* Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

1.33 (3 Bewertung(en))

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02.05.2008, 14:21

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Or a prison break ! :))) ,no seriously , like the most of you i also think that they better close etv 2 (even when i can't watch this station because i only have astra) (i can only read what you guys say about this ofcourse) because i can understand that most of the girls( maybe all of them) hate beïng there ,so why invest in that part of the studio ? (oke they maybe have a lot  of viewers also there but i think they (the viewers)hate it when they do nothing ,so in my opinion ( i said mine) they better close it down and send the girls to etv1 ,and maybe that can also be a solution for the shedule of the girls ,oke evenwhen it's only  1 or 2 girls who come from etv2 it's always better ofcouse for the ones on etv1 so that they don't have to do double shift's (only if the girl wants to do a double shift ofcourse) ,and sorry for those who can watch only etv on hotbird ,but i think it's better this way (that's what think ,sorry),so they can consentrade on etv1 and make better shows again and we have more  differen't girls (not that i complain about this ,only i miss my favorit girl) so that everybody can watch his favorit girl on the show and that he won't be dissapointed that she's on etv2 because this doesn't exsist annymore.

Kind Regards


(the three musketeers-the red/white shark

02.05.2008, 13:55

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

That is not such a bad idea. I think that if they do that then we could get some hot action:)

02.05.2008, 13:45

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

maybe they recruit some girls from the local prison? :D

02.05.2008, 13:42

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Actually ghostwriter doing like they are doing right now, they better shut etv2 down. Does anybody know why is carolina again so miserable? That is a funeral, not erotic show. And she was better formany shows lately, but these days she is again boring as hell. Etv2 really looks like a prison for girls.

02.05.2008, 11:39

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

don't trust the schedule.

01.05.2008, 22:09

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

don't trust the mods.

01.05.2008, 22:02

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

ok guys where is Alex. :D

what are you doing with me? :D

this ain't funny :D

01.05.2008, 21:01

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

@ Ghostwriter: hmm Randa...,well she`s really pretty and i like(also talking with her) her but she isn`t my  favorite. I`ve actually only just one favorite and i guess you know who it is.

Kind regards


(three musketeers-the "green/white shark")

01.05.2008, 20:01

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

guys I'm out for today, keep me updated on the Alex-situation. :)

I wish you all a nice evening.

01.05.2008, 19:40

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Who tells Gin that FCBayern is under 0-2 VS Zenit St Petersburg?

Now it's 0-3.

01.05.2008, 19:39

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Guys I'l slowly getting sick of what this forum in ending in! This is no teardrops or psychological advice or romance or "I've fallen in love" website. There are lots of partnership websites on the net, check them out. This site is about liveshows and not personal things, so please ... make use of the chatroom if you wanna cry about the models.

01.05.2008, 18:54

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

@ Ghostwriter:about your 17.24h post:well,i`ve actually (i guess it was always so..)only ONE favorite model and she has left etv last august. :-(( But now she`s back at the Redlips line up. :-)) I didn`t saw her there yet,but maybe(hopefully)later..... :-)))))))

Kind regards


(three musketeers-the"green/white shark")

01.05.2008, 18:06

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

@Rockabye ,sorry that you feel this way ,but i can understand it (completely) !! but i tought i would be nice for you to see her again ,but there's one thing do ,don't forget her ,but remember her like you used to do  ,friendship it's the most inportant thing in the world !! i know this sounds strange ,but it's the truth my friend,even when it's difficult  (or hard)sometimes and like ghostwiter2008 said it's etv ,so who knows what will happen !!

Kind Regards


(the three musketeers-the red/white shark)

(ps :a song dedicated for all of us that i've chosen from "shaky" shakin'stevens and it's called "Now Listen" . (this could be a message to everyone !)

01.05.2008, 17:42

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

<<< This would be great news for Rockabye !!!!  >>>

actually it's NOT.

if she would appear in a month or two yes, but I just started to realize that she's gone and started to forget about her.

01.05.2008, 17:36

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

?????????????????????? what ????????????? Alex !!!!!!!!!!! noooooooooooooo , hans said this ??????????? it's about time that i go watch some Etv  !

This would be great news for Rockabye !!!! and for some other people ,so let's wait and see

Kind Regards


(the the three musketeers-the red/white shark)