Now on ETV - The current show

4.09 (32 Bewertung(en))

(4.09 / 5, 32 Bewertungen)

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01.06.2015, 00:21

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

akreb wrote:this is gonna be guuud Thumb up

What? Your thumb? Was he sick?

31.05.2015, 23:43

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

this is gonna be guuud Thumb up

vector wrote:What? Your thumb? Was he sick?

perfect answer hehe Big Grin thanks for the laugh

31.05.2015, 13:23

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Slowfox wrote:
kaiserfranz wrote:Nancy is back guys Thumb up

Ouch, you are really fast in recognition, buddy Smile

Her first show after her break was April 18th, 2015

Since then she does only weekends, either saturday or sunday or both, and only in the afternoon

Damn Big Grin

That's sad Sad The old days were the best days ^^

31.05.2015, 13:19

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

yes, she is back, but unfortunately she has lost all her importance as the great model she was, and now she is only there 2 days and in the morning shift.

31.05.2015, 13:05

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

kaiserfranz wrote:Nancy is back guys Thumb up

Ouch, you are really fast in recognition, buddy Smile

Her first show after her break was April 18th, 2015

Since then she does only weekends, either saturday or sunday or both, and only in the afternoon

31.05.2015, 12:54

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Nancy is back guys Thumb up

28.05.2015, 10:04

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

I think this is a great stupidity and failure of ETV because if I wanted to speak, logical that I speak for myself, I would not pay to see nudity never like that on the internet, but if I were to do it, I think I'd rather pay to see other sites, where today are very driven and hot nudity or show with investments also men and even fucking live. I mention no names of these sites because it is not the place, but I just wanted to say that comuinque pay to see these shows are just money down the drain. But it is logical that everyone gets their money what they want. Only are really disappointed decisions ETV because the beauty of this issuer was that unlike all others ovveo put girls simple to strip and make some hot show and lesbian. There are also hot and beautiful models that they have no problem to strip completely naked, we know very well, but to see them with this new formula fully dressed, it is really disappointing! I think ETV clear situated finishing :-(

Sad Sad Sad Thumb down Thumb down Thumb down

28.05.2015, 03:06

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Wilsonsand seems tonight it is almost not allowed showing tits or nudity in fta, only in exclusive.Thumb down

why do you keep paying its not changing don't pay and they will get the point

28.05.2015, 00:45

Re: Now on ETV - The current show seems tonight it is almost not allowed showing tits or nudity in fta, only in exclusive.Thumb down

28.05.2015, 00:32

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

And back of the monitor.
Not the paying spectators for stupid sold there?

28.05.2015, 00:32

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

it´s a pity, this format destroy any kind of spontaneity and own initiative from the model. In the case of models like Jasmine, Marla or Effy who are only in one night show a week, and always under this format, we have lost all chance to see them more spontaneous, more authentic, not so controlled, so directed and in some way so "manipulated" by the director and the team. It´s a pity. One of the big virtues of JAsmine is her big cappacities for joy, fun, and in some way ETV has destroyed it. In exclusive she must follow the intructions and in night show she must be dressed and under control. What a pity and so big loss.

p.s.: i can say the same about Aleiss, one of the most funny girls there, reduced to be an actress for the planned shows and nothing more.

28.05.2015, 00:30

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Another boring show with the new formula for watch the naked girls only in exclusive in the site of

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh Thumb downThumb downThumb downThumb downAngry

27.05.2015, 23:35

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

how exciting, girl playing with glove.

[Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig]

27.05.2015, 10:22

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

They were still too quick to hit the vision mix button when there was any hint of the models 'showing'. And this is one of the problems have just now. The models are wasting their time and putting in a lot of effort, only to have the 'censor' switch kill their efforts. Only decent part was Kia and Was it Linda? Starting off wearing long t-shirts. Much better than the no shows of the last few days though.

27.05.2015, 06:00

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

I don't know about you but I thought that was a fucking fantastic show from ETV tonight. Lets hope it proves to me a real turning point. No exclusives whatsoever Big GrinThumb up
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