Now on ETV - The current show

4.09 (32 Bewertung(en))

(4.09 / 5, 32 Bewertungen)

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02.05.2016, 16:14

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

15102004 wrote:Try to watch from ETV side.
It's enough to change the name to get people buying all they sell, happy or not a lot of customers buy the shows, and not only one but almost all.
Honestly i can't see any reason for ETV to change anything, they have happy customers and unhappy too, but both buy the shows.

The truth is that ETV now, exclusives or not, is broadcasting something really close to the worst shows of ever.
You are absolutely right.
Each one who buys the Shows , helps that nothing changes.
Just as each of the VIPs still sends, with wishes that ETV do not fulfilled, or to complain about the bad show, or wishing hot shows from Isadora.Big Grin
And everyone still make Phone calls with the girls though he does not like the show.
And with that ETV makes a lot more money
Only incidentally Just to remain fair and not to give everytime all the blame to the web users. Big Grin

02.05.2016, 13:58

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Try to watch from ETV side.
It's enough to change the name to get people buying all they sell, happy or not a lot of customers buy the shows, and not only one but almost all.
Honestly i can't see any reason for ETV to change anything, they have happy customers and unhappy too, but both buy the shows.

The truth is that ETV now, exclusives or not, is broadcasting something really close to the worst shows of ever.

02.05.2016, 13:17

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

It is the year 2013.
ETV makes Shower show series called "Spirit of Water". In a huge studio they built a giant pool where the girls could swim, and a large pool landscape for the girls to play and make a good show. A huge effort, the largest they have probably ever operated for a show and therefore pay for it no problem.
(Ok picture Qalität was poor but another topic)
Check out the pictures on the ETV-Wall from page 168 on, the burden they have operated.
Only a short time later they took a Premium series called "Dirty Show week".
A bathtub full of Jelly, a pool with milk, a pool with mud.
To date, one of the hottest and most funny Show Series they have ever produced. The time when the models still had fun.
(Pictures ETV-Wall Page 162)

And a little bit of this, I had a expected from a show called "Dirty, muddy bodies" .
But after seeing the studio with the pool from discount market, I must laugh. Big Grin
More pathetic does not go.
Looks like this Big Grin
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
It is of course no insult for the models!!!

If ETV have no money for the Shows, interrupts the big announcements.

for info: Do not buy on-offline shows, are the same as last week.

02.05.2016, 12:11

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

TazDevil wrote:
Wilsonsand wrote:We´ll see how far they will go tomorrow in the the Blow-up show from their own presentation:

We're firmly committed to let the hottest parts of the show be set up for you by the models themselves!
We are looking forward to you joining us!"[/i]

It feels like the models are being setup in advance, if this show fails!

What, ETV blaming the models if a show fails? surely not. 'shocked face' lol

02.05.2016, 11:22

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

I have seen the show.

Unbelievable what was sold to us again.
This show had nothing to do with a mud show. At least not the way I imagine a mud show.
No mud. The plastic wrapping in the basin makes everything dark. Black color on the naked bodies. Once again more perfect censorship. Envy

The rest was a normal Shower Show.

There was nothing wild or new.

My own fault. Why do I still buy this crap.
Probably it is the hope of a miracle that lets me buy from time to time a show.

But this format is not worth to buying again. Thumb down

02.05.2016, 10:40

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Wilsonsand wrote:We´ll see how far they will go tomorrow in the the Blow-up show from their own presentation:

We're firmly committed to let the hottest parts of the show be set up for you by the models themselves!
We are looking forward to you joining us!"[/i]

It feels like the models are being setup in advance, if this show fails!

02.05.2016, 04:51

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

GeorgeSK wrote:
Wilsonsand wrote:[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

To do it properly they should fill the pool with at least 5-10cm layer of soft mud. From what can I see this is just dirt,not mud. But let's see if they can improve on this idea. And if they can't we have the first candidate from the new line up to write off. It would be a pity if a not so bad idea would be destroyed by poor excution of that idea. But, unfortunately, that is typical of ETV lately.

Really poor execution. I don´t understand what is the meaning of a big pool in the studio if it´s empty and it´s nothing inside but black plastics. Nothing even similar to what someone would expect from a title like that or from the promotion:

"Madcaps on the way!

This Sunday we will be crazy... we will be messy...
we will be funny.... we will be dirty...!

Not many words are needed to describe our crazy plan for Sunday night. All you need to do is
to be there at 23:00 CET and witness the most scandalous show of the week!
What a beginning of the new month it will be... you can't imagine!"

unfortunately the show don´t worth even one minute of watching.

We´ll see how far they will go tomorrow in the the Blow-up show from their own presentation:

"The models will be in the TV studio doing, at first glance, a regular TV show. But one of them will shoot them with an extra camera that will be broadcast as the Exclusive show! The girl will have a small handheld camera and the freedom move, creep, and wiggle whereever she wants. The entire Exclusive show will come from this camera, without any conventional operator intervention. There will be different girls behind the cam at different points, and the models in front of the cam will be stripped of any ability to hide anything from them.

We're firmly committed to let the hottest parts of the show be set up for you by the models themselves!
We are looking forward to you joining us!"

02.05.2016, 00:33

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Wilsonsand wrote:[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

To do it properly they should fill the pool with at least 5-10cm layer of soft mud. From what can I see this is just dirt,not mud. But let's see if they can improve on this idea. And if they can't we have the first candidate from the new line up to write off. It would be a pity if a not so bad idea would be destroyed by poor excution of that idea. But, unfortunately, that is typical of ETV lately.

02.05.2016, 00:27

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Tendertony wrote:New show idea, new attitude? just curious - for the several hunderds of time they were asked (by rob) to let 2 girls (izzy and zoe) kiss with tongue. Did they? (Question to the guys who are looking exclusive tonight muddy bodies)
I have my doubts, but would be happy to buy tonight's video if someone confirms that they are not faking again (or pull the camera away just when it starts to get interesting).

well I was watching and I didn't see any tongue.

02.05.2016, 00:05

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

01.05.2016, 23:46

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

New show idea, new attitude? just curious - for the several hunderds of time they were asked (by rob) to let 2 girls (izzy and zoe) kiss with tongue. Did they? (Question to the guys who are looking exclusive tonight muddy bodies)
I have my doubts, but would be happy to buy tonight's video if someone confirms that they are not faking again (or pull the camera away just when it starts to get interesting).

29.04.2016, 20:20

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Wilsonsand wrote:the requests:

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

good night.
Hi Wilsonsand,
no question the "Popo Show" was rather poor, anyway she did the Jeans Show later on:
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]


29.04.2016, 01:40

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

the requests:

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

good night.

27.04.2016, 07:34

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Today Jasmine in duplex show again. She is the best model for this type of show. I hope to see Amonna next week in this show...

26.04.2016, 11:36

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

I did not watch it. If Amonna there I will but her name I think not include .... If somebody entered let him tell us if there is any thing more what we saw yesterday
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