Now on ETV - The current show

4.09 (32 Bewertung(en))

(4.09 / 5, 32 Bewertungen)

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13.05.2016, 23:11

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

The show with colour this week In love Thumb up
Thank u Etv

11.05.2016, 20:16

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

morefun wrote:it is really horror... flora, cheryl and zoe are making a hot show in that moment, but the camera does not zoom in, to show details -.- etv has such great girls and potential which they don't allow to show in hole beauty, cause they want to earn money in exclusive

its no better in exclusives! that's why I don't bother now. ETV know what we want and what will get us to buy credits, and when they offer it, I'll probably buy credits and watch. Currently, they don't offer what we want, and unless they have new restrictions on output, I can't understand how or why they keep going. I have little interest in the current output and from the lack of input into the shows, I suspect lack of interest from anyone else.

Will they ever learn or listen, or will they just plod on, who knows.

11.05.2016, 19:20

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

15102004 wrote:...
This is the best way for ETV to make money, and no matter if you like or not , your role is just to pay.

Do you know that this is the best way for etv to make money? I dont know it and a lot of people here think an other way was better.

It is one way to make money and it is the way the etv boss thinks to make money. If there is an other way to make more money, no one knows this because no one can test it and the etv boss will not do it, because he thinks he didnt make mistakes.Thumb down

Yes, in the eyes of the etv bosses viewers had only one role they should pay. The harsh way they work with critical messages says enough and there is no sign to change this and to hear to the viewers.Thumb down

For me the only result of this could be no more money for etv.Thumb up

I think also that the etv way dont bring enough money. Or why this hard way of safe money and make shows worth, less staff and more and more offers with higher discounts. But nothing will change because the etv boss knows what the viewers want and he makes no mistakes. Criticism to etv is like insulting the king Envy

11.05.2016, 16:39

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

slava64 wrote:Night show today:

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11.05.2016, 16:15

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Last night I watched the movie 'Child 44' on blu ray. Damn good flic though, recommendable.

11.05.2016, 13:58

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

slava64 wrote:Night show today:

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11.05.2016, 13:20

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Honestly i read a lot of people here more boring than the shows.

Every day complaining, but not one show jumped.
This is the best way for ETV to make money, and no matter if you like or not , your role is just to pay.

I won't criticize none, but this is the state of fact.

11.05.2016, 09:32

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Many thanks to all chickens that we will look at the kind of a show like last night, for example, did the impossible possible, do not blame always etv, look at the mirror !!!

11.05.2016, 03:17

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Night show today:

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Technical equipment that you will need for view this show:

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11.05.2016, 01:33

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

I'd like to disagree with Wilsonsand, I'd like to argue that he's wrong, not for personal reasons, but to speak up for etv, to say there is hope, that things have improved. I'd like to, but I cant. He sums it up too well. ETV have had a go at refreshing the schedule, to try and reinvigorate the channel, and again, they have ignored what is so obviously the issue. The shows are just too tame and safe!
the spring promo was a hope that they would improve, and I really hoped they would, but the shows I have watched, have just left me bored and uninterested. Friday's Fellini show had potential, but they blew it with the ridiculous black and white video feed that just killed the show, and even though there were comments asking for some colour, they persisted with their 'artistic tribute' bollocks. It was a case of 'don't listen to the customer, the customer is wrong' Well unfortunately for etv, the customer doesn't have to be right or wrong, the customer has to have what the customer wants, or the customer will no longer be a customer.

or in business terms its this thing called Supply and Demand. There is a demand, but etv see fit to supply something else.

such a shame they either cant see the bleedin obvious despite so many clear requests , or they have their heads so far up the dark passage, that they don't care and will disappear into obscurity.

is there any hope? maybe, but we have to use a microscope to find it !

11.05.2016, 01:21

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Wilsonsand wrote:Today macroerotica. The show is tamed,zoom yes, but not macroerotica, mostly side views and very conservative shots. Again same mistakes. Again failing. And when macroerotica is happening, the night show is the worst possible: dark, hugely distant, nothing to watch, really.

This show again highlights the lack of creativity and talent. This is a clone of the low light Full Moon Party mixed with the small space and zoomed, but not macro camera work of the Close Encounters. This lack of anything new was horribly obvious during the Nights of Cabiria, when they tried to get away with the exact same show from Behind Curtain, but in Black and White!

I want something new, the same show again and again, with a new name, is boring.

11.05.2016, 00:35

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Yesterday blow-up suffered the same problems than the first time: a really soft, not spicy and not enough hot work behind and in front of the camera New failure. Again.

Today macroerotica. The show is tamed,zoom yes, but not macroerotica, mostly side views and very conservative shots. Again same mistakes. Again failing. And when macroerotica is happening, the night show is the worst possible: dark, hugely distant, nothing to watch, really. Oh! yes, yes, one thing to see: the omnipresent, megalomaniac octopuss, here as director, giving endless and constand intructions to the girls:

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(does someone still believe in the freedom of the models? do someone still believe in the not-directed shows?Big GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig Grin )

her second role on the show is bore the few fta viewers with the spring promotions:
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Yes, once she was part of brillant erotic shows, now she is a living-shame.

09.05.2016, 14:06

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

kennyboy2012 wrote:Its good to try new ideas. but when the idea doesn't work, then its also good to act accordingly.
to persist with an idea that has been tried and failed, to try and save face, is bad business.
Good for etv for trying new ideas, but for f**ks sake, when they don't work, and its obvious, just hold your hands up and say that OK, it was tried and it doesn't work, lets try something else or go back to the last idea until we have another idea.

Looking at next weeks schedule of shows, I see nothing of interest for me. and since the promo ends at the end of the week, looks like I wont be bothering.,
Not the ideas are the problem, are not bad and they could make a good show of it.
But what ETV from these ideas makes is ridiculous, cheap plus in poor image quality.
Whatever ideas they have, as long as they do not remember how to produce a good show, they all fail.

Or have I missed something last week and only one new show was really worth seeing.

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09.05.2016, 00:53

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

TazDevil wrote:
Wilsonsand wrote:FIrst candidate to a definitive fail after the "new shows" week is the dirty muddy show. A show without mud, just with black plastic everywhere, soft, and made without any fun or spice. The girls are more time in the shower cleaning the bit of dirt than dirtying their bodies, so the show is more a shower show than a dirty show. Some mistakes are even aceptable if it´s the first time, but if same mistakes are repeated for a second time, then it´s not. The show don´t worth a watching, adn even less paying for it. I fear tomorrow we will have another one in the failing "new" shows list.

They say a picture speaks a thousand words, so here is the show summed up in a single photo:

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A ladder, black plastic ........rubbish!

Its good to try new ideas. but when the idea doesn't work, then its also good to act accordingly.
to persist with an idea that has been tried and failed, to try and save face, is bad business.
Good for etv for trying new ideas, but for f**ks sake, when they don't work, and its obvious, just hold your hands up and say that OK, it was tried and it doesn't work, lets try something else or go back to the last idea until we have another idea.

Looking at next weeks schedule of shows, I see nothing of interest for me. and since the promo ends at the end of the week, looks like I wont be bothering.,

09.05.2016, 00:36

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Wilsonsand wrote:FIrst candidate to a definitive fail after the "new shows" week is the dirty muddy show. A show without mud, just with black plastic everywhere, soft, and made without any fun or spice. The girls are more time in the shower cleaning the bit of dirt than dirtying their bodies, so the show is more a shower show than a dirty show. Some mistakes are even aceptable if it´s the first time, but if same mistakes are repeated for a second time, then it´s not. The show don´t worth a watching, adn even less paying for it. I fear tomorrow we will have another one in the failing "new" shows list.

They say a picture speaks a thousand words, so here is the show summed up in a single photo:

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A ladder, black plastic ........rubbish!
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