a Callcenter.

25.05.2008, 09:17

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

It doesn't seem to me, it's no ghost, it's real, it's true: Zia is back again.

Another beautiful and (soft) sexy lady in this group of  mediocre looking women.;-)))

25.05.2008, 00:51

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

It seems Zia is back.

New "Raffaella Carrà" hairstyle for Malena.

Did they the usual saturday night underwear auction? (maybe BS girls ones). :))))))

25.05.2008, 00:25

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Well, if everything goes on like these days I am gonna start watching etv again in about 4 years time when kaleya is gonna be 18 again:). How stupid are we guys after all? Dont you recognize womens age from some body signs? For those of you who think that girls are all about 20-25, please check on girls hands etc... I heard kaleya with my own ears about four years ago that she is over 30 years old. That was said to some other model not online. Do you really believe those women are so young??? Well then maybe someone should tell you that women can be and are very beautiful and sexy even at the age 40-45, some even at the age 50. It doesnt make me so angry the fact that some of you are so naive, but only the fact that all eurotic team is not telling the truth for a long time now. By the way I have a female friend at work, she is 46 years old, comparing her to emanuela, my friend looks like a 20 years old.

24.05.2008, 20:35

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

yes Zia is back
even a return unnecessary and boring

24.05.2008, 19:14

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

It seems to me Zia is back!!

She wears a Stewarddress or a Pilotdress, i don´t know. Does she work there?

Or is it only a costume again? I don´t know, but she says she will do a strip.

Best regards,

21.05.2008, 22:58

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *


I think that ghostwriter said it again right, that we should be neutrally in that point when we haven't a prove. And not only in that point . We should be neutrally in every situation when we write about another person. Cause I don't  think that you are  Kaleya and therefore not know with whom she talks on the phone or not. 

I hope you got the point

21.05.2008, 22:34

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

please stop it Schumi open your eyes. PLEASE!!!

21.05.2008, 22:28

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

i don't care about her age ! It's about the person ! And if she says that she's 22 wel exept it than ! And the theme "fire" was on sunday march 30 and her birthday was on march 28 . And stop with that INXtc stuff please ,it was in the past ,this is now ! Are some people happy that they can bring this back up or what ? Are you/we all Angel(s) in the beginning of  our/your mature life ?

And it won't change a thing for me ! Her name is Kaleya and she's a girl like every other girl ,she's no s... ,she's no p.. q..,she's just a girl who i like to see the way she is !!!! (and no i'm not blind or in love alright !!!!!!!!!!!!)

Kind Regards


(the three musketeers-the red/white shark ) who is watching at some people ,and than !

21.05.2008, 15:31

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Great news outside,

i like the new "Flying Changes" Concept. It remembers me to one of my sport i really like Icehockey :-))

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