Now on ETV - The current show

4.09 (32 Bewertung(en))

(4.09 / 5, 32 Bewertungen)

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03.11.2015, 13:05

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

pollopollo wrote:What is the difference between exclusive show and the night show show?
I see no difference from the quality...
Only the price is different.

You are right, if you want something in a NS you have to pay more and for sure you receive less, if not even nothing, especially in the exclusive night.

03.11.2015, 11:12

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

What is the difference between exclusive show and the night show show?
I see no difference from the quality...
Only the price is different.

03.11.2015, 10:38

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

iT' S clear Kennyboy is no more writing his opinions just reading what people write and searching to post something to provoke a bad reaction, the best solution is not answer him, or if you can't don't read his posts always selfish and pointless.

I can also say that Exclusive for my point of view are not so great, for many reasons, bad camera work, bad place always dark or with smoke, always written screenplay never improvisation, no fun for girls just serious face, extreme censorship (a few frame hot doesn't mean anything), censorship so extreme to ruin great performances, show in exclusives are anything more that what was shown in Ns a few months ago, and many others reasons.

Last thing i think missed something cause i didn't know that now After hour starts at 23 with static camera and girls only waiting calls trying not to fall asleep.

02.11.2015, 22:19

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

zxcv wrote:
Slowfox wrote:I recommend you take some of your proposed medicine yourself, to calm down a little and to let loose on your impolite aggressiveness. Cool

I don't say I am friend of kennyboy and I am also not always in agreement with what he pursues, however, I see no reason for any personal attacks nor any humiliation of a forum member only because of a different opinion, attitude or approach. Am not addressing this only to you, but to the entire choir singing the very same song over and over again.

At least kenny does what he wants to do and he is successful with it to a certain extent. Sometimes I believe you guys are just envious that nobody at ETV listens to you that much. But why should they consider anything a none paying customer complains about ? Well, they may have a good laugh on that.

Really I admire the way you always keep defending his back ….But don't you think it's a bit strange when you blame the majority of the forum members for their attitude against your friend ….
Before blaming the others for the way they used to treat him …I believe it's fair …To think a little bit ..why he is being treated that way ....Fair question isn't it ?

Am not defending anybody. Am just saying, stay reasonable. Treat others as you want to be treated. But I appreciate that this is impossible in some narrow minds.

The forum is made for discussion and not really for any witch hunt of any individual. You disagree with what kenny does ? Well, read my comment again, I did not say anything different from that. I also disagree with some things, but still, and am repeating myself, I see no reason for humiliation nor mocking nor any spitting only because of a different opinion.

Stay just fair ... that's all.

02.11.2015, 22:06

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Slowfox wrote:I recommend you take some of your proposed medicine yourself, to calm down a little and to let loose on your impolite aggressiveness. Cool

I don't say I am friend of kennyboy and I am also not always in agreement with what he pursues, however, I see no reason for any personal attacks nor any humiliation of a forum member only because of a different opinion, attitude or approach. Am not addressing this only to you, but to the entire choir singing the very same song over and over again.

At least kenny does what he wants to do and he is successful with it to a certain extent. Sometimes I believe you guys are just envious that nobody at ETV listens to you that much. But why should they consider anything a none paying customer complains about ? Well, they may have a good laugh on that.

Really I admire the way you always keep defending his back ….But don't you think it's a bit strange when you blame the majority of the forum members for their attitude against your friend ….
Before blaming the others for the way they used to treat him …I believe it's fair …To think a little bit ..why he is being treated that way ....Fair question isn't it ?

02.11.2015, 21:45

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

kennyboy2012 wrote:....

That ETV granting a request to a paying customer, has upset a non customer, .....

Is there any way to stop this irritating discussion about the so called " customer" (i.e. an exclusive fan) and "noncustomer"?
It is really offensive for all the Gentlemen who have allowed this channel to be still here, with their phone calls and sms, during these years.
Customers who could have spent in one night the same amount of tokens KennyWK spends in 2,3 weeks for his open_ legs_ shows.
Customers who were able to stimulate the model imagination, creativity, talking to her during her performance, interacting with her.
Customers the models were happy to talk with.

Asking a model to leave the NS for the exclusive peepshow is not just denying a viewer to watch the show: it is even worse.
It is like stealing a moment of intimacy that a regular client is having with his beloved model, at a price much more expensive than the fee for an "exclusive pornoshow".
It is like ripping the girl from a pleasant moment and throw her in the meat market

Please stop these bullshits: let the NS be as it was and old audience will support them again

But the only responsibles of this hell are once again Ivo Palmov, Angelina, Ilja and all the gangsters who have allowed the new buyers to destroy eUroticTV

02.11.2015, 21:09

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

goldy wrote:kennyboy farts his sentence etv-wall style:
the free show may have been boring (its free, after all) , but the exclusives were great

what can i say?
after 3 joints and a moonshine bottle evrything is greeeeeaaaat... also the etv excl.


I recommend you take some of your proposed medicine yourself, to calm down a little and to let loose on your impolite aggressiveness. Cool

I don't say I am friend of kennyboy and I am also not always in agreement with what he pursues, however, I see no reason for any personal attacks nor any humiliation of a forum member only because of a different opinion, attitude or approach. Am not addressing this only to you, but to the entire choir singing the very same song over and over again.

At least kenny does what he wants to do and he is successful with it to a certain extent. Sometimes I believe you guys are just envious that nobody at ETV listens to you that much. But why should they consider anything a none paying customer complains about ? Well, they may have a good laugh on that.

02.11.2015, 20:15

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

kennyboy2012 wrote:
the free show may have been boring (its free, after all) , but the exclusives were great

A strange logic.

02.11.2015, 20:08

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

kennyboy farts his sentence etv-wall style:
the free show may have been boring (its free, after all) , but the exclusives were great

what can i say?
after 3 joints and a moonshine bottle evrything is greeeeeaaaat... also the etv excl.


02.11.2015, 19:56

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

kennyboy2012 wrote:the free show may have been boring (its free, after all) , but the exclusives were great Smile

Now if the shop has a 'boring' display for the window, no customer will choose to go inside the shop where he can choose to buy a better product but will walk further down the street to the next shop. This is why the free show must also have some good parts too. SOme shoppers might only "window shop" for a long time before they choose to go inside the shop, but they still spend their money at last, so it is not such a good plan to be only boring, I think.

02.11.2015, 19:44

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

kennyboy2012 wrote:the free show may have been boring (its free, after all) , but the exclusives were great Smile

Definitely he always has an opinion - but the exclusives were great ! Big Grin

02.11.2015, 19:25

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

goldy wrote:
tunturi wrote:Hell, will the models to do anything in the studio,
standing only a dull-looking, very sensual ...Confused

5 hours standing up and doing nothing...the etv slow show was a real disaster!
Have they planned to perform this kind of ridiculous show evry sunday...?

p.s.= someone must tell them that summer is ended.. fake sun and fake waves at 2 Nov. meaning only that they are completely retarded!

omg! Sad

the free show may have been boring (its free, after all) , but the exclusives were great Smile

02.11.2015, 19:11

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

brazilian dudes dont need etv cause they have a lot of asses to worship everyday on their beaches..

To meet the needs of all Etv must broadcast on 2 different sats... Austral Etv and Boreal Etv... and
and boredom will cover the entire planet.

Big Grin

02.11.2015, 13:34

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

goldy wrote:[quote='tunturi']...
p.s.= someone must tell them that summer is ended.. fake sun and fake waves at 2 Nov. meaning only that they are completely retarded!

omg! Sad

Seems somebody cheated on you when selling you a Globe of Europe.

Not everywhere in the world is winter time right now as otherwise the Samba girls in Rio de Janeiro would freeze their butts off. And the waves of the Copacabana are impressive, I can tell you from own experience..

Have a little imagination and don't forget the show can be seen world wide due to internet. There is always summer somewhere or do you prefer to see some winter decoration in the studio with the girls dressed in their winter street clothes ?

02.11.2015, 11:25

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

tunturi wrote:Hell, will the models to do anything in the studio,
standing only a dull-looking, very sensual ...Confused

5 hours standing up and doing nothing...the etv slow show was a real disaster!
Have they planned to perform this kind of ridiculous show evry sunday...?

p.s.= someone must tell them that summer is ended.. fake sun and fake waves at 2 Nov. meaning only that they are completely retarded!

omg! Sad
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